Jack Bauer is logged into the chat

Jack Bauer is on the call

<ExitTheMatrix> you should be able to hear very soon

The recording has started.

<designsforliving> hi Desi!!!!

<jesseelivermore> Its an open question who got who

<ExitTheMatrix> Jack,can you send the doc's ?

<designsforliving> hi maggie

<Maggie-Arizona> hi

<Guest 16> Jack will you be sending out the full document(s) in word?

<Batman> Jack, do you find pleasure in accusing others?

<floridajohn> hi

<Guest 13> ok

<ExitTheMatrix> g16 what dic are you speaking of?

<ExitTheMatrix> docs,sorry

<Jack Bauer> Yes g-16, all the im from tonight

<Guest 16> ty

<Guest 16> David in Va

<Guest 20> take your meds Batman..

<Guest 16> Robb thanks for sharing what you know and have learned

<Batman> Jack!, Have you ever meet anyone who answeres to the sound government?

<TruthBug> Brutal Winter for US http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=brutal-winter-predicted-for-us&page=2

<Guest 24> That "Book" is just someone's opinion

<jesseelivermore> thats just someones opinion

<Batman> G20? What evidence do you have that Batman needs meds?

<TrustOre> that "thats just someones opinion" is someones opinion

<Guest 20> hypothesis batman..hypothesis

<jesseelivermore> certianly

<Batman> Could all the laws and statues be ambiguios?

<Guest 29> On the list of guests, some have a red circle with a line diagonal through. What does that mean?

<ExitTheMatrix> jack send them,please

<TrustOre> they are muted

<TrustOre> and on the phone

<See Eye> Man was NOT created in Yahweh image!!!!

<hermitjohn> hijack

<See Eye> ADAM was created in Yahwehs image!!!

<See Eye> ADAM was the FIRST white man, NOT the first man!

<Batman> Wonder if the speaker ever listen to the batcalls?

<knowshitsurelock> No See Eye. The annunaki created the Adamu through hybridization. The god of the bible is the gods of Enlil and Enki

<ExitTheMatrix> A World Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkp95ePFy5Y

<Batman> http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=44889&cmd=tc

<See Eye> our an idiot! STOP listening to coast to coast!

<hermitjohn> good to see your using correct name for the Father seeeye

<See Eye> Im NOT under any illusions! I KNOW what the scripture REALLY says!!!

<Batman> What firsthand knowledge do you have?

<Guest 24> Does he have first hand knowledge about that so-called "Deed"? That "Deed" a piece of paper and is nothing more than "hearsay"

<See Eye> The Bible is SIMPLY the genealogy of the WHITE race

<knowshitsurelock> The scripture is written by these elite oligarchs to subjugate you. It's a false document

<Batman> When is the last time one crossed examin a peice of paper?

<See Eye> Eves sin in the garden of Eden was Race mixing!!! Adam's sin was he wasnt there and allowed it!!!! SAME thing thats going on today!!! I have

<Guest 24> He's say's to back it up with another piece of paper and "affidavit" his piece of paper which is "hearsay"

<See Eye> firsthand knowledge!

<hermitjohn> king james was just another inbred blueblood.

<ExitTheMatrix> no it isn't. most of it has proven to be true even by history itself

<Guest 24> Ya, I would like to cross examine his piece of paper.

<knowshitsurelock> Sin? How archane

<Guest 24> lol

<See Eye> Then WHY have they had to go to SUCH GREAT lengths to HIDE what it REALLY says??????!!!!!

<Guest 23> no is not that,, guest24

<Guest 23> listen !!!

<Guest 24> <Guest 23> Does that paper talk to "YOU"?

<Guest 23> it does not matter

<Guest 23> you don’t understand

<Guest 23> you refuse to listen !

<Guest 48> you can’t be at war with a piece of paper, the most useful paper is used in the bathroom...

<Guest 24> <Guest 23> Ya, that's your opinion

<See Eye> If the scripture was written by these elite oligarchs to subjugate you, they WHY have they had to HIDE what it REALLY says?????!!!!!!

<Guest 23> i dont want to argue with you...!

<Guest 23> yes it is

<Guest 24> I love this paper "bullshit"

<Batman> Jack!!! Does it take one to know one?

<knowshitsurelock> The only thing that is hidden, is the truth from your Eyes, DONT see eye

<Guest 47> everything is just talk and opinion until you can provide Court Case No. ____________'s to prove it works.

<Guest 47> What judge?

<Guest 47> What Court?

<Guest 24> I like to make " paper airplanes "

<Guest 47> What Court Cause No. _________________????

<Guest 48> it is either the truth or a lie, an opinion is simply a lie you believe in, so its your opinion is an indirect way of calling one a liar...

<Guest 24> Coo Coo for Coco Coco Puffs...................lol..........lol

<Guest 24> lol

<Guest 24> lol

<See Eye> You have been led astray!

