MPH Capstone Project Proposal
Colorado School of Public Health
Name: ______UCD Email: ______
Anticipated Graduation Date (MM/YR): ______
MPH Concentration: ______
If you are doing a dual concentration, what is the 2nd concentration? ______
If you are doing a dual degree, what is the dual degree? ______
Are you doing a “global plus” concentration? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Title of Project:
Name of Preceptor: ______
Preceptor Site: ______
IRB APPROVAL STATUS: IRB is required of all students unless your project is not considered research. Look at the “Determining Human Subjects Decision Tree-Decision Tree” and “Is an Activity Research Involving Human Subjects?” documents on the COMIRB website:
***Contact COMIRB to you are unsure if you need to submit***
☐ My project has been approved by an IRB: IRB #______
☐ My project has been submitted to an IRB and is pending approval: IRB#______
☐ My project needs IRB approval but has not been submitted
☐ My project does not need IRB approval (e.g., quality assurance, quality improvement, program evaluations, operational activity such as customer service initiatives, disease outbreak investigations, development of organization policies/procedures)
A. Problem to be studied/project topic: Provide a brief background of the proposed project (4-7 sentences).
B. Purpose statement: Provide a 1-sentence purpose statement that describes the specific topic and goals of your project. If you may also provide research questions and hypotheses (optional).
Methods: Describe in detail what you are doing and how you are going to do it. As relevant, describe the project/study methodology, population, data source/survey to be used, study design, statistical analyses, grant writing, policy development, resource evaluation, etc.
In 5 sentences, describe the Public Health Impact of your project. (Use 5 sentences, no more, no less.)
Anticipated product: What will be the written deliverable(s) resulting from this project? For example, report to an agency, tested intervention materials for dissemination, grant proposal, statistical/epidemiologic summary to inform practice or policy, etc.
Project Focus
Please select the choice that best describes your project:
______The primary focus of my project will be creating or delivering a program that has direct benefit to the public/community.
______The primary focus of my project will be conducting research, evaluation, or surveillance that will immediately translate to direct benefit to the public/community.
______The primary focus of my project will be conducting research, evaluation, or surveillance that will eventually translate to direct benefit to the community/community.
______The primary focus of my project will be conducting research, evaluation, or surveillance that will contribute to the body of scientific knowledge.
Potential problems/limitations: What potential problems do you anticipate and how will you address them and/or what are your study limitations and how do you expect them to affect the outcome of your study?
The following two items refer to Competencies, a list of which can be found here:
A. Competencies brought to the project: What do you bring to this project, such as skills gained from the MPH courses you have taken, previous experience, etc.?
List 5 key competencies, providing the coded number for each competency along with the competency from the MPH Competency list. Include at least one competency specific to your MPH concentration.
B. Competencies to be gained through the project: What specific competencies will you increase/gain through this project)? In the grading of your capstone, you will be assessed on your development of these competencies.
Using the link above, select a total of 4 competencies.
- One of these MUST be MPH #19, “Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation.”
- One must be any other Foundational competency (i.e., competencies starting with “MPH”).
- One must be from your concentration (e.g., CBH, MCH, LPH, EPI, HSMP, BIOS, etc.)
- The fourth competency depends on the program you are in.
- If you are doing a single concentration and single degree, the fourth competency can be either a Foundational competency, or a Concentration competency from your concentration.
- If you are doing a dual concentration, the fourth competency must be from the second concentration that you are completing.
- If you are doing the MPA-MPH or MURP-MPH dual degree, the fourth competency must be from the other degree. Some degrees do not have stated competencies, but they do have other types of statements that describe what students will be able to do upon completion of the program. For example, the MURP program has “learning outcomes.” Please select a statement that captures an important skill from the other degree. The selection of this statement should be done in conjunction with a faculty member or advisor from the other degree.
Make sure you keep track of the competencies you’ve identified – you will need them again to complete the baseline and follow-up assessments! If you want to select more than 4 competencies, feel free to do so but this is not a requirement. You will not be formally evaluated on extra competencies.
1. MPH 19: Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation.
Timeline and Roles/Responsibilities
What are the important steps for successful completion of your project and when will you complete each of them? For example, when will you prepare your study materials, obtain your data, begin and complete your data analyses, etc. Who will be responsible for completing each task? Include any steps you have already completed.
Task / Person Responsible / Completion Datee.g., participant recruitment / student / Aug. 10-Sept 10, 2018
e.g., secure permission to access administrative dataset / preceptor / Aug. 20, 2018
e.g., prepare program plan draft for preceptor review / student / Oct. 1-20, 2018
Activities and Support
Think carefully about all of the activities that need to be completed for your project. Many of you are still developing skills in these areas and will need to seek additional support/advice.
Using the list below, check the activities that must be carried out for your project. To the right of each checked activity, list who you can turn to for questions and guidance. If you feel capable of executing the activity on your own, simply enter “self”. List other activities (and support) as needed. Feel free to add additional lines.
___ Subject matter expert(s) ______
___ Participant outreach/recruitment ______
___ Identification of project datasets ______
___ Access to project datasets ______
___ Instrument/interview design ______
___ Data coding/transformation ______
___ Data analysis (qualitative, quantitative) ______
___ Interpretation of findings/results ______
___ Creation of health promotion/policy materials ______
___ Other (list activity: ______) ______
___ Other (list activity: ______) ______
___ Other (list activity: ______) ______
All proposals require the signature of a preceptor. If you are completing a dual concentration, a second signature is required from that other program. If you are completing either the MPA-MPH or MURP-MPH dual degree program, a second signature is required from that program. Students in dual concentrations and dual degrees should seek out advice and guidance for their capstone project from the other program. This guidance should be sought throughout the proposal development process so that the student can assure that their project will meet the requirements of the other program.
Signature of Preceptor
By signing here, I attest that I have reviewed the proposal and commit to providing guidance and mentorship to this student for the completion of the project.
Name (printed) ______
Signature ______Date ______
Signature of Advisor for Second Concentration
(dual concentration students only)
The advisor’s signature must be from the concentration that you are not enrolled in for Capstone Prep.
By signing here, I attest that I have reviewed the proposal and determined that it meets the Capstone requirements of the student’s second concentration.
Name (printed) ______
Concentration/Degree Program of Advisor______
Signature ______Date ______
Signature of Advisor for Second Degree
(MPA-MPH and MURP-MPH students only)
The advisor’s signature must be from the MPA or MURP program, as relevant.
By signing here, I attest that I have worked with the student in the development of this proposal and determined that it meets the Capstone requirements of the student’s second degree program.
Name (printed) ______
Degree Program of Advisor______
Signature ______Date ______
Save this file as:
- A WORD DOC - NOT PDF/image file.
- Use the following naming convention: Last Name_First Name_Concentration_”Proposal”
- Example: Elizabeth_Brooks_CBH_Proposal
- If you have the signatures in a PDF file, you may submit as a separate file using the following naming convention: Last Name_First Name_Concentration_“Signatures”
- Example Elizabeth_Brooks_CBH_Signatures
- Note, your main proposal still needs to be submitted in a Word doc (not as a PDF file).