Person Specification
Job Title:Learning Support Assistant/Relief Transport Assistant
Line Manager:School Business Manager
Grade:Scale E 13 – 15 £16,491 - £17,072(The salary quoted is the full time equivalent, part time posts such as this will be paid pro-rata)
NB: Actual Salary for this post (£12,475.00 - £12,923.00)
This person specification should be used in relation to the relevant Job Description
Essential / DesirableQualifications / The Learning Support Assistant should have:
- good basic education to GCSE level in literacy, numeracy and ICT or the equivalent
- A relevant qualification in Childcare and/or Education
Experience / The Learning Support Assistant should have:
- Some relevant experience of working with young people
Children and young people with behavioural difficulties
Knowledge and Understanding /
- The Learning Support Assistant should have knowledge and understanding of: the roles played by various adults in a child’s education;
- behaviour management strategies;
- equal opportunities
- safeguarding
- child development and the ways in which children learn;
- strong subject knowledge or a relevant area of particular expertise
Skills / The Learning Support Assistant will be able to:
- help professional staff to achieve their objectives;
- assist children on an individual basis, in small group and whole class work;
- explain tasks simply and clearly and foster independence;
- supervise children, and adhere to defined
- accept and respond to authority and supervision;
- work with guidance, but under limited supervision;
- liaise and communicate effectively with others;
- demonstrate good organisational skills;
- reflect on and develop professional practice;
- display work effectively, and make and maintain basic teaching resources.
- monitor, record and make basic assessments about individual progress
- suggest alternative ways of helping children if they are unable to understand;
- describe, in simple terms, the process of behaviourmanagement with children;
- identify gaps in their own experience that they need help in filling;
- demonstrate the ability to learn and adapt from past experience.
Training / The Learning Support Assistant will be willing to
- undergo all training as required by the school
- implement all school policies
- recognise that their work base is subject to change from time to time i.e. The Gateway Vocational Learning Centre or the Individual Learning Centre (on the same site as the Gateway School)
- Behaviour management
- Team Teach
- First Aid
- Counselling
- A particular subject area
Home School Transport Rota / The Learning Support Assistant will be able to undertake escort duties on a rota basis (unless specifically appointed for this duty) and be available at short notice to start at 7.15am and/or finish at 4.30pm for which additional remuneration is paid. / The Learning Support Assistant will have experience of
- Escorting students on journeys
- Accompanying groups on educational visits
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