Name______Date 2017

Period 7 Rosen – Eng. 7

Literature Circles Vocabulary

Word / Part
Speech / Definition / Mnemonic
1 / Infraction / n / A breaking of the law, rule
2 / Melodrama / n / Exaggerated emotions
3 / Finite / adj / Having limits, an end
4 / Optimal / adj / Most desirable, satisfactory, positive / optimism
5 / Insignia / n / Emblem, a badge or distinguishing mark or symbol
6 / Reproach / v
N / To express disappointment or displeasure
7 / Charismatic / adj / Having fun traits, winning devotion of many, charm
8 / Predicament / n / An unpleasant or embarrassing situation or problem
9 / Tangible / adj / Rather than imaginary, capable of being touched or felt or perceived
10 / Jarring / adj
v / To cause to shake or rattle (physically or emotionally)
11 / Gawk / v / To stare openly and stupidly
12 / Demeanor / n / Outward behavior or bearing (the way you hold yourself)
13 / Lunatic / n / Insane person
14 / Sniveling / v
adj / To weep and cry with sniffing / Sniffling
15 / Allotted / v
adj / To assign as a portion
16 / Conspiracy / n / A secret plan or an act to plot
17 / Exertion / n / Vigorous action or effort (mental or physical)
18 / Bravado / n / Swaggering display of courage
False bravery
19 / Disgruntled / adj / Displeased and discontent
20 / Pantomime / v n / To convey emotions or ideaS WITHOUT SPEECH / mime
21 / Guffaw / v n / To laugh loudly and obnoxiously / Guf ha!
22 / Sporadic / adj / Occurring at irregular or occasional intervals
23 / Pristine / adj / Having original purity and perfection
24 / Nonchalant / adj / Relaxed, almost uncaring demeanor
25 / Reciprocity / adj / Given or felt towards each other, all is equal, an equal give and take