enriquecimiento de la clase de español 

(enrichment project)

This is a power point research project on a Spanish speaking country or a Hispanic National hero. Choose your subject from the list on the back and have it approved.

Listed below are the requirements for the presentation. Make sure that you review them carefully.

  1. The project must be 12 – 15 slides long.
  2. The project needs to be saved on a CD or email it to me . Do not save it on a floppy, it will not fit. Include your number name date and period on the out side of the CD. If you do not have a computer at home or a CD or CD burner please advise the teacher so that arrangements can be made.
  3. Include 2 slides that are maps of the country or the country the person is from.
  4. Include 4 pictures of people or things that represent your project with a sentence under the picture telling their relevance to your subject.
  5. A minimum of 20 points of historical highlights of the country or hero with a minimum of 40+ font.
  6. Include 2 slides of 2 different famous persons from the country you chose (one person on each slide) with a two paragraph description of their contribution to the country with a picture of them.

If your project is on a hero then write about2 different

events where they contributed (two paragraphs for each event and an accompanying picture for each event.

  1. Give a geographical outline of the country (or birth place of the hero). Include surrounding countries, rivers, mountain ranges, and climate.
  2. Bibliography slide must have 5 resources (include picture resources).
  3. Last you must give a 5 sentence conclusion in Spanish beginning with
  4. Me gusta>(I like_____)
  5. Me interesa>(____is interesting to me)
  6. Me encanta>(I love______)
  7. Es interesante que>(It is interesting that______)
  8. Es importante que(It is important that______)

The sentences must be memorized. They may not appear on the slide show, or on your notes. The sentences must be corrected by the teacher no later than the week before the presentation.

Project beginning date:03/07/05Project ending date:

Subjects for reports:

Bolivia / Hernán Cortes
Argentina / Fransisco Pizarro
México / Fray Junipero Serra
Costa Rica / Ponce de León
El Salvador / Cabeza de Vaca
Guatemala / Fransísco Vasquez de Coronado
Honduras / Hernando De Soto
Nicaragua / Vasco Núñez de Balboa
Panamá / Simón Bolívar
Cuba / José de San Martín
Dominican Republic / Bernardo O’Higgins
Puerto Rico / Antonio José de Sucre
Spain / Miguel Hidalgo
Columbia / Benito Juárez
Chile / José Martí
Ecuador / El Cid
Paraguay / Carlos V (Charles 5th)
Peru / Felipe II (Phillip 2nd)
Panama Canal / Diego Rivera
Uruguay / Fernando VII
Venezuela / Alfonso XII
Fransisco Franco / Salvador Dali
El Greco / Don Quijote
Cervantes / The Galapagos Islands
Title of slide / 2
Number of slides / 10
2 map slides / 8
4 picture slides / 15
2 slides of historical facts
(accuracy, thoroughness, congruency) / 15
2 famous people or events / 15
Geography (surrounding countries, rivers,
mountain ranges, climate) / 15
Bibliography 5 resources / 5
Conclusion opinions (5 sentences in Spanish) / 15

Grading Rubrics for Presentation: