Virginia Master Naturalist Program

Rivanna Chapter Project Proposal Form

Project proposals should be completed by partner organizations or chapter members and submitted to the Rivanna Chapter’s Board of Directors for review. Projects will be evaluated for relevance to program mission and objectives. Projects and activities implemented without approval are not considered Master Naturalist activities, do not count towards required service hours, and do not carry the liability shield.

Project Name: Butterfly Garden at Ivy creek Natural Area

Submitted By: Linda Goodling Email Contact:

Project Purpose and Value: (How will this project contribute to natural resource management, conservation, or education?)

There are no public butterfly gardens in the Central Virginia area that can teach people about the wonder of metamorphosis. The lifecycle can be observed in an outdoor setting. The garden will attract many different species of butterflies, helping to repopulate the species. Visitors can visit the garden free of charge, observe the butterflies, see them in their various life stages, and take a brochure that explains how they may also set up a butterfly garden in their yards.

What are the educational goals of the project? Offer the opportunity for adults and children to learn about the butterfly lifecycle through direct observation. Educate people about the importance of butterflies in the environment, how they are good pollinators, and how individuals can assist them. There will be the opportunity for many educational programs in the butterfly garden.

Project Type: This project is for education, monitoring and stewardship.

Project Description: (Describe what the project involves. What will participants actually do?)

The initial project is one of establishing and monitoring the garden. Volunteers, who are primarily Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists, have prepared the soil and helped with the planting. Weeding and watering are now the main duties. Volunteers are scheduled to be in charge of monitoring for a week at a time. The amount of time required will vary depending on how fast the weeds grow and how much rain we’ve had.

The second part of the project is educational. Piedmont Garden Club is going to produce a brochure instructing how to attract butterflies to your yard. It will also be on the ICF website. Master Naturalist will certainly be using the garden when they lead groups at Ivy Creek.

The garden will need permanent, ongoing attention. During the growing season, it will require maintenance at least every other week. During the winter months, it will just need a quick look to make sure a tree hasn’t fallen on the garden.

Project Location: (Where will this project take place?) Along the paved trail just past the shelter

To the left of the Education Building, at Ivy Creek Natural Area in Charlottesville.

Time Frame: This will be an ongoing project. This summer we’ll hope to have one or two people go out to the garden weekly. Once established, we will need 2 volunteers every other week for approx. 2 hours each time during April-September. During the winter the garden will need to be check on a couple of times.

Virginia Master Naturalist programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Virginia Master Naturalist Program

Rivanna Chapter Project Proposal Form

Partner Contact: (If a partner is involved, who at that organization is the contact for this project?)

Name: Linda Goodling Organization: Piedmont Garden Club

Phone Number: 434 296 9865 Email: same

Project Chair: (Who from the chapter is the contact person and organizer for this project?)

What prior experience or expertise is required or preferred? Some gardening experience, but not necessary

What training will be provided and by whom? Piedmont garden Club members will supervise if needed

Resources Provided: (What equipment or other resources will be provided for the volunteers(s)?)

We will provide the watering hose and gardening equipment. On group work days, we will provide refreshments.

Resources Needed: (What will the volunteer(s) or chapter need to provide and how will these resources be acquired?) Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own equipment, if they prefer.

Safety Hazards and Protocols: (What hazards might the volunteers encounter and what safety protocols should be followed?) The usual hazards of gardening, tripping over equipment and ect.The best precaution will be to be careful and to watch out.

Are minors involved? (If yes, then all volunteers must be trained in working with youth and the Above Suspicion policy.) YES Girl Scouts may help weed. Youth will be coming to learn and enjoy the butterflies.

How will the project be evaluated during implementation and after completion?

We intend to have it certified as a monarch weigh station. It may be part of the annual butterfly survey. We will keep track of the number of education programs.

How will the Virginia Master Naturalist, Rivanna Chapter be recognized?

You will be acknowledged in the brochure. Whenever programs are given there, we intend for the garden club and other volunteers ( Master Naturalist and Gardeners) to be recognized.

How will volunteers benefit from participation in the project? First, they will have the satisfaction of maintaining a pretty garden. They will learn and enjoy the variety of butterflies and their life stages.

For Chapter Board of Directors Only: Project Approved? YES NO Date:

Virginia Master Naturalist programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.