May 2011




The next meeting of the Chiefs’ & FireFirefighters’ Association will be held at Station 14, Third District on Monday, May 16th.

7 PM Food

7:45 PM Meeting Start

There will be three speakers.

Rich Schramm - The presentation to the Chief's is part of an overall plan of action to revisit and reenergize the Regional Task Force Concept in Bucks County. The overall goal is to ensure that key stake holders and leaders from within the fire service, Emergency Management Community, and elected officials of Bucks County are up to speed on the current status of the Task Force, understand it's operational goals and objectives, and the resources the Task Force can provide during a major emergency event. As part of our presentation, Steve Cronin will provide a review of the Ready Bucks - 2011 Emergency Exercise and follow-up.

Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick will present the grant.

The June meeting will be held Station 5, Midway on June 20th.

Highlights of the April Meeting –

The Association received a Federal Grant for $734,000 for a county wide recruiting and retention program. Each company is asked to have a Recruiting & Retention Officer who will be their point person. They should contact Chairman, Chief 24, Brian Dubree, .

Letters from President Velten were sent to the four county State Senators regarding residential sprinklers. There have been no replies.

There was discussion on the recent votes in the PA Legislature to remove residential sprinklers from the PA Building Code. Sprinklers will continue to be required in all new townhouses.

Bensalem Township Fire Rescue will be Hosting a Solar Panel AwarenessSeminar for Firefighter Safety. There is no charge for the class and is expected to be approximately 3 hour class, theclass will be held at Bensalem EMS training room on Thursday May 19, 2011. Anyoneplanning to attend the classplease email me at or call our office at 215-633-3617.

The PA State Firemen's Association 132nd Convention & Parade - September 21t-24 and jointly hosted by the Lake Harmony and Albrightsville fire companies. 2011pastateconvention.com

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with Pacific Trade International Inc. of Rockville, Md. announced a voluntary recall of about 615,195 sets (about 7.48 million candles) of Tea Lights. The candles have a clear, plastic cup that can melt or ignite, posing a fire and burn hazard to consumers.

The U.S. Fire Administration reported that Pennsylvaniasuffereda fire death rate of 11.3 per million in 2002 or anationalranking of 27.In 2004, Pennsylvania suffered the highest numberof firefighter deaths in thenationwhen 17 firefighters perished in the line of duty.By 2007, Pennsylvania'sfiredeath rate increased to 19.2 people per million or the 12th highest fire death rate. The national average was 13.2 fire deaths per million.

Just five years ago, Pennsylvania had the highest rate of fire-related fatalities incollegedorm rooms. We passed a sprinkler requirement for dorm rooms in 2008. Since that time, deathsby fire ncollegeroomshavedropped to zero. If we mandate sprinklers in the workplace withlifesavingresults, why would we exclude the devicefrom our homes?

Industrial trends clearly demonstrate theefficiencyof sprinklers in saving the lives of workers, homeowners and their families,and firefighters. While we mayviewthe tragic deaths of 147 workers acentury-ago as aregrettablehistorical fact, why do weaccept the fire deaths of Pennsylvanians as an acceptable condition?

Gov. Tom Corbett signed House Bill 377, which repeals the mandate to requirefire sprinkler systems in new homes.Gov. Corbettstated thatthis legislation is a "common sense" measure and will save Pennsylvania's working families thousands of dollars. He commented "whether or not new homes are equipped with fire sprinklers should be a decision left to individual consumers and not the government." The saddest part of the story is thatthe PA Fire Servicedid everything right.They encouraged the new codes,they went to the builder's meetings,they won the votes,they pitched it to the people, andthen theygot cut off at the knees by money and politics.

Station 62, Ivyland, has 1000' of 5" rubber jacketed hose for sale. The hose is approximately 8 years old. All hose was tested in June 2010 with no problems noted. Testing records are available. We are seeking $300.00 per length.
Ivyland Fire Company is now an official training site for CPR, AED, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens etc. Any Police, Fire or EMS looking for class should contact me at the fire station for prices and to get things scheduled. Chief Jeffrey McCallister 215-675-9333

Ivyland Pancake Breakfast will be on Sunday June 12th from 8-1. Cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. All you can eat.

The Bucks County Fire Marshal's Association has received the final report forThe Experience in Bucks County, Pennsylvania Communities With Residential Sprinklers. The report was prepared by Greg Jakubowski < It is available on the website at www.buckscandff.com

The Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund is in need more than ever for Fire Apparatus, equipment and gear to go to Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, etc. These Fire Departments have lost almost everything! Towns like Concord Al, Hackleburg Al, Eoline Al were hit very hard . Eoline Al Fire Dept collapsed in the tornado, trapping and severely injuring9 of their members and damaging apparatus. They are not the only Dept., Police and EMS have lost vehicles also. Our brothers in the south NEED YOUR HELP! If you can please contact The Terry Farrell Fund Pa. Director, Tim Lohan Battalion Chief 46 on his cell: 267-246-5268. Please reach out to all you know. Apparatus, equipment, and gear will be DESPERATELY NEEDED!

