Key Stage 4

My Key Stage 4

Personal Education Plan


My name is / Andy Beech
I am in Year / 11
My school is / Hillscourt Academy

Cumbria County Council Personal Education Plans and Guidance can be accessed at:

Tobe completed at the PEP meeting

Details of the joint PEP meeting

The PEP meeting was held / 03 October 2017 / Time / 10:00
Present / Role
Andy / Young Person
Mr Birch / Designated Teacher for CLA and Deputy Head
Miss Alder / Social worker
Mr and Mrs Oak / Carers
Phil Askew / CLA achievement teacher – Virtual School
Apologies were received from:
Miss Willows – Pastoral Manager for Y11
The next meeting will be held / 09 March 2018 / Time / 10:30
Present at review meeting / Role
Andy / Young Person
Mr Birch / Designated Teacher for CLA and Deputy Head
Sam Wood / Social worker
Mr and Mrs Oak / Carers
Alex Moss / Leaving care adviser
Apologies were received from:
Sophie Fir – Carlisle College
Phil Askew - CLA achievement teacher – Virtual School
Date of PEP meeting for next academic year / TBC / Time / TBC
Pupil Premium Plus and the PEP: Children Looked After in year groups Reception to Year 11 are eligible for Pupil Premium Plus funding. The conditions of grant state that Pupil Premium Plus funding must be managed by the Virtual School Head and be used for the benefit of the Looked After Child's educational needs as identified in the PEP. The PEP is the key document for planning the Pupil Premium Plus spend for Children Looked After, and for recording impact. Pupil Premium Plus will be allocated based on the needs identified in the PEP and costing provided. Where a Cumbrian Child Looked After is attending an independent special school which is named in their statement or EHCP, Pupil Premium Plus funding will not be allocated as the specialist provision provided by the school should be fully meeting the child’s identified needs and thus supporting them to achieve their full academic potential.
Virtual School Head: Penny Crudge, Tel: 07966 649158, Email:
Address: Cumbria House, 117 Botchergate, Carlisle CA1 1RD
To be completed by the young person and school prior to the PEP meeting

My talents, skills & interests

Skills (things I am good at):
I enjoy PE and play rugby for the school and the town team. I am good at computer games. I am good at PE and ICT in school.
Qualities (e.g. organised, punctual, good friend):
I am starting to become more organised and starting to hand my homework in on time. My attendance and punctuality is getting better. I am a good mate and stick up for others.
Achievements in school:
My attendance is 100% so far this term and I playing rugby for the school team and the town team.
Achievements and interests out of school:
Playing rugby for the town team and going to rugby training. Seeing my mates and playing on X – Box.
My hopes this year are...
I would like to get a part time job and earn a bit of money. I am looking forwards to leaving school. .
Extra support is available to achieve my target grades, I would like help with:
I don’t need any extra help, but I think they want me to have a maths tutor.
Review: Please note achievements and any help needed now to achieve target grades.
Andy received an award for player of the month for the town team and he scored three tries for the school team. He found a part time job as a pot washer in a local restaurant and realised that he would rather have a different type of job. His attendance has been above 97% and he has completed homework on time.
To be completed by the young person and school prior to the PEP meeting

The future

Yes / No / Not sure / Notes
I would like to stay on at school
in the 6th Form / ☐ / ☒ / ☐
I would like to go to 6th Form College / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / 09/3/17 – Andy has applied to Carlisle College
I would like a job with training / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / 09/3/17 – Andy’s long term goal is to get a job in the sports and leisure industry
I would like an apprenticeship / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / 09/3/17 – Andy has applied for apprenticeships with CCC.
I would like to go to university / ☐ / ☒ / ☐
I have had careers information, advice and guidance / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / Andy has had support from Chris Larch
I am going on a National Citizenship Service course / ☐ / ☒ / ☒ / 09/3/17 - Andy has now signed up for the NCS
The job/career I am interested in
Review: Please note any changes
Andy has been to an Open Day at Carlisle College and is keen to do the Sports and Leisure course with a view to getting a job in the sports and leisure industry. He knows where to look for part-time jobs and he knows that Alex Moss and Chris Larch can help him with this. After his exams Andy is going to paint a neighbours garden fence and cut their grass. He is also going on the National Citizenship Course.

