Request Pre-Application Meeting
Version 5.0 effective from 14 July 2017
BEFORE REQUESTING A PRE APPLICATION MEETING- Check that you have read and completed all relevant sections of the form.
- Please lodge one electronic copy via one of the following methods:
- Email:
- Post: EDQ Development Assessment Team at GPO Box 2202 Brisbane QLD 4001.
- In Person: EDQ Development Assessment Team at 1 William Street, Brisbane.
- For general queries contact the EDQ Development Assessment Team .
Please provide the following details:
Individual NameCompany / Organisation
Contact Name
Postal Address
Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Email Address
Identify all lots, including any part of a lot on which the development is proposed.
Priority Development AreaProperty Address (i.e. unit / street number, street name, suburb / town and post code)
Lot on Plan Description
(e.g. Lot 3 on RP123456)
Provide a suitable time and date for a pre-application meeting and a description of the proposal:
(Provide at least five business days’ notice)
Preferred meeting time and dateAlternative meeting times and dates
Description of Proposal
Note: Sufficient detail of the proposal is required to allow for appropriate advice (e.g. a preliminary or conceptual site layout plan and preliminary or conceptual elevations).
Type of Development Proposed
(i.e. Material Change of Use, Reconfiguring a Lot, Operational Works, Building Works etc.)
Additional details – where applicable
Gross Floor Area / No. Lots
No. of Dwellings / No. car parking spaces
Building Height – Storeys / Net Residential Density
Priority items for discussion*
e.g. Question 1: Is the proposed density or height appropriate for the site?
*Note: To assist EDQ officers in helping you achieve the most out of the pre-lodgement meeting, please provide up to five key questions / matters you would like to discuss. Where items are not identified through this request, responses will be limited to general advice. Filling out this section is mandatory.
Applicant Participant Name / Role (e.g. Planning Consultant)
Is there any previous pre application advice or development approval, granted under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the Urban Land Development Authority Act 2007, the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, or the Economic Development Act 2012 still in effect for the land? / Yes
To support the request for a pre-application meeting, please attach plans, drawings, and/or reports. As a minimum, a scaled A3 plan detailing the proposed development must be attached.
Description / Date- PRIVACY STATEMENT
Information collected is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009.The information provided may be publicly released and or provided to third parties and other government agencies - but only for the purposes for which the information is being collected.The proponent's personal information will be stored on departmental files and may be disclosed for purposes relating to the processing and assessment of the application or as authorised or required by law.
A pre application meeting is a service offered by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) where informal discussions take place between an applicant and EDQ in regards to a proposed development in a Priority Development Area based on information provided by the applicant.
An applicant should not rely on EDQ officers to identify all areas of concern or relevance during a pre application meeting as further issues may arise during formal assessment once the application is properly made.
The detail and level of advice provided by EDQ is dependent upon the level of detail provided by the applicant. Any changes to information provided by the applicant must be submitted to EDQ no later than 72 hours prior to the pre application meeting to allow due consideration.
Notes of the pre application meeting will be provided to the applicant at the meeting completion or as agreed between the parties.
The applicant warrants that the information provided to EDQ in relation to this pre application is true and correct, and acknowledges that if any information is knowingly false, the applicant may be exposed to criminal penalties under section 165 of the Economic Development Act 2012.
By making this application, I declare that all information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Applicant / Authorised Person / Print Name and PositionDate
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