<ExitTheMatrix> I agree with you jack

<Guest 48> this man sounds well in intent, but is just your typical ignorant rhetoric....

<Batman> http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=44889&cmd=tc

<Guest 24> I'm going to call him "studdering Ron"

<See Eye> by the wicked seeds of satan!!! SAD, SAD, SAD to see you blatantly DENY your father!!! Maybe he's NOT your father because you’re an EDOMITE JEW!

<Guest 24> This guy can't even back up what he's saying ..........lol

<ExitTheMatrix> could be see eye

<knowshitsurelock> LOL. Your archetype you have created to symbolize your fears is showing See Eye

<Guest 48> see, attorneys do absolutely nothing, they wait for those that do things as prey, so where is the attorney repellant?

<MattFromMichigan> The bottom line here is "Does this method work?" And we have heard some instances where it has...so its probably worth listening to

<Guest 24> He should go join "JEAN KEATING"

<Guest 24> He didn't even answer the question

<Guest 50> Hi Matt, my lease car is finally in my possession. The court case is shutting down.

<See Eye> Yashua DIDNT come for everyone, so he must NOT be one of the chosen....

<See Eye> NONE of these processes work!

<knowshitsurelock> The chosen? Boy, you sure are lost and indoctrinated

<Guest 24> I want this guy to Prove it.

<Batman> Could it to all come down to where is the contrversy conserning me?

<Guest 48> thanks

<MattFromMichigan> Very Glad to hear that, 50!!

<ExitTheMatrix> see eye,please explain

<gbeefly> what book was that?

<Guest 24> He said, She said.............bla,,,,bla,,,bla

<Guest 24> lol

<Guest 24> Give some facts

<See Eye> Yashua ONLY came for the Israelites, which are the caucasian, anglo saxon and celtic peoples of the world...

<AlfaDavi> king of kings - ye yah - what up rob.......

<Batman> Can one prove one owns anything?

<George-Allan> what up king alfa

<AlfaDavi> i would like to c them try...

<ExitTheMatrix> see eye, do you listen to Eli James?

<Guest 24> assumptions.............and...................opinions........and ...........hearsay

<AlfaDavi> what the deal g man....

<Guest 22> Barrakk the boy king makes many bad decisions.

<Guest 47> In other words, this guy has no proof that he has ever won any case.

<See Eye> yeah

<Guest 24> Well................again....................duh..........duh...........duh

<AlfaDavi> big up king George - thanks for the heads up -

<beezdeez1> hi Jack and Robb from Canada

<Guest 24> lol

<ExitTheMatrix> I do too, but I don't agree with a lot of what he says,like the email I got tonight

<seminole> what about a house you lost in foreclosure and the bank sold.

<See Eye> MUCH of it can’t be disproved!

<Guest 66> hello from Eugene

<George-Allan> you bet brother

<Maggie-Arizona> mine is called a Joint Tenancy Deed...as my mom and accepted as joint tenants with right of survivorship

<See Eye> or at least NOBODY has yet....

<Maggie-Arizona> but then we turned right around and do a deed of trust

<Guest 67> Why is it whenever anyone gets cornered and asks for a court case number of proof it works, all we get is excuses, this sounds like more BS!

<Jack Bauer> Helo BeezDeez

<ExitTheMatrix> well,blacks are beast of the field, so he says in scripture?

<See Eye> and you don’t agree?

<Guest 20> revoke and rescind your territory status and resident registrations with District of Columbia.

<ChipWawa> W. JEAN are you on the call???

<Guest 24> HE SAID, The law of "COMMON LAW" says he must accept it? Can he show us that "LAW"? Can he show us the "COMMON LAW" that says that?

<Guest 24> HE SAID, The law of "COMMON LAW" says he must accept it? Can he show us that "LAW"? Can he show us the "COMMON LAW" that says that?

<Guest 67> I'm out of here, all we ever get is excuses, this guy is just another big talking bullshitter who probably has never won any case.

<Guest 24> HE SAID, The law of "COMMON LAW" says he must accept it? Can he show us that "LAW"? Can he show us the "COMMON LAW" that says that?

<ChipWawa> Show us ROB!!!!

<knowshitsurelock> What about the Common Law suspended since Erie v Thompson in 1938?

<Guest 24> I want to see the "COMMON LAW" that says that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

<See Eye> exit, you dont agree?

<knowshitsurelock> Arent we under a state of emergency of a military tribunal because of bankrptcy?

<Guest 49> what is the email

<seminole> what about a house u lost in foreclosure and the bank sold

<Guest 50> COMMON LAW was never suspended!

<Guest 24> He made a statement and I want him to back it up.

<Guest 23> People instead of Considering and try to understand, they start arguing or contesting,, little childrens!! listen and then go search for your self!

<Guest 23> People instead of Considering and try to understand, they start arguing or contesting,, little childrens!! listen and then go search for your self!

<Guest 49> jack what is your email?

