Mrs.Fossum August 2016-June 2017
Twelfth Grade Academic English (World Lit Emphasis) Contact:
Course Description:
This course combines two objectives—to focus primarily on Advanced Composition first semester, and World Composition second semester.
Advanced Composition: Students practice writing for various audiences and various purposes. The course is conducted as a writing workshop in which students work independently and in small groups to carry their writings through the writing process. Lessons on grammar, punctuation, diction, sentence structure, and the stages of the writing process are included.
World Literature: Students read representative literature from many cultures, countries, and time periods to increase their understanding of literature and the people who produce it. Activities in this one-semester course include oral and written analyses of readings, overviews of the society and history that relate to a particular selection, and evaluations of authors’ styles and themes.
My Classroom Expectations:
· Be respectful of everyone and everything in the classroom, use absolute honesty in all academic matters, and please arrive to class on time and prepared.
· Practice empathy and compassion toward others. Observe the one person speaks at a time rule and keep your sense of humor, humility, and dignity at all times.
· Abide by all BRHS policies, and respect my prerogative to institute any and all of the following rules specific to our individual classroom setting:
o Attend all classes; arrive on time; and stay in class. Only if absolutely necessary, leave quickly and quietly to use the bathroom---signing out and back in again, and observing the one-person–out-at-a-time rule.
o Cell phones are NOT permitted during specific graded class tasks. I will indicate times in which phones will be permitted. Any use of phones/earbuds/etc. when not authorized will be seen as a sign of disrespect and nonparticipation.
o Please stow away from sight any phones, Ipods, food, gum, beverages (bottled water/sealed thermos beverages ok).
o Keep in mind, I also reserve the right to CONFISCATE the aforementioned if necessary. Should your phone, etc. be taken, you may retrieve it from the main office at the end of the day.
· If absent, please refer to policy listed below and understand that it is YOUR responsibility, not mine, to check the website, retrieve handouts (ask a buddy!), and make up work by the next class.
· Finally, please save all questions pertaining to your own late work, grades, and other personal matters for non-class hours. You may reach me by email at or during after school hours.
Materials/Supplies to Purchase*
Ø One Writer’s Notebook (spiral or composition book—college lined) (min. 70 sheets);
Ø Three-ring binder (2” or larger) with divided tabs and preferably pockets, filled with PLENTY of loose-leaf college-ruled paper
Ø Pencils, blue or black pens, at least two highlighters
Ø one pack of sticky notes for annotating
*Tissues and hand sanitizer donations are appreciated
Attendance Policy:
· If absent, on the day of your return, I will expect you to take any previously scheduled quizzes/tests and/or submit previously assigned homework. Failure to do so will result in late deductions. (Long term project due dates are final—Because it is assumed that you will have planned ahead accordingly, even a last minute, unavoidable absence is no excuse and will result in a late deduction.)
· Any assessments assigned during an absence should be completed in a timely manner according to school policy (one class day for every class day absent). After one week, such work will not be accepted.
· Please do not come in during class and ask, “What did I miss?” Instead, make a concerted effort to check homework online, to check class bin for “While You Were Out” file, or to check with me during office hours.
· Make-up quizzes and/or tests must be taken by 5 pm. Friday of the first week you have returned.
Late Work:
Late work is subject to a 10% per school day deduction (not class day) in addition to any other necessary deductions due to inaccuracies if applicable), with a minimum half credit available if completed prior to one week of the grading report period.
Student grades for this class will be calculated on the point system. Each assignment will be worth a certain number of points, depending on the length and difficulty of the assignment. Below is an estimated point value for assignments. Students may also receive grades periodically for class participation. All grades will be entered in CLARITY at least twice a month.
Assignment Estimated Point Value
Homework (10% of grade) 5 - 10 points each
Quizzes (20%) 10 - 50 points each
Classwork (Includes Journals/Grammar
Exercises/Daily Participation) (20%) 10- 100 points each
Tests (25%) 50 - 100 points each
Projects/Major Essays (25%) 100 - 200 points each
In the event that you receive a 69% or lower on a major test or quiz, you may apply for an enrichment opportunity or retake of the assessment to receive an averaged grade from the previous and new assessment. To do this, you must first ask us for a “Recovery Form” no later than one class day after receiving the grade, have the form signed by a parent or guardian, and make arrangements with me to complete the retake or enrichment by an agreed upon date.
Plagiarism and Honor Code: (If in Doubt, Cite it!)
Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s words and ideas as your own—even a slight twisting of words/ideas must include proper citations and specific attribution. Most final written assignments will be submitted via , a resource which will identify passages in question. Plagiarized submissions will result in a ZERO on the project/assignment, subject to drastically reduced credit/remediation only following conference.
12th Grade English Year in Review
First Nine Weeks—In Pursuit of Dreams: Post High School Preparation Strategies
· Writing—The College Essay/Personal Narrative/ Daily Journals
· Reading—Lit Circle Memoir Selection; NPR This I Believe essays; nonfiction selections
· GUM-Grammar Usage Mechanics—Smiley Face Strategies; Warm Up Sentence Corrections; Emphasis on voice, the hook, and diction
· Introduction of Senior This-I-Believe Impact Project
Second Nine Weeks---Conquering Challenges: The I-Search Process
· Writing—I-Search a Career/Service Opportunity/College Major
· Reading—Memoir Choices continued; persuasive nonfiction essays and articles
· GUM—Tense Consistency/Active vs. Passive Voice/Punctuation/Citation
· Oral Communication: Book Talks/Career Talks
Third Nine Weeks---The Hero’s Journey: Taking Action/Finding Purpose
· Writing in the Digital World—Blogs; On-line forums; Writer’s Notebook
· Reading---The Alchemist; Shakespeare play
· Play/literary/poetry terminology—Chinese Haiku/Creation Myths
· Oral Communication: Creation Tales/Poetry Slam/Def Poetry
Fourth Nine Weeks--- Taking a Stand: The Power of Persuasion
· Writing—Creative Writing; Reaction Essays
· Reading—Independent Reading (World Lit); NPR This I Believe essays; nonfiction selections/Famous speeches—public speaking—connotation/power of words
· Graduation Speech Challenge—This is Water—The Last Lecture—Steve Jobs—Ted Talks
· Final Presentations of Senior Project
v Above schedule may be adjusted slightly---this is a tentative outlook of the year
NOTE:Back to School Night—September 12, 2016 (6:30 pm)
Contact Information & Office Hours:
I have my schedule posted on the door of Room 203 and available online. I will also be available after 2:30 pm on B Days. Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have a concern, or need more information: Broad Run High School Phone: 571-252-2300