Minutesof the Barrowby Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12 January 2015 in the Reading Room, Barrowby

PUBLIC FORUM (6.15pm):

Mrs Spackman and Mr Chapman attended the public forum. Mrs Spackman asked whether it would be possible to access the Lowfield car park as per the Pavilion Committee’s letter dated 7 November 2014.

Action: Chairman to give Mrs Spackman the combination code for the key box.


  2. The Chairman Councillor R Cross welcomed Members to the first meeting of 2015, he wished all a Happy New Year and thanked Members for their attendance. Those in attendance: P Bosworth, V Cross, P[CR1] Harrison, B Harper, B Inglis, D Markham, R Poore, B Silverwood, M Sutton, and Mrs H Wilson (Clerk).

2.1Councillor Cupit informed the Clerk that he would be late arriving to the meeting.


3.1The Chairman informed Members that there would be a discussion arising from the Staffing Committee report pertinent to the Reading Room Caretaker.

3.1.1Councillors Harper and Sutton declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10.7.

3.1.2Councillor Bosworth declared an interest in relation to agenda item 10.4.3.


4.1The Acting Clerk’s notes from the meeting of 1 December 2014, having been proposed by Councillor Suttonand seconded by Councillor Poore were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were passed by resolution of the council. The notes were signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.


5.1.South Kesteven District Councillor Bosworth

5.1.1.Councillor Bosworth hadmade some initial enquiries on behalf of Members in relation to the forthcoming elections; application forms will not be available until 20 March 2015[CR2].

5.2Lincolnshire County Council, Councillor Churchill

Apologies received from Councillor Churchill.

5.3 PC Smith/PSCO Mooney

5.3.1 CouncillorPoorehad nothing further to report above and beyond his email to Members dated 10 December 2014 in relation to the meeting at Grantham Police Station on 5 December 2014.

  1. CLERK’S REPORT (15/006)

6.1Waste Bin, The Willows

Councillor Poore proposed the purchase of a waste bin to the value of £357.00 (excluding VAT). The proposal was seconded by Councillor Inglis and passed by resolution of the council.

6.2.1Members noted the email from Phil Swinton dated 8 December 2014 giving consent to the site the bin on the Willows (at the junction with Pastures Road).

Action: Clerk to order the waste bin.

6.2Royal British Legion/Barrowby Memorial Hall Committee

The Chairman informed Members that a draft questionnaire has been produced. Members agreedthe Parish Council will facilitate (not lead) the process.

6.3Best Kept Village competition 2014

The Clerk informed Members that she had received an enquiry from Stamford Matthews, the County Secretary for CPRE Lincolnshire in relation to the population figures for Barrowby. It appears that Barrowby have been incorrectly moved from Class II to Class III in which Barrowby came runner-up. The Clerk informed Members that according to the 2011 census demographics the population totalled 1,952. A decision in relation to the results is anticipated.

6.4Quality Council Award Scheme

Councillor Poore proposed that this item is delayed until after the May elections. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bosworth and passed by resolution of the council.

Action: Clerk to add to June agenda.


Councillor Inglis proposed a 1/5 contribution to the Clerk’s printer at a total cost of £28.79. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Poore. Councillor Sutton proposed the purchase of a dedicated Parish Council printer. The motion was not carried. Members resolved to approve the initial proposal by Councillor Inglis.

  1. HIGHWAYS (15/007)

7.1LRSP Reactive and Passive Signs

The Chairman informed Members that the total cost of the scheme is £3712.00. Councillor Poore expressed his dissatisfaction that Rectory Laneand the majority of Low Road had not been included in the scheme. Members noted that this is due to the absence of metal lamp posts along the route. The Clerk reported that Councillor Cupit is carrying out some enquiries in relation to land ownership with a view to bringing a further proposal to a future meeting. The scheme was proposed by Councillor Bosworth, seconded by Councillor Silverwood and passed by resolution of the council.

Action: Clerk to submit the necessary documentation to LRSP.

