Welcome to St. Paul Catholic School!

We are ALL here to help you have the most amazing year at STP! Following are tips and FAQs to guide you into the new 2016-17 school year. If you have any questions, please contact the school office or if you are a new family, please contactyour designated Ambassador.

St. Paul Catholic School

Phone: 636-343-4333

Mrs. Fran Nieburg, Principal

Mrs. Lisa Murphy, Administrative Assistant

St. Paul Ambassadors:Joe Thurman

Sara Sherman

Sara DiMaria

Anna Ahrens

Anne Kaufmann

Dan Kaufmann

Kelly Sumner

Lisa Shields

Jamie Archer

Chris Gresham

Chantel McGrath

Ann Esswein

Julie O’Donnell

Tim O’Donnell

“The Heart of St. Paul: Growing Together in Faith, Knowledge, and Virtue”

Important Information Before Your Child Starts School

  • Welcome play dates will be held on the playground on Monday, August 8th,6:30-7:30for the Preschool andTuesday, August 9th, 6:30 to 7:30for K-2. Please join us for water, popsicles and lots of fun with friends!
  • If your child is enrolled in our Pre School, the Preschool Parent Information Curriculum Night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 9th at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria.
  • All volunteers (parents, grandparents) 18 years or older must attend a "Protecting God's Children Workshop" given by the Archdiocese of St. Louis before working with minors. St. Paul will be hosting this event on Monday, August 1st, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in church basement. You will need to have this class in order to volunteer at class parties, sell milk at lunch, or help in the library. To enroll in the “Protecting God’s Children Workshop, please visit

If unable to attend the August 1st class, please go to the above website and register for a class at a different location.

  • If your child is enrolled in our Kindergarten, the Kindergarten Parent Information Curriculum Night is scheduled for Thursday, August 11th at 6:30pm in the Kindergarten classrooms.
  • Annual Meet and Greet is scheduled for Sunday morning, August 14th after the 8:30 a.m. Mass from 9:30am – 11:30am. All teacherswill be in their classrooms to greet you and your child. Students may also drop off their backpacks and school supplies in their classrooms at this time.
  • FASTDIRECT is our School Information System for email, calendar information, gradebooks, teacher bulletins, and important links such as the school handbook, school supplies, Kid’s Club registration forms, etc. You should have received your FastDirect login name and password in the July mailer. If not, please contact the office immediately. This is your key to the latest and greatest school information. You can access the St. Paul School FastDirect using the following link:
  • PARENT HANDBOOK:The Parent/Student Handbook, a contract between the parents, students and the school, outlines all general school information. Please pick up a hard copy of your parent handbook at Curriculum Night or you can access it on FastDirect under the LINKS. Please take the time to review it before your child begins school.
  • UNIFORMS: Please read theSTP Uniform Guidelines in the St. Paul Catholic School Handbook under the LINKS on FastDirect. New Uniformscan be purchased at Famously Yours, 9981 Lin Ferry Road, St. Louis, Missouri, 63123. The Famously Yours staff will help you select the necessary uniform items so please make sure to bring your child to try on clothing. School shirts can also be bought at Land’s End – in either gray or white, with or without the logo. PreK and Kindergarten do not change into gym uniforms. PTO will send out an order form in the fall and spring to order St. Paul approved sweatshirts that can be worn during the school day. Clearly label all items with student’s last name.
  • SCHOOL SUPPLIES: The supply list for grades PreK-8 was included in the summer mailer sent in July.It is also listed under the LINKS on FastDirect. Grades PreK-8can drop off supplies in their classrooms at the Meet and Greet, or bring the first day of school.
  • St. Paul Ambassadors: Through this program every new family is assigned to a St. Paul Ambassador. Your ambassador will maintain regular contact with you throughout the school year. They are a valuable resource for new families and we encourage you to bring any questions or concerns that may arise to their attention. See page one of this handout for their contact information.

The First Week of School

  • Monday, August 15 is the First Day of School. After 7:30am drop off, the PTO hosts a BOO HOO breakfast in the school cafeteria for parents to connect, cry, celebrate and share a continental breakfast. Parents are also welcome to join the students and staff in prayer at our back to school mass (8am). Dismissal is at NOON on this day for all students.
  • Tuesday, August 16th is the first FULL day for all students.

The Basics of STP

  • TUITION:Tuition for the school year is collected during 12 months, from July through June of each year for grades K-8. Pre-K Tuition is collected during 10 months, from August through May. Various payment options of monthly, quarterly, semi-annually are available as part of the Registration Packet. Please contact the Parish Officefor additional details at 636-343-1234 ext 132.
  • SCHOOL HOURS: Students may begin arriving at school at 7:30a.m. Classes begin with homeroom at 7:45am and dismissal is at 3:00pm. During the school day between 7:45am and 3:00pm, all doors will remain locked. This is done for the safety of the children. To enter by the office, you must ring the door bell. You can communicate verbally with the office once you have pressed the doorbell.
  • DAILY ARRIVAL: School doors will open at 7:30am. Members of the staff along with the student safety patrol will assist students being dropped off for school. The students are to enter the school through either the front or rear entrances. Students are to proceed directly to their classrooms. When dropping off students, proceed to parking lot entrance on the upper lot or lower entrance (south of the church) and follow the flow of traffic. Do not pass other cars, stay in line and wait while students are dropped off. Please pull all the way forward and do not exit your car. Should a child arrive after 7:45am, it is necessary for the child to check in at the school office. An adult must sign the student in.

