Goodevening NCLOA candidates,

First off, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Kenny Berry and I ampresently on the NCLOA Board as an At-Large member. I am excited to be a part of this organization and I look forward in working with you guys in the near future. Congratulations on your soon-to-be graduation and the start of your NCLOA officiating career!

Secondly, for the upcoming 2018 lacrosse season, I will be heading up the Big Brother/Little Brother Mentoring Program. This program has been established in the hopes of having our new officials partnered up with an experienced NCLOA current official who we feel best represents our organization. This “Big Brother” is one that has the knowledge and experience to learn from. These officials will give constructive/productive criticism and/or mentoring. You will be expected to go and observe at least two of their games and/or scrimmages and have the official form signed by your “Big Brother.” This will be a requirement for your first upcoming season. Ideally, they will observe YOU on the field this spring as well.

Again, congratulations on your up-coming graduation and please do not hesitate to contact ME for any reason. I would love to assist/answer any questions you may have.

Be safe and have fun!


Kenny Berry

631-786-9937 (you can text me too)

Official’s Name: ______

Big Brother’s Name: ______

Game/Scrimmage Attended: ______

Date of Observation: ______

Big Brother’s Signature: ______

Please return to Kenny Berry, NCLOA At-Large Member and Supervisor of the Big Brother/Little Brother Mentoring Program, at the next NCLOA meeting for credit. Any questions or concerns, please call or text Kenny Berry at 631-786-9937.