Transition (for Y11 only)

For my post 16 education/training I hope to study...
Sport and Leisure
I have made an application to the following places:
Carlisle College
I’ve also applied to Cumbria County Council for one of their apprenticeships. This is my back up plan.
I would like support with:
I know it would help me if I got a GCSE level 4 in maths, so I suppose I need help in maths. I had help with science last term and that was OK.
Please look at

Designated Teachers, please invite Inspira to the PEP review.

To be completed by the designated teacher for CLA prior to the PEP meeting

Progress and attendance

Prior attainment data must be completed below

English / Maths / Science
Overall / Reading / Writing
Key stage 1 / N/A / 3c / 2b / 2c / 1
Key Stage 2 / 4 / 5c / 4b / 3c / 3
CAT scores
(if available) / Mean / Verbal / Non Verbal / Quantitative / Spatial
82 / 91 / 92 / 82

Progress data must be completed below

Qualification details / Grade / Target grade / Notes
Subject / Type / SUM 17 / AUT / SPR / SUM
English / GCSE / 3 / 4 / 4 / 4
Maths / GCSE / 1 / 2 / 3 / 3
Science / GCSE / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3
PE / GCSE / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4
Geography / GCSE / 4 / 3 / 4 / 3
History / GCSE / 3 / 2 / 3 / 3
RE / GCSE / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3
ICT / GCSE / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4

Is the student on track to make expected progress?

Expected progress in English / Expected progress in Maths / On track Progress 8 / Making progress in other qualifications
Yes / No – 2/10/17 Yes – 09/3/18 / Yes

Attendance data

Previous year / Autumn term / Spring term / Summer term / Overall
95% / 100% / 98% / 100% to date
To be completed by the designated teacher for CLA prior to the PEP meeting

Additional needs / Support / Intervention

None / ☒ / School support / ☐ / Application for ECHP / ☐ / EHCP / ☐
Details of support in school (please attach a copy of the IEP targets):

Support from other services

e.g. CAMHS, Specialist Teaching Service, Inclusion Officer etc.

Organisation and role / Name / Nature of the support / Start date
Any school based interventions which are in addition to those in the action plan:
All Year 11 students have support from a learning coach who meets with them on a regular basis in school to monitor homework and support revision for exams.
09/3/18 – Extra revision classes are being run in school. Andy is in targeted groups for border line 3/4 students
Complete this section if the pupil accesses Alternative Provision:
Name of Alternative Provider:
What is the pupil accessing at this provision?
Is there a risk assessment in place?
Who is Quality Assuring the provision i.e. School or the PRU
Start a new PEP for the academic year. Complete the autumn term Action Plan with costings and return the PEP document to the Virtual School.

PEP Action Plan Autumn term

Name / Andy Beech / Date / 03/10/17
Identified need and targeted objective / Specific actions / interventions planned / Who will do this / start date / Cost of intervention / provision / Complete at the end of term – evidence of impact of pupil premium plus spend
To improve maths grade from 1 to 3. / 1:1 tuition after school at home (Andy did not want people to see he was getting extra help in maths in school time)
Andy is in the 3/4 border line class in school / Mr Evans (accredited maths tutor) 6/10/17 / £35 per 1 hour session x 12 weeks = £420 / Andy has been engaging well with Mr Evans and he is beginning to show increased aptitude in the maths lesson. By the end of the autumn term he was working at a grade 2.
To improve Science grade from 1 to 3. / 1:2 tuition after school in Science
Andy is in the 3/4 border line class in school. / Mr Post (accredited tutor) to tutor Andy and another
Y 11 pupil / £17 per 30 minutes for 12 sessions = £204 / Andy enjoys the tuition with his friend and they work well together. By the end of the autumn term he was working at a grade 2.
To consider plans for post 16-education / Chris Larch to meet with Andy on a regular basis. / Chris Larch ongoing / None / Andy is applying for a sport and leisure course at Carlisle College and an apprenticeship as a back-up plan.
Total spend of Pupil Premium Plus / £624 / Agreed by:

Pupil Premium Plus allocation will be based on the needs and costs identified in this action plan so it must be fully completed.