7:30- Doors open for kids /go to classrooms

7:45- Tardy Bell

7:50- Announcements

8:00 - 8:50- Period One

8:50 - 9:40- Period Two

9:40 - 10:30- Period Three

10:30 - 11:20- Period Four

11:20 - 11:50- Primary Lunch

12:10 - 12:40- Intermediate Lunch

12:40 - 1:10- Middle School Lunch

Fifth Period varies depending on when they are scheduled for lunch

1:20 - 2:00- Period Six

2:00 - 2:50- Period Seven


  • DISMISSAL: All children who attend Kid’s Club will be called to the cafeteria before any children are dismissed from school. Each family will receive a parking lot and parking space assignment for use at dismissal. Lot location is designated according to the oldest child in each family. In general, if your oldest child is in 7th or 8th grade, your spot will be located on the top lot, designated as Lot D. If your oldest child is in 5th or 6th grade, your spot will be in the lot on the North side of the church, designated as Lot C. If your oldest child is in K-4th grade, your spot will be in the lot on the South side of the church, Lot B. Lot A is located on the hill by the cafeteria. Preschool will be using this lot for their dismissal at 2:45pm. When parking for dismissal, always park facing out, away from the spot. Please make sure that you are in your spot for pick up by 2:55 p.m. Before the first class is dismissed, all traffic on the parking lot will stop and all exits will be blocked. Every teacher will assist with a duty in the dismissal process. Teachers and/or Safety Patrols Guards will bring the students to you. Stay with your cars so that we can expedite the dismissal procedure. No cars will move until all students are in their cars and safe. At this point, staff will begin the flow of traffic for the cars to leave the lot. Please be courteous to other cars on the parking lot. For those parents who may arrive late when the entrances are blocked, please park in Lot A and your child will be delivered to you after the lot of traffic has cleared. School personnel are on duty outside until 3:10pm. For the safety of the children, those who are not picked up by that time will be taken to the School Office. If parents have not arrived by 3:20pm, the students will be taken to Kid’s Club. Arrangements will have to be made with Kid’s Club if your child cannot be picked up by 3:10pm on a regular basis.
  • KID’S CLUB: St. Paul Kids Club is a before and after school program that is under the direction of Lisa Morris and is staffed by our faculty. The morning session is from 6:30am until 7:30am and the afternoon session is from 3:00pm until 6:00pm. At the afternoon session, the students receive a snack and have outside playtime. They return to the building at 4:30pm and the students are encouraged to do their homework; there is also a room where students can play games, do puzzles, and color. This program has been at St. Paul for fourteen years. If you are interested in registering for this program, please access the Kid’s Club link on our parish website,
  • MASS: All students, Kindergarten through 8th grade attend Mass once a week on Wednesdays at 8:00am unless otherwise communicated. Each grade is given the chance to participate in a liturgy on a weekly rotation. Students are lectors, song leaders, and other lay ministers for the school Mass. All parents are welcome to join us and experience the heart of St. Paul being celebrated.
  • SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM: Food Service Consultants, Inc. is the provider of our lunch program. A computerized meal card system is available to our families for lunch purchases. This is not a mandatory program. It is more of a convenience to not needing money every day. If you choose to participate, information will be available at the Meet and Greet or downloaded under the LINKS on FastDirect. Monthly menus and a la carte offerings are posted under the LINKS on FastDirect as well. Students may also bring their lunches to school. Please do not bring lunches purchased from fast food restaurants. Children can also buy white milk, chocolate milk or water during lunch. They need to bring cash for this as they can’t use their cards. There are also a variety of snacks/treats for sale. The school relies on parent volunteers to sell milk, snacks and clean tables during lunch. There will be an email on fast direct with a link to sign up. All volunteers must have attended the "Protecting God's Children Workshop".
  • LIBRARY: Library
  • The school library utilizes an electronic cataloguing and circulation system. Time is scheduled on a weekly basis for students to check out and return books as a class. Books not returned or lost will be the responsibility of the student/parent to replace. The library is staffed daily by parent volunteers. Please look for a fast direct message requesting volunteers. All volunteers must have attended the "Protecting God's Children Workshop".
  • PARENT VOLUNTEERS: St. Paul uses Signup.com to sign up for volunteer activities. A link will be sent out where you can pick the day/time of items for which you would like to volunteer. As previously mentioned, all volunteers (parents, grandparents) 18 years or older must attend a "Protecting God's Children Workshop" given by the Archdiocese of St. Louis before working with any students.


