Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) and
Declaration of ‘Fully Deployable’ Status.
Confidential when complete
Send the completed form to the
as soon as possible.
Section 1 – Police Officers, PCSOs, Specials and Detention Officers to complete
Personal Information
NameCollar Number / Mobile
Contact number / Date of PST
Deployment/role / Date of Birth
Section 2 –Police Officers andSpecials to complete
Police Regulations have changed, introducing the definition of a ‘fully deployable’ officer. This is used to define the core capabilities of an officer and is irrespective of rank or role. Should an officer be unable to meet the core capabilities then they may be assessed by Occupational Health and Wellbeing (OH & W) for their suitability in ‘Limited duty’.
Please complete the following declaration, I am able to;
a. Sit for reasonable periods, to write, read, use the telephone and to use (learn to use) IT? / YesNob. Walk reasonable distances? (i.e. perform a foot patrol) / YesNo
c. Run? / YesNo
d. Stand for reasonable periods? (i.e. perform a scene guard) / YesNo
e. Make decisions and report situations to others? / YesNo
f. Evaluate information and record details? / YesNo
g. Exercise reasonable physical force in restraint and retention in custody? (i.e. arrest & restraint of detainee) / YesNo
h. Understand, retain and explain facts and procedures? / YesNo
i. Work a full range of shifts? (days, lates and nights – This is your capability to work these shifts, please discount any flexible working or caring arrangements) / YesNo
If you have answered ‘yes’ to all the questions you are considered to be a fully deployable officer within the new regulations. You will remain in this category until your next personal safety training assessment;however,if there is a change in your circumstances please notify your line manager and seek a referral to OH & W for assessment and support.
If you have answered ‘No’ to any of the above questions, your PAR-Q will be directed to OH & W for consideration by a member of the OH & W team. This may lead to a recommendation being made to your line manager on your deployable status.
Section 3
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)– Police Officers, PCSOs, Specials and Detention Officers to complete
Officers and staff must now complete the PAR-Q, where PST is compulsory
For most people, physical activity should not pose any problem or hazard. The purpose of this questionnaire is to ensure that your health is not placed at risk when you perform vigorous exercise. The questionnaire is intended to screen for those risk factors and for cardiovascular disease and other injuries or health conditions.
Please read and answer all the questions in the PAR-Q Below
If you have answered yes to any of the questions, you will then be contacted by aWellbeing Advisor as you may not be deemed fit to complete you JRFT and PST at this time.Your assessment maybe deferred or youcould be offered an alternative fitness assessment.
PAR-Q Question1. Are you currently taking medication for high blood pressure? / YesNo
2. Are you currently having investigations or treatment for a cardiac condition or have you ever suffered from a cardiac condition which may affect your ability to exercise? / YesNo
3. Is there a good reason not mentioned above why you should not follow an activity programme even if you wanted to? / YesNo
4. Do you have any existing or previous injuries or illness that could be aggravated by taking the Job Related Fitness Test (shuttle run)? / YesNo
If “Yes” please supply details / Date
5. Do you have any existing or previous injuries illness that could be aggravated by completing PST / YesNo
If “Yes” please supply details / Date
I have read and understand this form.
I confirm that, if required,it is my responsibility to ensure that my blood pressure has been checked within the last 6 months and has been deemed within acceptable limits to train by my GP.
If you suffer any injury or illness that would affect you completing the JRFT or PST after completing this form, it is your responsibility to draw it to the attention of the trainer on the day.
Included with Joining Instructions and this PAR-Q is a sheet providing you with hints and tips for preparing for the JRFT. However, if you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you should take medical advice before embarking on a programme of exercise.