ISBN: 978-1-62254-028-0
Item Number:ITPM15
Availability: September2014
Price: $129.95
Size/Binding: 8” x 11” softbound / ICD-10-PCS Mappings2015
The ICD-10-PCS classification system is a whole new way of coding procedures. Compared to ICD-9-CM procedure coding, it entails more specificity of terms, uses different organizational principles, and uses a different classification system based on essential components of a procedure.
By mapping the most frequently used ICD-9-CM Volume 3 procedure codes to their corresponding 2015 ICD-10-PCS codes you can identify the essential components of the procedures, select the most appropriate root operation, identify your specific documentation needs, and refine your revenue cycle management.
ICD-10-PCS Mappings was created to get your office or facility ready to meet the documentation and coding challenges of the new ICD-10-CM code set.Set thestandard for coding accuracy, the cornerstone of healthcare analytics and revenue cycle management, with the confidence only an Optum product can deliver.
Key Features and Benefits
  • Perform impact analysis to identify and focus on high priority coding issues. Using the ICD-9-CM Volume 3 procedure codes you already know as your guide, you'll be able to quickly identify the ICD-10-PCS codes that are pertinent to your facility.
  • Unlock the historical ICD-9-CM coded data. Mapping can facilitate the linking of over thirty years of ICD-9-CM coded data which is the key to reimbursement trending, retrospective audits, episode of care coding, and financial planning.
  • Links ICD-9-CM Volume 3 procedure codes to all valid ICD-10-PCS alternatives. Convenient look-up tool for verifying code choices in the new code system.
  • Easy-to-use table format. Lists ICD-9-CM Volume 3 procedure codes with titles and the corresponding ICD-10-PCS codes with titles.
  • Combination and scenario mappings. Codes are grouped and highlighted for easytranslation.
  • Validate root operation selection. The number one challenge with ICD-10-PCS is selection of the correct root operation that defines the objective of the procedure.
  • Jump-start your implementation plan. Start improving documentation habits now in preparation for increased documentation requirements under ICD-10-PCS.
  • Must-have resource to update your organization’s coding and billing tools. Choose the right codes to convert forms, reports, and EHRs/PHRs that meet your specific clinical and coding criteria.
  • Software validation. Use this mapping tool to verify software accuracy, evaluate new software, and assist in meeting the challenges of the new code set.