Prayer List

Physical Needs / Physical Needs / Church Ministries
Evan Arnold / Dani Killman / Youth Group
IvadellBerray / Sarah Locke / Sunday School
David Blum & family / Johnny M / Celebrate Recovery
Steve Campbell / Jan McKinney / Prayer Meeting
Maggie Carter / Larkin Porter / Sunday Worship
Pat Costello / Terry Plum / Juvenile Detention
Ramona Davis / Melvin Poole / Building Project
Carlene Diester / Harry Reed / Annual Church Bus. Mtg.
Wayne Dunn / Carol Robertson
Beulah Dykes / Betty Rose
Scott Edwards’ parents / Terry Sanford / Leaders
Tina Fellows / Craig Shaull / Pastor Carle
Tim & Ruth Fox / David Skaggs / SS teachers
Kara Hollenbeck / Charlie Smith / Celebration Place Leaders
Adam Horn / Jackie Smith / Worship Team
Jerry Hutchings / Gerald Smith / Board Members
Rick Gillis / Noel Smith / CR Staff
Randy Gore / Darla Stuart / Our gov’t leaders
Angel Griffiths / Lee Treadwell
Eva Hancock / Nita Watts / ACGC
Hazel Hart / Angela Webber / Marshall Tidwell
Mary Headley / Albert Williams / Bill Norwood
Laura Holderfield / Karen Wood
Susie Howard / Shut-ins:
Frank Keeter / Joe Stubblefield
Janice Kennedy / Hazel Burgett
Arlan Kent / Eva Lake
Evelyn Smith
Gene & Amy Barnett
Merle Moses
Special Needs / Special Needs / Praise!
Our troops worldwide / World peace / His mercies
Mark Plum / Smith Family / Baptisms!
Edwards family / O’Neal family / Kara’s feeling better

If you have a prayer need, please fill out the pink slip in your pew and drop it in the offering basket or give to Pastor Carle.

Prayer List

Physical Needs / Physical Needs / Church Ministries
Evan Arnold / Dani Killman / Youth Group
IvadellBerray / Sarah Locke / Sunday School
David Blum & family / Johnny M / Celebrate Recovery
Steve Campbell / Jan McKinney / Prayer Meeting
Maggie Carter / Larkin Porter / Sunday Worship
Pat Costello / Terry Plum / Juvenile Detention
Ramona Davis / Melvin Poole / Building Project
Carlene Diester / Harry Reed / Annual Church Bus. Mtg.
Wayne Dunn / Carol Robertson
Beulah Dykes / Betty Rose
Scott Edwards’ parents / Terry Sanford / Leaders
Tina Fellows / Craig Shaull / Pastor Carle
Tim & Ruth Fox / David Skaggs / SS teachers
Kara Hollenbeck / Charlie Smith / Celebration Place Leaders
Adam Horn / Jackie Smith / Worship Team
Jerry Hutchings / Gerald Smith / Board Members
Rick Gillis / Noel Smith / CR Staff
Randy Gore / Darla Stuart / Our gov’t leaders
Angel Griffiths / Lee Treadwell
Eva Hancock / Nita Watts / ACGC
Hazel Hart / Angela Webber / Marshall Tidwell
Mary Headley / Albert Williams / Bill Norwood
Laura Holderfield / Karen Wood
Susie Howard / Shut-ins:
Frank Keeter / Joe Stubblefield
Janice Kennedy / Hazel Burgett
Arlan Kent / Eva Lake
Evelyn Smith
Gene & Amy Barnett
Merle Moses
Special Needs / Special Needs / Praise!
Our troops worldwide / World peace / His mercies
Mark Plum / Smith Family / Baptisms!
Edwards family / O’Neal family / Kara’s feeling better

If you have a prayer need, please fill out the pink slip in your pew and drop it in the offering basket or give to Pastor Carle.

Bristow Advent Christian Church

Jan. 10, 2016

Coming Up:

Annual Church Business Meeting: Sunday, January 24. This will follow our morning service and will include a Fellowship Meal. Please plan to attend this important yearly event.

Committee Reports – Noelle needs reports from every committee in preparation for the Annual Meeting.

Celebrate Recovery Friday Nite Ride – If you’re unable to come to CR on Wednesdays, we will be going on Friday nights to the Cr meeting at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Tulsa. Please call or message Chad if you need a ride.

FYI – We no longer have our secondary phone line – 367.2559. If you call this number, you will hear a busy signal.

Craft Night: Presented by the Fundraising Committee – We are planning to have an Arts and Crafts Fair in the fall and will begin meeting at least monthly to plan and work on crafts. All crafty people are welcome! We need input and ideas. Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 PM.


Sunday School 9:45 AM

Morning Worship 10:45 AM

Brief Board Meeting following service

Worship Team Practice 5:30 PM

Evening Service 6:00 PM

This Week

MondayCR Step Study(Restarting Jan. 11) 6:30 PM - W

TuesdayCR Step Study 6:30 PM - M

WednesdayPrayer Meeting 2:00 PM

Wednesday Celebrate Recovery Open Mtg. 6 – 9:00 PM

Celebration Place 7 – 9:00 PM

Saturday YouthMissions Planning Meeting10:00 AM

Last Week’s Offering: $1776.50

Weekly Budget: $1,792.50

January’s Memory Verse

Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. II Tim. 4:8

Bristow Advent Christian Church

Jan. 10, 2016

Coming Up:

Annual Church Business Meeting: Sunday, January 24. This will follow our morning service and will include a Fellowship Meal. Please plan to attend this important yearly event.

Committee Reports – Noelle needs reports from every committee in preparation for the Annual Meeting.

Celebrate Recovery Friday Nite Ride – If you’re unable to come to CR on Wednesdays, we will be going on Friday nights to the Cr meeting at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Tulsa. Please call or message Chad if you need a ride.

FYI – We no longer have our secondary phone line – 367.2559. If you call this number, you will hear a busy signal.

Craft Night: Presented by the Fundraising Committee – We are planning to have an Arts and Crafts Fair in the fall and will begin meeting at least monthly to plan and work on crafts. All crafty people are welcome! We need input and ideas. Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 PM.


Sunday School 9:45 AM

Morning Worship 10:45 AM

Brief Board Meeting following service

Worship Team Practice 5:30 PM

Evening Service 6:00 PM

This Week

MondayCR Step Study(Restarting Jan. 11) 6:30 PM - W

TuesdayCR Step Study 6:30 PM - M

WednesdayPrayer Meeting 2:00 PM

Wednesday Celebrate Recovery Open Mtg. 6 – 9:00 PM

Celebration Place 7 – 9:00 PM

Saturday YouthMissions Planning Meeting10:00 AM

Last Week’s Offering: $1776.50

Weekly Budget: $1,792.50

January’s Memory Verse

Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. II Tim. 4:8