30 July 2015


The Defence Abuse Response Taskforce has made substantial progress delivering outcomes to people who experienced abuse in Defence, according to a report released today. The Report on progress, operations and future structure provides an update on the Taskforce’s work since December and states that more than 1,700 cases have been closed.

“The Taskforce’s priority over the last six months has been to accelerate its work to ensure that complainants receive their outcomes,” said the Chair of the Taskforce, Robert Cornall AO. “This report shows that we have achieved this goal and that the majority of our work is now complete.”

All referrals to police or military justice authorities, all referrals to the Chief of the Defence Force and 1,717 out of 1,725 reparation payments (99.54%) were completed by 30 June 2015. Good progress has also been made in delivering counselling and arranging restorative engagement conferences between senior Defence leaders and complainants.

“The Taskforce acknowledges the courage of the people who have come forward and reported their experiences of abuse. We look forward to continuing to assist the remaining complainants and to provide them with some redress.”

The report also responds to other issues included in the Terms of Reference, including its work assisting the Sex Discrimination Commissioner in her consideration of whether a Royal Commission should be established into abuse at the Australian Defence Force Academy. The Taskforce has suggested that an alternative to a Royal Commission could be establishing a joint Australian Crime Commission and Australian Federal Police investigation into sexual abuse at ADFA.

“The Taskforce believes that it is time for perpetrators to be held to account for their alleged criminal offences at ADFA,” Mr Cornall said. “The major benefit of establishing a joint ACC-AFP investigation is that it may lead to criminal prosecutions, rather than recommendations for further action.”

The Taskforce is continuing to accept complaints of abuse from women who experienced sexual abuse at ADFA during the time period 1991 and 1998. The deadline under the Terms of Reference for receiving complaints in this category is 15 September 2015. New ADFA complainants will be eligible for the full range of Taskforce outcomes.

The Report on progress, operations and future structure is available on the Taskforce website: .

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The Defence Abuse Response Taskforce is to operate, in accordance with the following terms of reference, effective from 1 July 2015 until 31 December 2015.

The Taskforce is to:

(a)assess any outstanding complaints of sexual and other forms of abuse by Defence personnel alleged to have occurred prior to 11 April 2011 (the date of the announcement of the DLA Piper’s Report of the Review of allegations of sexual and other forms of abuse in the Australian Defence Force) and registered with the Taskforce by 31 May 2013 or complaints from women who experienced sexual abuse at ADFA during the period 1991 and 1998 and registered with the Taskforce by
15 September 2015 and conclude by 30 September 2015 any outstanding assessments of those complaints;

(b)determine, in close consultation with those who have made complaints, appropriate actions in response to those complaints;

(c)conclude by 30 September 2015 any outstanding assessments of reparation payments (except for the abovementioned ADFA complaints);

(d)conclude by 30 September 2015 any outstanding referrals of appropriate matters to police or military justice authorities for formal criminal investigation and assessment for prosecution (except for the abovementioned ADFA complaints);

(e)conclude by 30 September 2015 any outstanding referrals to the Chief of the Defence Force for possible administrative or disciplinary action (except for the abovementioned ADFA complaints);

(f)conclude the above mentioned ADFA complaints under paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) by 31 December 2015;

(g)conclude as soon as possible the provision of restorative engagement conferences;

(h)conclude as soon as possible the provision of counselling;

(i)as appropriate, gather additional information relevant to consideration of the handling of particular allegations e.g. relevant records held by Defence;

(j)take account of the rights and interests of complainants, alleged abusers and other parties;

(k)liaise with the Minister for Defence, Chief of the Defence Force, Secretary of the Department of Defence and the Sex Discrimination Commissioner on any implications of its work for Defence’s ‘Pathway to Change,’ and other responses to the series of reviews into Defence culture and practices; and in particular for the consideration of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner’s report in response to the Taskforce’s recommendation in its Report on abuse in Defence regarding a Royal Commission into ADFA;

(l)provide a final report to the Minister for Defence and Minister for Justice by
31 December 2015 on complaints of abuse received by the Taskforce, the completion of its delivery of remaining actions in response to those complaints and any other matters relevant to the Taskforce’s operations; and,

(m)do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance of any of the above matters and finalisation of its work.

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Minister for Defence Minister for Justice


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