Train fans - NJ Transit Police has acquired a 2010 Pierce Arrow XT Rescue Pumper. It has a 1500 gpm pump, 300 tank, 30 gallon foam tank, 6 man cab and roll up doors, 9000 winch , generator, light tower and high rail gear so it can operate on road or rail. In order to get it on the rails the apparatus must be maneuvered parallel over the rails at a grade crossing and lower the steel flanged wheels. The rubber tires provide traction but the steel wheels provide the steering.

Station 46, New Hope, is hosting a Tanker Ops Class on June 25th and 26th 2011.

Defibtech, LLC is initiating a worldwide voluntary recall of certain DDU-100 series semi-automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) sold under the Lifeline AED and ReviveR AED brand names, including 65,885 AEDs distributed in the United States. This recall affects only DDU-100 Series AEDs shipped with 2.004 software or earlier. This corrective action addresses two possible conditions, which in rare cases may cause an affected AED to cancel shock during the charging process and not provide therapy which may result in failure to resuscitate the patient. Both conditions are not detectable by the periodic self test.

Station 66, Warwick, has taken delivery of a 2011 WorkStar (International maxxforce diesel) by Midwest Fire. It has a1250gpm Darley pump, 3000 gallon tank, 2 crosslays, porta-tank, turbodraft, auto-dumps sides and rear.

9-11 Memorial at Hartsville update. – The steel has arrived, the plan is complete, the permits have been applied for, individuals and corporations have committed for both time and materials and fund raising goes on. July 1st is the cut-off date for anyone wishing to have a personalize brick installed on the memorial by September 11, 2011. Hartsvillefc.org or if you have any questions.

Perkasie Fire Company No. 1 has acquired the HURST assets of Guardian Fire Equipment. All equipment will be liquidated for the purpose of raising funds for the Department. Equipment for sale include new low and high pressure hydraulic systems, gas and electric power units, air bags, air shores and raker sets, and spare parts. Besides the new equipment, there are 1-2 year old demonstrator hydraulic tools and older hydraulics that were used for loaner equipment. All equipment was serviced by Guardian, however will be sold as is to the buyer.

Also available is the all of the shop equipment, such as work benches, a 200 gallon oil recovery tank, 5 ton floor jack, manual and electric hose swaging equipment and file cabinets.

If you are looking for a total system or adding a particular tool, please contact Chief David Worthington at 215 896 7069 or

Station 47, Upper Black Eddy, is having a Spring Poker Run on May 22. Sign up between 8:30 and11 am. Rider is $25 and passenger is $10. The theme is thePark Service and Scenic Upper Bucks. There willl be 3 different directions for the divers personnal preference. The longest is under 80 miles and very scenic. The shortest is around 60 miles or so, it gets you to the park, gets a card and gives methe money. The Chief recommends the long one. It has 3 water falls and 2 wineries. We also have a set of directions for the crotch rocket, hair-pin turns and switch backs. It is recommended that you be a very good rider for it. This one is about80 miles also. It is not suggested that you have a rider for this. Lunch will be served at the end. The last bike should be in by 3pm.

Bucks County Fire Marshal Nick Rafferty FM200 has fully recovered from an earlier shoulder injury and returned to full operations.

Bucks County Fire Marshal’s receive specialized training at world renowned “Fire Findings” in Benton Harbor, Michigan. FM200 Nick Rafferty and FM201 Mark Kramer successfully completed one-week specialized Fire Investigation training on Gas and Electric Appliance Fires. Such training aids in better identifying whether such appliances accidentally start fires or are used to intentionally start fires.

On May 25 & 26 @ 0900-1500hrs the BCFMA w/
the B.C. Fire Investigation Task Force is sponsoring Vehicle Fire Investigation and Evidence Recovery Training at Station 55 Newtown, Newtown Township building. Training Education presented
by Bensalem PD Det. Mark Kelly & B. C. Dist. Attorney's Office Lt.
Det. Bob Gorman. Indoor training conducted in the AM followed by live
burns each day. RSVP to th your name and department.

Dave Harris has been selected to present a topic of Business Management in the Volunteer Fire Service at this year’s Firehouse Expo in Baltimore during July. Also, they will be publishing an article he wrote in one of the upcoming issues of the Firehouse Magazine on the same topic. That being said, Dave is putting it out there that any department who would volunteer to be a "pilot" for this presentation before the Expo in July to please contact me. The program will be free and all I am asking for is any type of feedback as to the courses objectives or delivery. It will last about ninety minutes and will have to be coordinated with my work schedule and the first two departments to respond to the request. There is even the possibility of a free meal out of it for the departments who assist me with this endeavor. Any organization who is interested is asked to contact me either by e-mail or my cell phone and I thank you all in advance for any and all cooperation in this matter.

Home (215) 269-7344
Cell (267)784-8068

NFPA 1989 is the standard on Breathing Air Quality. Two keys – (1) have your air tested 4 times a year by an approved testing center and (2) the CO level must not exceed 5 PPM. (The Compressed Gas Association Standard is 20 PPM for breathing air and 10 PPM for Scuba air)

This is your newsletter and it needs your input to be successful. Please send your news to anytime during the month.