Performance Management Subgroup
terms of reference
1.1To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of what is undertaken by the Local Authority and board partners individually and collectively to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and advise them on ways to improve.
2Key Objectives
2.1Strategic Group (Performance Scorecard Information)
2.1.1To review the performance information that is generated in the LSCB scorecard by the appropriate agencies highlight areas of risk to safeguarding children and propose challenge to the appropriate LSCB member.
2.1.2All findings from inspections relating to safeguarding will be discussed within the subgroup and recommendations will be share to ensure that all organisations are working to the same standards.
2.1.3To monitor and share single agency audits in relation to safeguarding children. Highlighting any risk to children young people and their families.
2.2Operational Group (audit and assurance)
2.2To monitor and evaluate the LSCB’s section 11 audit, which includean agreed set of standard and scoring matrix which areratified by the Board. This would therefore produce a flag mark to say that the organisations are working to safeguarding children.
2.2.1To evaluate multi-agency working by undertaking audits of case files, looking at the involvement of the different agencies, and identifying the quality of practice and lessons to be learned in terms of both inter-agency and multi-disciplinary practice.
2.2.3To report to the LSCB and appropriate sub-groups (e.g. training, policy and procedure) the findings and recommendations made as a result of the audit / inspection. Where necessary specific task groups will be established to undertake action plans developed from the findings.
2.2.4To undertake audits in relation to serious case review recommendations and report back to the LSCB.
3. Quorum
3.1A meeting is quorate with representation from three different partner organisations.
4.Role of Group Members
4.1 Members are expected to represent their organisation, ensure that required actions are implemented and communicate and reported on issues effectively across their organisation.
4.2 If a member misses more than 2 consecutive meetings then an email will be sent to the LSCB member and the LSCB chair.
5.Frequency of meetings
5.1The subgroup will meeting every month. Quarterly the group will discuss and examine performance information.
5.2 The group will be split into sections one that will focus on the quarterly performance information meetings and on that will focus on the monitoring and evaluation with audit and scrutiny.
MembershipStategic Group
This group will meet quarterly:
24thFebruary 2014
28thApril 2014
14thJuly 2014
14thDecember 2014
Agency / Member / Input requiredDrugs and Alcohol / Roy Eggerton / Essential
CCG / Tanya Roberts (Chair) / Essential
Head of Safeguarding / Glynis Williams / Essential
Social Care / Saul Ainsworth / Essential
Pennine Care Trust / Amanda Smith / (if required)
Pennine Acute NHS / Sue Smith / Essential
Police / Andy Harty / Essential
LSCB / Susan Harrison / Essential
YOS / Steph Bolshaw / Essential
Probation / Sara Jarvis / (if required)
Council Performance / Matt Drogan / Essential
Education / Angela Newman / Essential
Pennine Care Trust Cmty Health / Eileen Mills / Essential
Membership Operational Group 2014
Representatives from: / Current representative/s / Input requiredHealth (Chair) / Tanya Roberts / Essential
Health / Eileen Mills / Essential
Pennine Care Trust / Amanda Smith / Named contact for specific issues
Pennine Acute NHS / Sue Smith / Named contact for specific issues
Education / David Devane / Essential
Positive Steps Oldham / Phil Collinge / Essential
LSCB / Susan Harrison / Essential
YOS / Paul Axon / Named contact required for specific issues.
Probation / Des Mcginn / Specific issues only
Head of Safeguarding / Steve Bold / Essential
Police / Andy Harty / Specific issues
CAMHS / Vicky Brown / Specific issues
Performance Management Subgroup –Terms of Reference 2014Page 1 of 3