Chapter 16: Reconstruction and the New South, 1863-1896 Review Sheet 1 (546-557)
Key Idea 8.1: Regional tensions following the Civil War complicated efforts to heal the nation and to redefine the status of African Americans.
Objective 8.1a: Different approaches toward and policies for Reconstruction highlight the challenges faced in reunifying the nation.
Objective 8.1b: Freed African Americans created new lives for themselves in the absence of slavery. Constitutional amendments and federal legislation sought to expand the rights and protect the citizenship of African Americans.
BEFORE you read, think back to last year’s documentaries on the Civil War.
- What problems do you think the nation faced in 1865 when the war was over?
REMEMBER! Pre-read the “Background knowledge” section, the first paragraph under the red headings, and look at all photographs, maps, drawings, etc. BEFORE you read the section.
- Look at the photo of Richmond on page 547. What do you think would be the most urgent need of the people of Richmond, Virginia?
- What did the Freedmen’s Bureau do? List two ways it helped people in the South. (page 548)
- Why did people expect President Johnson to take a hard line on Reconstruction? (549)
- What was the purpose of the black codes? Describe a few of them.(553)
- How was “Radical Reconstruction” different from what was already happening in the South? (555)
- Look at the cartoon on page 556. According to it, what did the White League and the KKK do to keep African-Americans from gaining their rights? What do you think the cartoonist, Thomas Nast, meant by the words “Worse than Slavery?”
Answer the next question on a separate sheet of paper (to be collected).
- Read pages 550-551. Take one of the following roles: wounded veteran, planter whose farm is destroyed, or a freedman. Write a paragraph explaining how you feel about the end of the war and the possibilities for the future.
Chapter 16: Reconstruction and the New South, 1863-1896 Review Sheet 2 (558-563)
Key Idea 8.1: Regional tensions following the Civil War complicated efforts to heal the nation and to redefine the status of African Americans.
Objective 8.1c: Federal initiatives begun during Reconstruction were challenged on many levels, leading to negative impacts on the lives of African Americans.
REMEMBER! Pre-read the “Background knowledge” section, the first paragraph under the red headings, and look at all photographs, maps, drawings, etc. BEFORE you read the section.
- Read the section Reconstruction’s Conclusion (558). Why did support for Radical Republicans decline?
- How did the election 1876 lead to the end of Reconstruction? (558-559)
- African Americans lost many of their rights already granted to them towards the end of Reconstruction. One economic problem for them was Sharecropping. Describe it in your own words. (561-562)
- “Sectionalism” is loyalty to a state or section of the country, not the country as a whole. Sectionalism played a large part in starting the Civil War. Looking at the map on page 559, do you think the Civil War ended sectionalism? Explain.