The Time Traveller




Now and Then

Key Stage 2

Primary 5

Learning Objectives

For the students:

-to understand the concept of time in the English Language

-to learn more about different word verb forms and how they represent time

-to learn how to describe past and future actions

Programme Outline

While Colin and Chloe are relaxing at home reading their favourite book and playing their games, the main character of Colin’s book, The Time Traveller, comes alive and meets the children. Being so interested in the concept of time machine, Colin eagerly accepts The Time Traveller’s invitation to undergo a time journey. Chloe, however, is a bit sceptical and finds it too risky to take the journey. The children go to the past and the future with The Time Traveller and learn more about how life was in the past and will be in the future. Do the children like their adventures? What do they find out about time? Watch the programme and find out more.

Suggested Activities

1. Motivate the class by showing to the pupils some pictures of their school in the past. Pupils are encouraged to talk about the differences between their school now and in the past. Pupils can also talk about how lessons were like in the old days.

2. Explain to the class that they are going to watch about how students learnt in a school in the past. Ask the students to note the differences between their school and the school shown in the programme.

3. Encourage the pupils to imagine how school will be like in the future. Pupils may think about how lessons will be conducted in the future and how teachers will communicate with students in future classrooms.

4. Explain to the class that they are going to watch a segment of how life will be like in the future. Ask the pupils to pay attention to what kinds of entertainment people will have and how they will communicate with people.

5. After watching the programme, pupils complete Copymaster 1 that checks pupils’ comprehension of the programme.

6. In Copymaster 2, pupils write down 5 sentences about life in the past and in the future as shown in the programme. Teachers can replay the relevant segments and ask pupils to jot down notes while viewing. Teachers should draw pupils’ attention to the use of the correct verb form in their writing.

Copymaster 1

The Time Traveller

Answer the following questions. Put a (√ ) in the box that gives the right answer.

1. Whom did Colin and Chloe meet at home?

* The Time Machine

* The Time Traveller

* The Time Engine

2. Where did they go in the past?

* A school

* A hospital

* A playground

3. Why did the farmers chase Colin?

* He stole some vegetables and cooked them.

* He forgot to pay for the sweet potatoes.

* He stole some sweet potatoes and tried to eat them.

4. What animal will they meet in the future world?

* A cat

* A dog

* A monkey

5. How will the people talk to each other in the future?

* They will write on a paper.

* They will talk to an animal.

* They will talk to a computer.

6. What does Chloe feel about life in the future?

* She loves it and wants to stay there.

* She does not like it and wants to go back home.

* She does not like it and wants to change it to a better life.


Copymaster 2

The Time Traveller

Part 1

What was life like in the past?

What was life like when Colin and Chloe went back to the past?

Write 5 sentences about what they saw, what they did and how they felt.

Remember to use the correct verb form.

1. ______

2. ______



5. ______

Part 2

What will life be like in the future?

Write 5 sentences about what Colin and Chloe find out about life in the future.

How will people talk? What will they do in their spare time?

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______