7.2 Replacement Nameplates

The Chairman read out the email from Carolyn Baker dated 11 December 2015 in relation to the replacement nameplate located at the White Swan public house. Councillor V Cross informed Members that she had received a complaint from a motability scooter user and argued that the corner isnow potentially dangerous for pedestrians.

Action: Clerk to ask Carolyn Baker if the sign can be removed or moved further down the roadfor health and safety reasons[CR3].

7.3Grange Developments, complaint about the road and verges following their open day in November

The Chairman read out the email from Mr Huggins of Grange Developments dated 18 December 2014 further to the complaint about the state of the road and verges following their open day in November.

Action: Volunteer Councillor to photograph the site.

7.4New and outstanding highways defects

  • Councillor Inglis reported potholes on Low road near to the bus shelter with the speed limit signs.
  • Councillor Poore reported the potholes on Rectory Lane as outstanding.
  • Councillor Markham reported the remains of dead pig in field opposite the allotment entrance.

Action: Clerk to report defects to the Area Highways Department.

  1. PLANNING (15/008)

8.1Application No:S14/3526

Applicant:Mr L Coulson

Proposal:Demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of two storey front extension

Location:13 Thorold Road, Barrowby, NG32 1TD

Members discussed the application but have no comments for submission.

8.2Application No:S14/2621

Applicant:Mr T Lee

Proposal:Change of use of land to form residential curtilage, demolition of existing and

Erection of replacement storage barn.

Location:Casthorpe Grange, Casthorpe Road, Barrowby, NG32 1DR

Members discussed the application but require further information.

Action: Clerk to ask the Case Officer, Miss Parker what the differences are between this and the submission in late 2014.

9.FINANCE (15/009)

9.1The Clerk presented the general report within the financial report.

9.2Members noted the income received.

9.3Members resolved to approve the expenditure as per the financial report with the exception of the payment to BHM Services for painting to the value of £345.90. Members agreed to withhold this payment pending satisfactory completion of the job.

Action: Councillor Harper to liaise with Mr Coulson at BHM Services. Clerk to cancel the direct debit to Utility Warehouse.

9.4 The income and expenditure accounts were accepted and the bank balances were verified. Councillor Inglis proposed approval of the bank reconciliations, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Harper and passed by resolution of the council.

Councillor Cupit arrived at the meeting.

The documents were signed and dated by the Chairman and Councillor Cupit.

9.5Members noted that Section 137 calculations per elector will change from £7.20 to £7.36 on 1 April 2015.

10. REPORTS (15/010)

10.1Reading Room

10.1.1 Councillor Inglis circulated his report ahead of the meeting. There was general discussion relating to Christmas closures and the nature of bookings. Councillor Poore proposed closures on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day at the discretion of the Parish Council. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the council.

10.1.2 Councillor Poore proposed the purchase of cable ties, sand, grass seed and fertiliser for the grassed area at the Reading Room up to a value of £30.00. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Inglisand passed by resolution of the council.

10.1.3Members noted the correspondence from Mr Nix, the Business Manager for Transformation at SKDC relating to the provision of broadband for the Reading Room which detailed the costs involved and the percentage contribution from the District Council over the next three years. Members resolved to bring broadband provision to the facility.

Action: Councillors Cupit and Inglis to complete the Community Benefit Proposal.

10.1.4Facility Access Check Reports.

Action: Reading Room User Group and Pavilion Committee to review the documents and report back to March meeting.

10.2Pavilion Committee

10.2.1 The Chairman had nothing to report.

10.2.2The Chairman reported an interest in relation to this agenda item as Treasurer to the Football Club. The Chairman informed Members that arising from the Pavilion Committee meeting in December there is a suggestion that the football club will pay half towards the cost of pitch works, the total value of which is £6272.00. The Chairman in his role as Treasurer said he suspected that there would not be sufficient funds in reserve to contribute to the project.

Action: Chairman to report back following the Football Club meeting on 15 January 2015.

10.2.3Councillor Inglis proposed the purchase of boards and stakes for signage along the Pavilion track up to a value of £30.00. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Harper and passed by resolution of the council.

10.2.4Members noted the correspondence from MrGaywood dated 4 January 2015 in relation to the tree to the rear of his property.

