Details / Response
Academic Year: / Click here to enter text. /
Division: / Click here to enter text. /
Credential: / Click here to enter text. /
Program title: / Click here to enter text. /
Program Code: / Click here to enter text. /
Major title: / Click here to enter text. /
Major code: / Click here to enter text. /
Campuses offering the program: / Click here to enter text. /
Reviewed by: / Click here to enter text. /
Completed on: / Click here to enter text. /


Part A: to be completed by the Program Auditor

Notes for completing Sections 1 - 9 below

  1. Be as concise as possible but clearly communicate any issues with supporting information.
  2. Comment on both strengths and weaknesses
  3. Complete all sections responding to each question/prompt
  4. If data is:
  • not available for review, enter ‘Not available’ in the Response column [add any explanatory remarks]
  • insufficient/incomplete for review, enter ‘Inadequate data’ with an explanatory comment [add any explanatory remarks]
  • General point: use the data that is available noting the semester/academic year

1. Accreditation
a) List any accreditation or benchmarking agency.
HCT Website Accreditation and Benchmarking pages / Give the full name and country of the agency. /
b) Is each campus offering the program accredited?
HCT Website Accreditation and Benchmarking pages / List any campuses that are not accredited. Detail any outstanding accreditation requirement that need to be met.
c) What is the accreditation period?
Division / Give the period of accreditation (e.g. 2012-2017) and the date for the next review
2. Program Mission
a) What is the mission of the program?
CurricUNET / Catalogue / Give the Program Mission. Refer to the division if not accessible on CurricUNET / Catalogue.
b) How does the program mission align with the HCT Institutional Mission?
HCT Website About HCT / How does the Program mission support the mission of the HCT:
“The Higher Colleges of Technology is the leading applied higher education institution empowering generations to shape the nation's future”(developed for HCT Version 2)
3. Student Learning
a) List the program learning outcomes.
CurricUnet / Catalogue / List the PLOs.
Make note if different PLOs are published (e.g. in Catalogue, CurricUNET)
Critically evaluate the:
b) Alignment of the Program Learning Outcomes with the NQA Qualifications Framework for the Emirates (QFEmirates) for the level of the award e.g. Level 7, Bachelor’s programs
QFEmirates Handbook / What evidence (e.g. internal / external review) is there that the PLOs have been aligned to the QFEmirates?
  • Master programs should align to QFE Level 9
  • Baccalaureate programs should align to QFE Level 7
  • HD programs should align to QFE Level 6
  • Diploma programs should align to QFE Level 5

