How do I get to Performance Plus?

·  Go to https://lhric-ny.perfplusk12.com/default.asp

·  User Id is your full email address (including the .k12.ny.usetc…)

·  Password is schools (unless you changed it)

NOTE: You can also get to the Performance Plus log in page through the district Intranet site:

-  Go to the district wesite and sign in

-  Click on staff

-  Scroll all the way down Site shortcuts on the

right hand side of the screen . You’ll see

Perfomance Plus listed at the bottom.

Once you log in, this is the page you will see

PART 1: How do I view my student reports?

First, click on the reports icon

You now see this page. Notice that the navigation bar always remains at the top of the screen

A.  Setting Your Filters

This is what you will see when you click on assessments:

Now you will see:

B.  Filtering Classes

To view a report for only 1 of your classes

Now you see this page:

To Change your filters

Suppose you have run a report for your 7reg classes and now wish to view your ADV class(es). You must change your class filter.

To do that you must:

1)  Deselect the filter you

wish to change

This will bring you to a screen which asks you which classes you wish to ‘uncheck’

Uncheck the classes you no longer wish to include and click ‘OK’

2)  Now you will be back on the filters page and you may now go to the ‘classes’ filter and selct the classes you wish to be included in your report.

-  If you have already selected a report, you may click on ‘Return and Run Now’ which will then run the report with the new class selection.

C.  Choosing Your Report

Item Level Reports

Standard Reports

After your report is selected, scroll down to

bottom of page and click Run Report


Allows you to see how the selected group performed as compared to the district

Description of column headings

·  Question Level: IGNORE. Does not contain valid information

·  Correct/Incorrect: The number of student in the group who got the question correct or incorrect. If you click on the number, a screen will pop up showing you the names of the students.

·  Success Rate: The percent of students in your selected group/class(es) that answered correctly

·  District: The percent of students in the district (who took the test) that answered correctly

Your Notes:


For each question, the number (and percent) of students who chose each of the choices is given. When you click on the number given, the names of these students will appear.

NOTE: if one of the choices was not selected by any students, it will not appear on the graph

(See Sample Below)

Assessment Student Results (PDF)

As of January 26, 2011