<Guest 23> People instead of Considering and try to understand, they start arguing or contesting,, little childrens!! listen and then go search for your self!

<Guest 23> People instead of Considering and try to understand, they start arguing or contesting,, little childrens!! listen and then go search for your self!

<knowshitsurelock> How so guest 50?

<Guest 24> The so-called "COMMON LAW" has anyone read it?

<Guest 24> HE SAID, The law of "COMMON LAW" says he must accept it? Can he show us that "LAW"? Can he show us the "COMMON LAW" that says that?

<Guest 24> HE SAID, The law of "COMMON LAW" says he must accept it? Can he show us that "LAW"? Can he show us the "COMMON LAW" that says that?

<Guest 75> What's this guys real name and address, let's do a check & see if he pays property taxes and look for court cases with his name.

<Guest 50> Living amn is not recognized if there is no Common law...

<See Eye> HI luis!

<Guest 24> This guy is FULL OF CACA!


<Guest 75> Austin Gary Cooper says he didn't use statutes & court rules, because they are not the law and that he used THE COMMMON LAW.

<MattFromMichigan> You cannot just "find a house", walk in, and take it over...UNLESS you get a deed from the last title holder in the chain of title


<Guest 75> AUSTIN GARY COOPER is allegedly in PRISON IN COLORADO????


<MattFromMichigan> ...which is exactly what I have done!!


<Guest 66> step out of the system

<Guest 50> body is registered under Agriculture...

<Guest 24> These guy's haven't thought a lot of anything threw!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

<seminole> what about a house you lost in foreclosure and tne bank sold,?

<Guest 24> "BATMAN" is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

<beezdeez1> they arent allowed to kill original laws like common law, they have just "cloaked" them and covered up with layers of thier corruption, if you dig the

<See Eye> Batman is Right about one thing!!! "THERE is a MISTAKE"!!!!

<Guest 22> oh God this Batman is drunk again. LoL

<MattFromMichigan> BTW, SeeEye, I just WON a case in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, so YES, I won in "their system"

<knowshitsurelock> Yes, under the pt of Agriculture, you are "chattel" for the bankrupcy, like cattle

<See Eye> what type of case was it?

<Guest 75> Smart people win in their system, only dummies using bullshit patriot nut job technologies like A4V, 1099 OID & WHITE MAN BS LOSE IN COURT!

<Guest 24> Ya stupid pieces of paper

<MattFromMichigan> A civil case against a police officer

<beezdeez1> if you dig deep through the shit and deception, the common law is still there

<Guest 66> come at them from the estate

<Jack Bauer>
SYSTEM MESSAGE: Number of chatters has exceeded max, all new people will enter chat muted.
<Guest 24> All that paper is just meddling in government affairs

<See Eye> NOT a win!

<Guest 22> way to go Matt. Good for you.

<Guest 24> Ya, "HEARSAY"

<MattFromMichigan> Yes, it WAS a win, SE!!!

<See Eye> they allowed you to win!!! If they had a reason to railraod you they WOULD HAVE!!!!

<MattFromMichigan> Thanks, 22!!

<Guest 24> Paperwork "HEARSAY"

<See Eye> THERE is NO JUSTICE in that system!!!!

<Guest 50> Hi matt, I am suing State for Traffic case for $100,000.00 for my violation...

<Guest 24> lol

<MattFromMichigan> SE, the word games don't work here...I WON the appeal...now I just have to win in the lower court

<Guest 24> Ya, I want that piece of paper on the witness stand

<MattFromMichigan> Glad to hear that, 50

<Buzzer> batman is gross

<See Eye> Do banks lend "money"?

<bruce77> http://robcourtofrecord.wordpress.com/

<See Eye> they WHY are folks homes being stolen????

<Charlesflakus> If you look up your state statues their is a statue that says common law is still the law. I found Kansas and Missouri statues that say this.


<Guest 24> "BATMAN" has more common sense that the all that these guru's

<Guest 49> jack what your email for those docs?


<knowshitsurelock> Then stop believing all that crap in scripture See Eye

<Desichalelo> Hi Megan!

<Batman> Jack could you tell me how it feels to be a LOOSER?

<Guest 28> g24, pull your nose out of batmans ass

<Guest 26> So for more clarification, you just record the actual "acknowledgment of a private deed" which would supersede the mortgage claim, but you don't actua

<MattFromMichigan> Perhaps, but in my book its a WIN

<Batman> Good night Gotham.

<Jack Bauer> My info: (559) 291-6188, SKYPE: michael.w.golden

<Guest 24> <Guest 28> put your face out of "JACKS" ass

<MattFromMichigan> And you have to have the Deed granted to you FIRST!!!

<Guest 28> oo, good one

<See Eye> So as long as you got "remedy" then your happy... even though MANY people DONT..and end up with no job or home?

<Guest 20> On April 25, 1938, the Supreme Court overturned the standing precedents of the prior 150 years concerning "COMMON LAW" in the federal government.