May 11, 2009

The regular meeting of the trustees for the Town of Walsh was called to order at 7:00 pm, by Mayor Clarence Jones, on Monday, May 11, 2009 at City Hall.

Members present: Mayor Clarence Jones; Trustees, Bob Morrow, Matt Tedder and Kris George.

Officers present: Town Clerk Donna Packard Dawson, Town Superintendent James Dubois, Police Officers, Dennis Bradburn and Connie Bradburn.

ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Packard buildings, award

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Bob Morrow made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2009 regular meeting, as presented. The motion was seconded by Matt Tedder and carried unanimously.

APPROVAL OF TREASURER’S REPORT & PAYMENT OF BILLS: Bob Morrow made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and payment of bills as presented. The motion was seconded by Kris George and carried unanimously.

VISITORS: Jessica Gourley

Larry Forgey arrived.

OLD BUSINESS: Jessica Gourley was here with information about a recycling program; towns typically use five containers which cost about $1,200.00 each. She will check to see if there are any grants to help pay for the containers. The collection company that is utilized by several local municipalities charges 17 cents per person per month for collection. There was some discussion about the possibility of Town employees running the program; using dumpsters for collection and then transporting the material instead of having someone else pick it up.


POLICE: Dennis and Connie Bradburn gave the Police Report. They will be traveling to Rifle, CO to pick up the 2004 Ford Explorer which was donated by Garfield County for use by the Walsh Police Department. It will be good to get it here because both police cars need some costly repairs. The Impala needs a new heat box, which will cost about $500.00 and the Crown Victoria has a cracked intake manifold that will be a minimum of $1,000.00 to replace. Trustees discussed selling the cars but put off a decision until the new vehicle is obtained.

The Springfield Police Department will also be receiving a car from Garfield County, but probably won’t be able to send anyone to get it, so Connie asked if the Town could cover Riley Frazee’s expenses to travel along with her and Dennis and help pick up both cars. The Council decided they would pay one half of Riley’s costs if Springfield would pay the other half. The clerk will get cash for them to use on the trip.

WATER/WASTEWATER: James Dubois reported that the first phase of water lines that are scheduled to be replaced this year is finished. The motor on the South Well went down again. L&N pump installed an 8 inch Hitachi motor instead of the 6 inch Franklin that has been causing problems. They recommended that the Town should not keep a spare motor on hand, because the warranty starts from the date of sale and not when it is installed.

STREET: James Dubois said the County will haul part of the chips tomorrow and the rest next Monday. Rocky Mountain Chip Seal will be here to start the chip seal project on Monday as well.

Meeting out of session for break

Meeting back in session


FIRE: Bob Morrow gave the Fire Department report. He is considering a policy change that will require firefighter applicants to pass a physical examination as a precursor to being approved to join the force. Bob also updated trustees about the grant he sent in for a new truck; he thinks the Town has a good chance of receiving it. It is a one-time grant that will allow Fire Departments to replace their oldest non-cab over truck, which in this case is the pumper truck. One condition of the grant is that the old truck cannot be sold, because the federal government considers them unsafe and doesn’t want them in service by any Fire Department. The cash match is only 5% of the total cost of the truck, so it should be covered by the money contributed to the Town by Baca County.

C.B./S.C./LIBRARY/GEM: Trustees discussed how to get the community building painted. Matt Tedder will find out who painted at the John Deere shop. Larry Forgey, James Dubois and Clarence Jones will talk to their church congregations to see if there are any volunteers to help.

Clarence Jones said there is a piece of tin missing from the drip edge on the Gem Theater. James Dubois will take care of it.

TRASH: James Dubois said there is a new State Landfill Inspector who will coming down sometime this summer, so there may be new requirements to fulfill. He recently took Dolly Morrow’s elementary school class on a tour of the landfill and thought they had fun.

NEW BUSINESS: Bob Morrow would like to see the Town present Connie Bradburn with a Life Saving Award to commend her for her actions during a recent suicide attempt. He got information from the Lamar Police Department about awards that are given for law enforcement and where to purchase them. The clerk will order the badge to have for presentation at the next meeting.

Alan Packard said Julian Packard would like to trade his buildings on the east side of Colorado Street for water on the property where he keeps his cattle. Trustees discussed the possibility of purchasing the buildings for a set price and then applying that amount as a credit on Julian’s account. Clarence Jones will find out what the taxable value is.

ADJOURNMENT: Bob Morrow made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kris George. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.



Mayor Clarence Jones


Town Clerk Donna Packard Dawson