The Designated Teacher will review the autumn term Action Plan and record the impact, complete the spring term Action Plan with costings and return them to the Virtual School by 26th January 2018.

PEP Action Plan Spring term

Name / Andy Beech / Date / 9/1/18
Identified need and targeted objective / Specific actions / interventions planned / Who will do this / start date / Cost of intervention / provision / Complete at the end of term – evidence of impact of pupil premium plus spend
For Andy to make accelerated progress in maths with the aim of achieving grade 4 / 1:1 tuition after school at home
Andy is in the 3/4 border line class in school. / Mr Evans (accredited maths tutor) ongoing / £25 per 1 hour session x 12 weeks = £300 / Andy has been engaging well with Mr Evans and he is beginning to show increased aptitude in the maths lesson. In some areas of the syllabus he is capable of completing grade 4 work independently.
For Andy to make accelerated progress with the aim of achieving grade 4 / 1:2 tuition after school in Science
Andy is in the 3/4 border line class in school. / Mr Post (accredited tutor) to tutor Andy and another
Y 11 pupil / £17 per 30 minutes for 13 sessions = £221 / Andy enjoys the tuition with his friend. They work well together and he is now working towards grade 3
Andy to have access to his own revision guides which can be kept at home. / School to purchase revision guides and work books / Mr Birch to order books.
Carers to encourage Andy to use them at home. / £100 / Revision guides were purchased. Andy was reluctant at first to use them, but in the 2nd half of the spring term he was using them to help with his revision.
Total spend of Pupil Premium Plus / £621 / Agreed by:

Pupil Premium Plus allocation will be based on the needs and costs identified in this action plan so it must be fully completed.

At the second PEP meeting review the PEP using the same document and record the impact. Complete the summer term action plan, with costings, and return the reviewed PEP document to the Virtual School.

PEP Action Plan Summer term

Name / Andy Beech / Date / 09/03/18
Identified need and targeted objective / Specific actions / interventions planned / Who will do this / start date / Cost of intervention / provision / Complete at the end of term – evidence of impact of pupil premium plus spend
For Andy to make accelerated progress in maths with the aim of achieving grade 4 / 1:1 tuition after school at home
Andy is in the 3/4 border line class in school.
Extra revision sessions are taking place in school / Mr Evans (accredited maths tutor) ongoing / £25 per 1 hour session x 12 weeks = £300 / Andy has been engaging well with Mr Evans and he is capable of answering grade 4 type questions. Andy has made accelerated progress in maths this year, due to the support at school, at home but most of all from the hard work he has put in. The GCSE results are due in August and he could achieve a 4.
To follow a revision plan which includes time for rest and relaxation / Andy to work with Miss Willow on planning a revision timetable.
Mrs Oak will give support and encouragement. She said she will bake Andy a chocolate cake if he sticks to his revision timetable each week! / Miss Willow on going.
Mrs Oak / None
None / A revision plan was created.
Mrs Oak very kindly brought into school a chocolate cake when Andy had finished his exams. Many thanks to Mrs Oak!
Andy to take part in the Science workshops during the Easter holidays in order to enhance and broaden his knowledge of science. / Mrs Oak to collect details of the workshop and sign the letters / Mr Birch to liaise with the Science department ensure Andy can have a place / £25 for 3 days = £75 / Andy enjoyed the science workshops particularly the session on sports science
Total spend of Pupil Premium Plus / £375 / Agreed by:

Pupil Premium Plus allocation will be based on the needs and costs identified in this action plan so it must be fully completed.

To be completed by the designated teacher for CLA prior to the PEP meeting


Please use this page to make positive comments – for example concerning progress, attitude towards school, attendance, approach to others and overall commitment towards education and then note any specific achievements made.