Action: Clerk to reply to Mr Gaywood in relation to liability.

10.3Playground/Adamstiles Development

10.3.1There was general discussion in relation to sale of the land at Adamstiles, funding and the meeting scheduled to take place on Monday 26th with presentations from HAGS SMP, Wicksteed Limited and Ludus Leisure.Councillor Cupit asked for permission to pursue grant funding which was duly granted.

10.3.2The Clerk informed Members that Escritt, Barrell & Golding had continued to advertise the land at Adamstiles and two offers had been received ranging from £100,000 to £150,000.

Action: Clerk to inform the agent that offers of £160,000 plus only will be accepted.

10.4Burial Ground

10.4.1Councillor Inglis proposed the purchase of edging boards for rose beds up to a value of £60.00. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the council.

10.4.2Councillor Inglis proposed the purchase of two signs for the burial ground up to the value of up to £64.44 (£32.22 each). The signage will give the contact details for the burial authority and warn ‘danger, deep water’. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the council.

10.4.3Members discussed the removal of the evergreen oak ‘memorial’ from the burial ground.Councillor Markham proposed that the tree be replaced with a specimen of the same variety up to a heightof 6ft. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the council.

Action: Clerk to arrange a meeting with Mr & Mrs Wilson.


10.5.1Councillor Markham had nothing to report.

10.5.2Members noted the email from Julia Miller dated 17 December 2014 relating to the pony paddock water usage and tap.

Action: Councillor Markham to inspect the insulation around the tap.

10.6Health & Safety

10.6.1Councillor Inglis reported that the Reading Room health and safety checks had been carried outand filed accordingly in the health and safety file stored at the Reading Room.

10.6.2The Clerk confirmed that the play equipment inspections had been conducted on a fortnightly basis since the December meeting. The reports are stored in the relevant file in the Clerk’s office.

Action: Clerk to circulate reports.

10.7Staffing Committee

10.7.1Councillor V Cross informed Members that the Clerk had been given her new contract of employment and that there would be a meeting with the Staffing Committee and the Clerk on 13 January 2015 to discuss the contract, carry out an appraisal and discuss other employment matters including annual leave. There was general discussion relating to annual leave and the working hours and contract of the litter picker.

The Chairman proposed the meeting be moved to closed session due to the confidential nature of items to be discussed, the proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed with the full agreement of the council, and in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960.

Councillor Sutton and Councillor Harper left the meeting.

The Chairman moved the meeting back into open session with the full agreement of the Council.

Councillors Sutton and Harper returned to the meeting.

10.8Defibrillator Working Group

10.8.1Councillor V Cross informed Members that three of the four defibrillator are now in situ and that the group are in the process of identifying a site for the fourth on Hedgefield Road. Councillor V Cross said that she requires support with the weekly visual and monthly inspections. Members agreed to schedule a meeting of the working group to discuss future awareness training, advertising in the Barrowby News and community involvement.

Action: Working group to arrange an open morning session.

10.8.2Councillor Inglis proposed the purchase of paint for the defibrillator frame up to the value of £15.00. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bosworth and passed by resolution of the council.

10.9Community Hub/Library

10.9.1 None.

  1. FUTURE EVENTS (15/011)
  2. Open meeting on Saturday 14 February 2015 from 10-12.

Action: Clerk to check availability of the Reading Room.

11.2Members reviewed the Christmas party and discussed the BBQ, the day and time of the event, lighting and Christmas lights on the tree to the side of the Reading Room

11.3Councillor Silverwood asked whether there would be a spring tea party.

Action: Interested Members to bring a proposal to the February meeting.


Members noted the following correspondence.

12.1LALC News (issue 152)*

12.2Email from LCC dated 5 January 2015, Lincolnshire Mineral and Waste Local Plan.


Monday 26 January 2015 at 6pm and Monday 2 February 2015 at 6.15pm.

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm


January 2015

[CR1]Can be in attendance at this point and then arrives?

[CR2]Is it ballot papers or the application forms required to stand for election?

[CR3]Removed or moved a bit further down the road?