Furtherparticulars relating to thepostofDeputy DevelopmentDirector
EmmanuelCollegeisoneofthelargerCollegesoftheUniversityofCambridge,embracingacommunityof around500undergraduatestudents;200graduatestudents;90Fellowsand170collegestaffledby the Master,DameFionaReynoldsassistedbytheBursarandSeniorTutor.TheCollegeisrunby aGoverning Body,whichismadeupofthesenioracademicmembersofthe College,knownasthe Fellowship. The GoverningBodyisassistedbyaCommitteestructure.
Themaincollegesiteoccupiesextensivegrounds,sitedinthecenterof Cambridge andprovidesan environmentforlearning andliving thatisbothbeautifulandpeaceful. TherelationshipbetweenCollegeand Universityisacademicratherthanadministrative. Inallmattersrelatingtostaffmanagement,theCollegeis completelyautonomous. MembersofstaffareemployedbytheCollege,whichhandlesallcontractualand personnelmatters.
LiketheCollege, theDevelopment Officeis known forits warm, friendlyand welcomingapproach to every memberoftheEmmanuel community. Thedevelopment officeis set to grow as theCollegegears up fora major fundraisingcampaign, theintention is that theintimacyand attention to detail that have always characterised thedepartment’s work remain ahallmark ofits approach. Typically, the first point of contact forMembers and friends, theDevelopment Officeis committed to remainingtrueto all that makes Emmanuel aspecial place.
TheCollegeis seekingto appoint a DeputyDevelopment Directorto workcloselywith and as necessarydeputisingfortheDevelopment Director. The DeputyDevelopment Directorwill work alongsidethedevelopment team and theMaster’s Officeto administertheCollege fund raisingeffort.
Theprincipal objectiveofthis new roleis to raise funds fortheCollege from a varietyofsources. Thesuccessful candidatewill playakeyroleto ensurethat theDevelopment Office functions effectivelyand efficiently to deliverthe campaign and support thepurpose and objectives of theCollege.
In addition to managingaportfolio ofmajorgift campaign prospects, theDeputyDevelopment Directoris part ofthesenior fundraisingteam and will be responsible fortheoversight ofthe regulargivingactivities of theCollegesuch as the annual telephone and direct mail campaigns, fordevelopingand implementinga dynamic and effectivelegacyprogramme and forthepreparation oftrust and foundation applications for specificprojects. TheDeputyDevelopment Directorwill ensurethat theDevelopment Officeis GDPR compliant and deputise fortheDevelopment Directorwhen necessary.
Theperson specification and duties oftheDeputyDevelopment Director areset out in moredetail in the attached Job Description. Theperson appointed will have an excellent standard ofIT literacyincluding Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Outlook, andfamiliaritywith themanagement, maintenance and reportingfrom a relational database; knowledgeofRaiser’s Edgewould bebeneficial. They will show tact and discretion in dealingwith confidential and sensitivematters, will paymeticulous attention to detail and havegood organisationaland administrative skills, will have knowledge and experienceofbest practicein usingsocial mediaand have a flexible, positive andpro-active approach to work. Theperson must have the abilityto work to tight and competingdeadlines both as part ofateam and usingown initiative.
TheCollegeTerms and Conditions ofEmployment provide for:
•25daysannualleaveforfull-timepositions,inadditiontostatutory and bank holidays,
•membershipofacontributorypensionscheme(employees’contributionsattherateof8%ofgross pay), asalarysacrificeschemeis available forsomeschemes.
•Collegesick payschemethat provides payment whilst staff areincapacitated dueto ill health.
•Salarycirca£45,000 per annum paid monthly. Otherbenefits include:
•Child CareVouchersalarysacrifice arrangement in appropriatesituations,
•Meal is available at lunch time at College expense,
•Travel to work loan scheme,
•Carparkingin central Cambridge,
•Access to theCollegeGym and swimmingpool,
•Permanent Health and lifeInsurance coveris taken forstaff,
•Full-timepositionforatotalof36.6667hoursperweek,workedinaccordancewithaflexitime schemefromMondaytoFriday,althoughthedemandsofthispostmay involveworkingoutsideof and in addition to thesehours.
•Various discount schemes are available from local traders
Applications should bevia completion ofthe enclosed application form togetherwith ahand written coveringletter. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is mid-day on Thursday 5 July 2018, interviews for this post will be held on 17 July.
Applications should be addressed forthe attention oftheBursar’s Assistant, Emmanuel College, St Andrew’s
Street, Cambridge, CB2 3APand marked “StrictlyPersonal and Confidential”.