Perry Vale Coordinating Group Meeting

Date: Thursday 28 July 2011

Time: 7pm-9pm

Venue: ForestHillMethodistChurch



Cllr Alan Till (Assembly Chair)

Cllr Susan Wise

Paul Gale (Local assembly Coordinator)

Tim Lund

Dr KlareGerwat-Clark,


Cllr John Paschoud

Jackie Hollidge

1. Welcome and Introductions

Cllr Till welcomed everyone to the meeting. A discussion then took place about the poor attendance and the need to try to get some more people to join the group. Paul will contact the other members to see if they still wish to be involved.

There then followed a discussion about the land near to Hennel Close and the German Church, the Community Payback Team has already visited the location and Tim is currently liaising with them about using the land for further work. The area is a small piece of land and is already fenced off, but we need to find someone to cultivate it.

2. Feedback from the last assembly

All agreed that the last assembly had gone particularly well with a healthy turnout and good feedback. Paul reported that the only issue that he was aware of was that it took a long time to be able to open the gate to enable a disabled person to gain access to the meeting.

3. The Assembly Action Plan

Paul introduced the Perry Vale action plan which is a living document that can chart the issues raised by the assembly and the actions to address them. It is something that the assembly should be have to look at and see what the assembly is doing and successful it is.

The group agreed to have a think about what can else can go on the action plan, but initial suggestions included:

  • More work with the Rockbourne Youth Centre and the Sydenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum to get young people involved.
  • Responsible dog ownership scheme in schools
  • Feedback form to have a question relating to action plan and any issues arising from it

4. Planning the next assembly

As there is no more funding available this financial year, it was agreed that the next assembly will concentrate on sports provision within the ward and a particular focus around the Olympics and young people. We will also invite both Locality and Mayor’s Fund / Assembly Fund recipients whose projects involve young people or sport to report back to the assembly on their funded projects.

Lewisham Thunder recently won their finals and will be asked to provide a Basketball demonstration to the assembly.

Other groups could include Catford Cyphers Cricket Club amongst others.

Due to Lewisham Thunder’s involvement it was agreed that the next assembly should be at ForestHillSchool as the club is based there.

The assembly will also feature an update from Perry Vale Energy Savers and Lewisham Youth Project who recently set-up their own garden in Kilmorie Road and a Scooter and Motorbike workshop.

Action – Paul to liaise with Annette Stead’s team regarding the sport themed assembly

Tim suggested that we consider a gardening themed assembly at a future meeting, preferably in spring. With quite a few gardening related projects funded by the assembly including Grow Mayow, SydenhamGarden and KilmorieSchool it was felt that this would be very popular. In addition both MayowPark and Grow Mayow have featured well in London in Bloom.

All agreed that this was a good idea and will be discussed at a future Coordinating Group meeting and that we should also have an allotments officer at the assembly.

Tim agreed to share his ideas about a garden trail with the rest of the coordinating group. Tim summarised the idea which will include a mapped walk of interesting gardens based upon something like the Sydenham Arts Trail and could include people opening-up interesting gardens such as Andrew Macmerty of 20 Dacres Road.

5. Any other business

Tim spoke about a borough-wide survey of public toilets and there was a discussion about community toilet schemes which have started with some success in other areas outside the borough.

The issue with many public toilets such as ones in parks is the need for them to be manned to prevent inappropriate activity, the council no longer has the funds to do this.

The next Coordinating Group meeting will take place on Thursday 29 September from 7pm at location to be arranged.

No declarations of interest were made at this meeting