FI Foundations of Mathematics 110


ONLINE:Course material will be posted to my FHS teacher page, accessible via the FHS homepage (select Teacher Pages) or directly via select the post titled FI Foundations 11 Math for class updates and class notes to print.

Students & Parents/Guardians may sign up for my `Remind` updates by texting @bkfadad to 1-506-800-0049.

COURSE CONTENT: Financial Mathematics (Chapters 8 & 9)

Logical Reasoning & Geometry (Chapters 1 & 2)

Trigonometry (Chapters 3 & 4)

Systems of Linear Inequalities (Chapter 5)

Quadratic Functions and Equations (Chapter 6)

EVALUATION:40% - Tests (rewrites are not offered in math courses beyond grade 10)

30% - Quizzes & Assignments

30% - Exam

If a student is unsuccessful under the above distribution then they will be re-evaluated by the following, with a maximum overall grade of 60% to be awarded...

20% - Tests

20% - Quizzes & Assignments

60% - Exam

TEXTBOOKS: You will be assigned a textbook…FondementsMathématiques 11. The replacement cost of the textbook is approximately $80. Please bring it to class with you each day.

NOTES: Students will need to access my teacher page to print out notes PRIOR to class. These notes are posted incomplete as students are expected to fill in definitions and examples during class instruction.

RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: Scientific calculator (with a 2 line display & an ANS button), binder with

loose leaf, graph paper, pencils, ruler, eraser…**NOTE: Graphing calculators and cell phone

calculators will NOT be permitted on formal assessments, and will not be used in class**

GRAPHING CALCULATOR SMARTPHONE APPLICATIONS: I highly recommend that students look

into downloading a graphing calculator application on their smartphone. Although this tool is not permitted

during assessments, it is extremely useful during learning and practice. It is a simple and free (or low

cost) way for students to visualize key concepts in both the Foundations 11 and Pre-Calculus 11 math

courses. As I am unfortunately only familiar with IPhone applications, my favorite is `Free Graphing

Calculator` by William Jockusch. I am certain there are other equally good applications and I would love

to hear from you if you find one you are particularly fond of. I will pass the message along to my other


HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned to reinforce the concepts covered in class and is a critical part

of gaining understanding and mastery of the topics taught in this course. You will be expected to

complete all homework, including homework assigned on days when you are absent from class. You will be assessed on regular formative assessments, which will be based on recently assigned homework. Homework will be listed at the end of each section in the class notes. Progress will be charted in the classroom.

LOGIC PUZZLES: If you find that you have completed all of your course work during class time or that you have finished an assessment with time to spare, you are expected to work on logic or math puzzles. These can be downloaded on Smartphones or you can find paper copies in my classroom. Pre-approved puzzles include KenKen, Hashi (aka Bridges) and Kakuro(no Sudokus). Any ThinkFun game (such as Solitaire Chess) is also acceptable. These games will help develop strategic thinking and can help strengthen basic math skills such as factoring composite numbers (KenKen is excellent for this). If youwould like a game approved, you must see me on your own time and you must be able to present its value towards developing skills in numerical reasoning using problem solving techniques.

EXTRA HELP: Extra help will be offered in my classroom at lunch time on Tuesdays and Fridays or by appointment. Please seek assistance on the first day that you discover that you are experiencing difficulty, otherwise the work can become overwhelming. The grade 11 math courses are quite content heavy and move at a quick pace.

ATTENDANCE: REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS NECESSARY TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS COURSE! If you are absent on any given day then it is yourresponsibility to catch up on the notes and work that you missed. Please check my website for notes and ensure that you connect with another student as soon as you are able so that you do not find yourself behind in the course.

MATH DEPARTMENT POLICY FOR MISSED EVALUATIONS:Students should be prepared to write

any missed evaluations upon their return to class. Please make arrangements to try and complete the

missed assessment with me during lunchtime or afterschool so that you do not miss additional classroom

instruction. Please feel free to contact me via the Remind App to make these arrangements. An excuse

must be provided (preferably by email) from parent/guardian upon return to my class. Non-valid

absences will result in the student receiving 60% of the grade obtained.

MATH COMPETITIONS: Various math competitions are available for you to take part in over the year. I will do my best to keep you informed of the dates. I will be hosting a math competition club during lunchtime on Mondays in my classroom where will go over content frequently found in the competitions as well as practice for team relays.

I wish you all the best of success in FI Foundations of Mathematics 110 this year!!!

Mme Farnsworth, C26