Educational Support Personnel

Employee: / Position:
Program: / Date:

To be completed by an administrator with input from immediate supervisor. Any areas not checked must be explained in the comment section.

First through second year aides/assistants will receive a Performance Rating Report at least once per year. After the second full year, aides/assistants will receive a Performance Rating Report at least once every two years. Additional reports may be conducted.

Rating Factor / Meets Current Expectations / Comments/Concerns/Commendations
I. Demonstrates Quality Instructional Practices
Completes assigned duties accurately per supervisor’s instruction.
Completes assigned tasks within allotted amount of time.
Maintains clean and organized areas for equipment, instructional materials and other classroom supplies
Uses time productively
Carries fair responsibility of work assigned to ESP staff
Assumes additional responsibilities as appropriate to his/her assignment
Seeks clarification from supervisor or colleagues as appropriate
Flexible to changes in work load
Adapts easily to changes in routine and schedules.
Uses therapeutic and adaptive equipment appropriately
Implements plans as designed (instructional and behavioral) with integrity
Rating Factor / Meets Current Expectations / Comments/Concerns/Commendations
II. Demonstrates Strong Interpersonal Skills and Maintains Effective Professional Relationships with Students, Staff, Parents and Community
Punctual to work, assigned tasks, and scheduled meetings
Demonstrates good attendance
Establishes/maintains effective relationships and communication with students
Treats students with respect
Responds to students’ needs in a positive, clear and helpful manner
Serves as a suitable role model
Communicates and works cooperatively as a team member
Maintains effective, courteous relationships with team members.
Adheres to safety, confidentiality and other NSSEO policies
Committed to program/NSSEO
Uses good judgment in proceeding without specific directions.
Responds professionaly to feedback and/or suggestions
Maintains professional appearance which is conducive to a good learning atmosphere and appropriate to the ESP’s assignment.
Rating Factor / Meets Current Expectations / Comments/Concerns/Commendations
III. Demonstrates Continuing Professional Growth and Technology Skills
Applies knowledge from feedback and/or suggestions.
Gains knowledge from training for use of therapeutic and adaptive equipment
Participates in professional growth activities in the area of technology, including but not limited to computer literacy
Applies knowledge from training to enhance instructional practices
Checks and responds appropriately to NSSEO e-mails
Uses technology equipment correctly and appropriately to school environment
Demonstrates progress toward goal from previous evaluation
Additional Comments (Include Area of Strength):
Goals: / Supports:

ESP Comments:

Evaluator’s Signature / Date
Educational Support Personnel’s Signature* / Date

* Signature indicates the aide/assistant has had the opportunity to discuss this report. Signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement with the content.