Lesson Three – Signs Of The Times Cont. (part 2)
Why is the tribulation period also called daniel’s 70th week. The answer is because the “week” mentioned in Daniel is “seven” years long.
The Hebrew word for “weeks” is “Shabua” which literally means “sevens”It can mean a week of days, years, or millennia.
And you shall number seven Sabbaths of years unto you, seven times seven years ; and the space of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years . (7x7= 49 or 7 weeks of years) Lev. 25:8
The Jews were just as familiar with weeks of years as they were with weeks of days. So, 70 weeks/sevens of years were determined upon Israel as a judgement before the punishment of their transgressions would be accomplished. WHY SEVENTY WEEKS? Israel was supposed to keep land Sabbaths - Read Lev. 25:2-8 God warned Israel if they were disobedient:Then shall the land enjoy her Sabbaths, as long as it lies desolate, and you [be] in your enemies' land; [even] then shall the land rest, and enjoy her Sabbaths. 35 As long as it lies desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your Sabbaths, when you dwelt upon it. Lev. 26:34
Israel failed to keep 70 land sabbaths. Therefore God had Israel taken into captivity by the nation of Babylon for 70 years. 70 years of exile into Babylon was one year of punishment for every Sabbath year not kept.
And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. Lev. 26:18
Israel spent one year in Babylon for every land Sabbath they did not keep. But God also inflicted them with a seven-fold judgment of 7X70. We always reap more than we sow when we disobey God.
Seventy sevens or weeks is 490 years. The purpose of this 490 year judgment is to punish Israel for failing to keep her land Sabbaths. God inflicted Israel also with a 7-fold judgment that multiplied 70 into 490.
7X70 = 490 years = 70 weeks
Know therefore and understand, [that] from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince [shall be] seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Dan. 9:26-27
7 weeks = 49 years
62 weeks = 434 years
1 week = 7 years
70 weeks = 490 years
69 weeks or 483 years have been fulfilled
The command to rebuild Jerusalem went forth by the Persian king Cyrus on 445 BC – (Read - Dan. 9:25a; Neh. 2:1-8) “Unto Messiah the Prince” refers to Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on a colt. From the command of King Cyrus to Christ’s entry in to Jerusalem on a colt was 483 years or 69 weeks of years to the dot. Daniel then prophesied that the Messiah would be “cut off”/crucified.From the time that Messiah was “cut off” the prophetic clock of Israel stopped so God could introduce a new program within His divine purpose, namely, “The Church”of Jesus Christ which would consist of both Jew and Gentile. (Eph. 2:11-14; Eph. 3:5,6)
70th Week Illustrated
Many people believe the rapture is what initiates the tribulation period, however in scriptural reality it is the signing of a covenant between Israel and the anti-christ. Israel will sign a 7 year covenant with the Anti-Christ. He will appear to keep the covenant for 3 ½ years. But in the middle of the seven year covenant the ant-christ will break the covenant and take over Israel by deception and possibly force.
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, Dan 9:27 This is a future event – See Mt. 24:15; Is. 28:15
Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem. 15 You boast, "We have entered into a covenant with death, with the grave we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place."Isaiah 28:14
Notice the strong Jewish flavor of the Tribulation
Look at the Jewish terms: Daniel’s people, Messiah, flight on the Sabbath, the temple, The Holy Place, Jerusalem, geographics of Israel, the twelve tribes, etc; Israel is center stage, not the church. To me, trying to put the church in the tribulation is like punishing someone who has done no wrong. The church never made a covenant with God, we didn’t break any land sabbaths, and there have been no judgments placed on us by God concerning punishment. The church fits in the tribulation like fat Albert fits in a 32 waist. There is absolutely no biblical justification or explanation to place the church in a time period that is exclusively designed for the Jews as a result of their disobedience in the past. Failure to understand this (in my opinion) is a lack of understanding of Paul’s teaching concerning the mystery of the church and God’s dealing with Israel.
X. False Prophet Signs And Wonders
It appears that the false prophet of Revelation will have many emisaries that will spread the message of the new world religion in the final days within the tribulation period. Just as Jesus gave authority to his disciples to do miracles, so Satan will empower these false prophets to establish a false one world religion. Their ability to do great signs and wonders will overpower the ability for unbelievers to doubt the validity of their message and will buy into the new faith without reservation. The signs will be so convincing that even God’s own people will wonder whether or not the prophets are truly who they say they are. However, because true believers are God’s own people, when push comes to shove, they will not be deceived and refuse to accept the message of the these false anoninted ones and false prophets.
One of the ctiticisms that Post- Tribulation rapture adherents have against people that believe in Pre-Tribulation rapture is the fact that they won’t be prepared for the tribulation and will be decived. Jesus made it clear that no true believer/the elect can be deceived. It is impossible!
- What does this verse tell you about Satan, and his power?
- In today’s “sign and wonders” movement; How do so many well meaning Christians fall into error so that they pursue the teachings of these self proclaimed anonited ones?
- Just as there is litmus paper to test for alkalinity or acidity; What are some litmus tests that the Christian can use to test whether or not a man is a true prophet?
- So many christians run around here and there chasing after the latest fad or the latest most popular christian superstar. What are some possible traps and dangers of such pursuits?