Nutrient Quest
You and your classmates will be divided in to groups of three. Each group will be responsible for the creation of a poster or PowerPoint presentationdisplaying the required information. Each team member will be responsible for two of the nutrient groups. This includes the research and the representation on the poster or the slides on the presentation.
Person 1 - (Minerals and Carbs)
Person 2 - (Vitamins and Water)
Person 3 - (Protein and Fats)
In order to complete the task, you will have to answer the following questionson your display
- What do the nutrients do for the body? If there is more than one reason, be sure to describe them.
- Describe the subcategories for each nutrient group.
- From what food sourcesdo I get each nutrient? (5 per major nutrient group, 2 per each vitamin and mineral) – These MUST be illustrated!!!!
In addition to the group work – each student will be writing a short story – the directions for this assignment are in your U-drive. (Titled “Nutrient Story”) You may work on this assignment throughout the week. A copy of the direction may also be found on Ms. L’s website.
- Research their nutrient using a variety of sources (textbooks, library books, internet), both individually and as a group.
- Create a poster or Power Point presentation displaying all the information required as listed above
- Submit a bibliography of all sources used. Any images taken from the internet must be sited.
For this assignment your group must use THREE different resources, - You must use one library book and one text book. The third is your choice. All resources used must be cited.
- Discovering Foods and Nutrition – pg. 34-45
- Today’s Teen – pg. 278-290
- Young Living – pg. 440-450
- Library Book
- There will be assorted library books checked out for use
- Internet Source
– click on links
Poster Criteria – the poster should be neat and easy to read. Text may be hand written neatly or printed in BLACK ink only. Pictures may be printed in color, but they must be approved by Ms. Leitheiser before you may print them.
Power Point Criteria – There is a minimum of 19 slides. 6 per student for individual nutrients and a bibliography and a title slide. Font selection should be easy to read. Wallpaper or Background images may be selected from the Themes list or be a solid color. DO NOT SET A PICTURE AS THE BACKGROUND!
This project is worth a total of 65 points. Each team members points are earned individually based on the quality and complete of their assigned tasks.
Person One ______
______Functions of each Mineral (Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Sodium) (5 points)
______2 sources of each mineral (Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Sodium) (5 points)
______Function of Carbs (5 points)
______Subcategories of Carbs (5 points)
______5 sources of carbs (5 points)
______Presentation (includes neatness, accuracy, spelling, and overall appearance) (5 points)
______Resources are cited (5 points)
______Participation/Behavior grade (2 points per day) (10 possible)
______Writing Assignment (20 points) Topic: ______
Person Two ______
______Functions of each Vitamin (A, B-Complex, C, D) (5 points)
______2 sources of each Vitamin (A, B-Complex, C, D) (5 points)
______Subcategories of Vitamins (5 points)
______Functions of Water (5 points)
______5 sources of water (5 points)
______Presentation (includes neatness, accuracy, spelling, and overall appearance) (5 points)
______Resources are cited (5 points)
______Participation/Behavior grade (2 points per day) (10 possible)
______Writing Assignment (20 points) Topic: ______
Person Three ______
______Functions of Protein (5 points)
______5 sources of Protein (5 points)
______Functions of Fats (5 points)
______Subcategories of Fats (5 points)
______5 sources of Fats (5 points)
______Presentation (includes neatness, accuracy, spelling, and overall appearance) (5 points)
______Resources are cited (5 points)
______Participation/Behavior grade (2 points per day) (10 possible)
______Writing Assignment (20 points) Topic: ______