c) Consistency of student achievement of intended program learning outcomes across campuses offering the program.
Division: PLO Assessments / To what extent does the evidence from the PLO Assessment Report indicate that student achievement of PLOs is comparable across campuses?
d) Consistency of student achievement of graduate outcomes across campuses offering the program.
Division: PLO Assessments mapped to GOs
Graduate Survey
Employer Survey
Student Satisfaction Survey
IEMS Survey Reports / To what extent does the evidence indicate that student achievement of Graduate Outcomes is comparable across campuses?
4. Curriculum
Critically evaluate the:
a)Currency of content to developments in the field and industry.
Program Chair Survey
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / To what extent does the feedback from campus program chairs indicate that course content is appropriate to the real world? Note any differences between chairs.
b)Programmes development of the applied knowledge and skills required by the workplace.
Program Chair Survey
Graduate Satisfaction Survey
Industry / Employer Satisfaction Survey
IEMS: Survey Reports & Academic Program Review Dashboard / To what extent is there a consensus of Program Chairs, alumni and employers that the program is meeting the needs of the workplace? Note any differences identifying the campus(es) concerned.
5. Cohort Analysis
Review the following identifying any issues or trends that require attention for the system or at particular campuses:
a) Enrolment
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Give the enrolment data for the previous 5 semesters as available.
Is the level of enrolment adequate? Is the trend up or down? Is there consistency of trends across campuses? Note any anomalies identifying the campus(es) concerned. /
b) Attrition rate
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Give the attrition rate for the previous 5 semesters as available.
Is the attrition rate reasonable?
Is the trend up or down?
Is there consistency in trends across campuses? Note any anomalies identifying the campus(es) concerned.
c) Academic warning/probation
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Give the Probation (Term GPA) data for the previous 5 semesters as available.
Is the level of academic warning/probation acceptable (rates vary according to program but generally fall between 5% - 17%)?
Is the trend up or down?
Is there consistency in trends across campuses? Note any anomalies identifying the campus(es) concerned.
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Give the Average Cumulative GPA for the previous 5 semesters as available.
Procedure LP 220.1 Assessment and Grading gives an expected CGPA of approximately 2.7.
How does the CGPA for the program align with that?
e) Graduation numbers and rate
Graduate Employment Survey
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Give the Graduates data for the previous 5 semesters as available.
Is there any evidence to suggest that students are graduating on time or taking longer than expected to complete the program?
6. Demand/Need for the program
Review the following identifying any issues or trends that require attention for the system or at particular campuses:
a) Graduate employment rate.
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Give the Updated Employment Rate under the Graduate Employment tab for the previous 3 academic years as available.
How does the evidence show that employers are recruiting the program’s graduates?
To what extent does the trend data indicate a continuing demand from employers?
b) Graduate employer satisfaction rate.
IEMS Survey Reports / Give the satisfaction rate (Very Satisfied + Somewhat Satisfied / number of responses) for Q 17 Workplace knowledge and skills and Q18 Academic preparation at the HCT for the previous 3 academic years as available. Refer to the Industry / Employer Satisfaction Survey.
Consider the responses to each question. What do employers consider as the strengths and weaknesses of the graduates?
c) Programs engagement with industry
Division / Provide details of the program’s links with companies especially any projects involving industry.
Report any initiatives to engage with employers.
d) Employer feedback (e.g. from IAC etc)
Division / Provide a summary of the involvement of industry with the program especially any input into the curriculum.
Report any initiatives to enhance industry input into curriculum/content.
e) List other tertiary institutions offering a similar program in competition with each HCT campus and explain how the HCT program differentiates itself.
Division / Report the division’s response to this item.
How does the response support the need for the program when compared to offerings from other providers?
7. Feedback from learners
Review the following identifying any issues or trends that require attention for the system or at particular campuses:
a) Graduate satisfaction rate
IEMS Survey Reports / Refer to the Graduate Satisfaction Survey.
Consider the responses to Q29-41 and Q 46. What do graduates report as being the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
b) Exiting student satisfaction rate
IEMS Survey Reports / Refer to the Student Exit Survey (Student Satisfaction Survey)
What do students consider as the strengths and weaknesses of the program? What, if any, are the major issues to deal with? /
8. Resources
Review the following identifying any issues that require attention for the system or at particular campuses:
(Human Resources)
a) Faculty size i.e. how many faculty teach the program; how many positions are vacant at this time? / Give the number of faculty teaching on the program. What is the percentage of vacant positions for the program? Refer to the division.
Provide details of expected new faculty or plans to overcome any shortfalls. Refer to the division.
Do Program Chairs report issues at particular campuses? Refer to the Program Chair Survey on the Academic Program Review Dashboard.
b) Faculty qualifications i.e. what percentage hold terminal degrees in the discipline they are teaching; are there sufficient appropriately qualified faculty at each campus?
IR Faculty Qualifications Report
Program Chair Survey
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / CAA require that faculty teaching on baccalaureate level programs hold a terminal degree in a relevant field.
To what extent is there evidence to support that this is the case for the program?
Do Program Chairs report issues at particular campuses?
c) Faculty workload i.e. are there sufficient faculty to deliver the program sustainably at each campus?
Program Chair Survey
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / HCT Policy LP 246 Faculty Workload requires that the standard workload is 15 credit hours per semester and that permission from the VC is required for faculty to teach more than 18 credits per semester.
What is the standard workload for the program? How many faculty are teaching more than 18 credits?
d) Professional Development i.e. is there evidence of adequate opportunities for faculty and staff development and training?
Division / CAA require that faculty are provided with professional development activities that support teaching, research, and scholarship and that these activities are regularly assessed to ensure they are appropriate and effective.
To what extent do faculty teaching on the program receive support?
How are professional development activities evaluated by the division and what are the results?
e) Research & Scholarly Activities i.e. is there evidence that academics teaching on the programme are actively involved in research, scholarly activities, and innovation?
Division / To what extent are faculty involved in research and scholarly activities such as conferences?
How many active research projects are there?
List and reference (titles, dates) publications and conference papers.
To what extent does the division provide support and encourage research and scholarly activities.
(Learning Resources)
f) Teaching & learning resources (eBooks, e-resources etc.) i.e. are they sufficient to deliver the program effectively and meet national and international accreditation?
Program Chair Survey
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Do students have adequate access to appropriate learning resources?
Do Program Chairs report issues at particular campuses?
(Physical resources)
g) Physical facilities i.e. are the classrooms, laboratories, workshops etc. of adequate quality to deliver the programme effectively and meet national and international accreditation?
Program Chair Survey
IEMS: Academic Program Review Dashboard / Are the facilities required to deliver the program provided?
Do Program Chairs report issues at particular campuses?
9. Budget
a) Budget Efficiency i.e. what is the cost or income to the HCT for each student studying the program?
IR Program Costing Report / What is the income or cost to the HCT for the program?
10. Changes to the program since the previous annual report
a) Review and evaluate any changes made in the previous academic year.
Previous Annual Program Report / Report any changes to the curriculum, delivery, or resourcing of the program.
Has there been a systematic evaluation of these changes? Report on the outcome of any evaluations.
11. Summary
a)Critically evaluate the following statements:
  1. The program meets the needs of students, industry and society.
/ Review sections 4, 5, 6 and 7. Is there sufficient evidence to maintain that the program fills the needs of students, industry and society?
  1. Students at different campuses receive an appropriate and equivalent educational experience.
/ Review Sections 3, 4 and 8. To what extent does the evidence show that students at different campuses have an equivalent learning experience and levels of achievement of learning outcomes?
b)What are the major risks to the success of the programme? / Highlight any key concerns that you may have regarding the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the program.

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