For children wishing to learn to play the violin, flute, clarinet, cornet or trumpet, the lessons provided by Salford Music Support Service represent excellent value for money. All the tutors are trained musicians and experienced in meeting the needs of young beginners.

The cost of lessons for the next academic year is:£260 for guitar, flute, clarinet, violin, cornet or trumpet. If your child is eligible for free school meals you may be entitled to help with the cost of lessons.

The cost of lessons is payable in fourinstalments as follows:

£20 non-refundable deposit before Thursday,25 September 2014

£80before Thursday,23 October 2014

£80 before Thursday, 12 February 2015

£80 before Thursday, 21 May 2015

  • You will need to provide your child with an instrument. There are several ways of doing this:
  1. Purchase from any reputable music shop.
  2. Purchase at reduced price through the Salford Music Support Service
  3. Hire from any reputable music shop.
  • Music lessons take place at the same time each week for between 15 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the group (max. 4 per group). It is the pupil’s responsibility to catch up on any class work missed at this time.
  • Most importantly, before committing yourself and your child to music lessons, please be certain that your child has time to practise daily and be prepared to encourage him or her in this.
  • Telephone numbers for:

Forsyth’s – 0161 834 3281

Booth’s – 01204 522908

Harker & Howarth – 01204 526623

Salford Music Support Service -

0161 778 0256

If you have any queries please contact Miss Smith or Mrs. Unsworth.

Please fill in the slip below if your child would like to take part in peripatetic lessons, and indicate their instrument of interest.

Yours sincerely

Mrs V Unsworth

Music Co-ordinator



Name of Child:______Year: ______

Instrument of Interest: ______

Parent/Carer Signature: ______Date: ______