14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.

Permit Reviewer: Tempi Chaney 25436-2017-S

Telephone Number: (301) 952-4707 Downes Property/Shell/Building Sign

Fax Number: (301) 952-4141 Parcel 6

Permit Status: June 26, 2017


The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above. Further comments may be generated when the appropriate information has been submitted. Revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section. To expedite subsequent review, all revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section in one package.

1.  This permit is for building signage for a gas station approved pursuant to Revision of Special Exception 2169/02 and DSDS 615. The property is currently zoned M-X-T and is also located within the New Carrollton Transit District Overlay Zone. A gas station is listed in the prohibited use list of the development plan (TDDP). However, the use was grandfathered per the Applicability Section of the TDDP per permit 8474-2012-U which was approved 4/13/12.

All sign must either comply with the approved ROSP-2169/02 and DSDS 615 (resolution attached) or you will need to apply for a detailed site plan. August 3, 2017 – All signs appear to be larger than what was approved as part of the ROSP-2169/02 and DSDS-615. In order to change the sign square footages, you will need to apply for a detailed site plan and the Planning Board would have to approve the increase in sign area.

2.  Per Section 27-613 (c) (3) (G) -

If the permissible sign area is to be divided between a building and a canopy, the provisions of subparagraphs (A) through (F), above (as applicable to the particular building and canopy on the subject property), shall be used to determine the permissible sign area on each structure on a prorated basis. (For example, if the permissible sign area on a building is four hundred (400) square feet and the permissible sign area on a canopy is two hundred (200) square feet and the applicant chooses to allocate fifty percent (50%) of the permissible sign area to each structure, the permissible sign area on the building would be two hundred (200) square feet and the permissible sign area on the canopy would be one hundred (100) square feet. As the percentage of total permissible sign area allocated to each structure varies, the permissible sign area on each structure varies, accordingly.)

When signs are divided between the building and a canopy, a percentage allocation for each is required. Provide what the percentage allocation for this gas station will be for the signage on the building and the signage on the canopy. August 3, 2017 – Comment remains outstanding. Tempi March 29, 2018 – Comment does not pertain, this property is in the M-X-T zone and the Planning Board sets the standards.

3.  There are multiple signs shown on the sign detail sheet on the building, which sign is this permit for?

Each sign on the building requires its own permit and each sign on the canopy requires its own permit. There are 8 existing building signs shown on the sign detail sheet, two of them look like they are being replaced, which sign is this permit for? August 3, 2017 – Park and Planning has received three permits for this site, 25436-2017-S, 25457-2017-SG and 64463-2016-S. On the sign detail sheet, indicated which permit goes with which sign. Write the permit number for the sign under the sign shown on the sign detail sheet. Tempi March 29, 2018 – OK, this comment has been addressed. Tempi

4.  Submit details of how the sign will be attached to the building. August 3, 2017 – Comment remains outstanding. Tempi

5.  Provide the dimensions of all building signs shown on the sign detail sheet, this includes “Brake Service”, “State Inspection”, “Tune-Up”, “Service Center”, “Food Mart”, and the other three (3) signs shown on the building. August 3, 2017 – The dimensions of each sign is shown on the sign detail sheet. Tempi.

6.  Once revised plans addressing the above comments have been submitted, review will continue and additional comments may be generated based on the revised plans. Submit all requested information in one package.

June 26, 2017 – Comments e-mailed to Bhoopendra Prakash

Dora Nidarshini

Matthew Butler

Vandana Enjeti Tempi

March 28, 2018 – New Carrollton Transit District Overlay Zone, M-X-T zone

All new development and redevelopment within the TDOZ requires a detailed site plan approved by the Prince George’s County Planning Board and shall be undertaken in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Prince George’s County Code unless

The build signs for this location are replacement signs and replacement signs must meet the TDDP standards. Below are the standards this property must meet. It appears detailed site plan approval will be required for the replacement of the signs.


1. Basic Building Sign Design Requirements:

Building signs shall be constructed of quality materials. Signs shall be simply designed, contain only essential information, and shall serve to identify the name, business type, company logo, and street address of the business establishment.

2. Building Sign Placement:

The placement of the sign shall be integrated into the overall architectural design of the building. The

materials, colors, type, style, and size of a sign shall be coordinated with the other architectural features of the building.

3. Prohibition of Temporary Building Signs:

Temporary signs attached to the building facade shall not be permitted.

4. Signs for Multi-tenant Buildings:

Signs for multi-tenant buildings shall be coordinated in terms of design, placement, size, materials, and


5. Required Building Sign Clearances:

Building signs shall not project more than two feet into the public right-of-way and shall allow a minimum vertical clearance of ten feet.

6. Size Restriction on Building Signs in Windows:

Window signs shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the window in which they are mounted.

7. Prohibition of Animated Building Signs: Flashing or blinking signs shall not be permitted.

8. Prohibition of External Carnival-Style Decorative Devices: Pennants, pinwheels, and similar

carnival-type devices attached to or strung between buildings and other site features shall not be


9. Prohibition of Back-Lit Signs: Signs must be externally lit and designed to illuminate the sign face

only. Box signs are prohibited.

The replacement signs do not meet TDDP sign standard number 9. The canopy signs are box signs and they are internally lit. Detailed site plan approval will be required for these signs.

April 5, 2018 – Comments e-mailed to the below. Tempi

Bhoopendra Prakash

Dora Nidarshini

Matthew Butler

Vandana Enjeti