Do we have a school website?

Yes, please visit our school website at for great information aboutour school, news and calendar updates.

The How do I report an absence?

If your child is absent due to illness or emergency, please call school before 8:15am. Messages concerning absences and arrangements for homework pick-up may be left on the school’s voicemail or you may email the school secretary via FastDirect. The school will contact any family not heard from by 8:15am to verify the absence.

What if my child gets sick or gets hurt at school? If your child becomes ill or injured during the school day, you will be notified by school personnel. The child must be signed out in the school office. In general, students with a temperature of 100.0 or higher will be sent home. STUDENTS MUST BE FEVER FREE WITHOUT FEVER REDUCING MEDICATIONS FOR 24 HOURS BEFORE RETURNING TO SCHOOL.

I am confused by FastDirect. Who should I contact?

If you are having any trouble logging onto FastDirect, please call the office to verify your user ID and password. Once logged in, please feel free to contact your St. Paul Ambassador for any help navigating in the system.

Are there any extracurricular activities offered for the children?A variety of clubs and activities are offered during the school year: American Heritage Girls (K-8), Girl Scouts (K-8), Cub Scouts (1,2), Boy Scouts (3-8), Band/Advanced Band (4-8), Choir (5-8), Speech Team (5-8), Math League (6-8), Junior Achievement (5 and 8), Spelling Bee (1-8), Geography Bee (3-8), Scholastic Challenge (2-5), Academic Decathlon (6-8), Safety Patrol (8), Veterans Day Assembly (4), Recycling Team (8), Jump Rope for Heart (K-8), Juvenile Diabetes Walkathon (PK-8), Musical (8), Music Programs (K-8), Camp Wyman (6), various art and essay contests (K-8), Girls on the Run (3-5), Girl on Track (6-8), SURGE Youth Group (4-6), Middle School Youth Group, Spanish Club (K-8), Robotics Club (3-8). The Athletic Association also offers a variety of seasonal sports options. Specific information about these clubs and activities will be published on our parish website.

What is the SCRIP program and how do I start using it?

When you purchase SCRIP, you’re purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards from stores you go to everyday- Dierbergs, Shop n Save, Walmart, gas stations, restaurants, retail stores. St. Paul buys these gift cards at a discount and re-sells the certificated to families. For example: you buy and pay $100 for an Old Navy gift card. They have a 14% rebate, so $14 will be allocated toward your school tuition and the general parish fund. The money really does add up. Scrip is available at all weekend masses and through school. For additional information, please visit . Also, feel free tosend a fast direct message toour Scrip advocate, Michelle Zoellner.

What clubs or organizations can I participate in as a St. Paul Parent?

St. Paul parents can get involved in any of following clubs or organizations.

  • Men’s Club
  • Mother’s Club
  • PTO
  • School Board
  • St. Paul Athletic Association

For detailed information about these clubs or organizations, please visit

What does the Board of Education do?

The work of the Board is to discuss full time school related issues as well as recommend and set policies that assure the quality and viability of the full time parish elementary school. The Board encourages parents’ comments and suggestions at any time. Interested parents and parishioners may attend board meetings and may address the board during the open forum portion of each meeting. While parents are also always free to discuss school issues with the Pastor, matters of policy will be referred to the Board. The Board functions in accordance with Archdiocesan guidelines. The Board functions only through its meetings, which are held on the second Monday of every month throughout the year. Dates and times of the meetings are published in the school calendar, parish bulletin, and the weekly newsletter.

What is PTO?

PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is dedicated to supporting St. Paul School. The PTO includes all teachers and parents. The goal of the PTO is to raise funds for the school, provide volunteer support, and promote communication between parents and staff. The mission is to actively support our school and community through prayer, community service, and fundraising. PTO Members are asked for their commitment to the organization through dedication and volunteering.

What are our school fundraisers?

Our primary fundraiser is organized by PTO as the Weekly Winners Draw. School families sell raffle tickets for a $50 weekly drawing and a $200 monthly drawing. The funds raised from this go directly back to the school – teacher appreciation lunches, field trips, field day, and other events. Last year, we were able to fulfill small grant requests from the teachers where we were able to purchase new bibles, iPads, charging cart, books, and other classroom items.

What is Mother’s Club?

Mother's Club membership is open to ALLmothers or guardians of children attending St. Paul School and PSR. Themission of Mother’s Club is to actively support our parish, our school and our membersin religious, educational and social activities. Members are asked for their commitment to the organization through dedication to community service and fundraising. As a member of the St. Paul Mother's Club, you are a voice for our school, our parish, and our members. It is such a rewarding experience!!Meetings provide an open exchange of information while also providing an opportunity for social interaction, such as meeting new parents and fellow parishioner's. Beginning,September 2, 2015ALLmeetings are scheduled on the firstWednesdayof each month in the church basement at7p.m. Mark your calendars now.