419 Cherry St.Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 487-6550 Fax (517) 487-6977

Informal Review Request Form for Public Housing Applicant’s Only

You must return this completed request form to the Community/Development address that denied you for housing.

Your request for an informal review will be denied if it is submitted to a different address.

Name: / Phone Number :
Community that denied you

Reason for Review:

Action or Relief Sought:


You havethe right to requestan informal reviewtodecidewhether the actiontakenagainstyou was justified.Youhavetherighttoafairreview,whichwill be decidedbya duly appointed,independentreview officer.Thereviewwill beless formal thanacourt trial, butisan officialproceedingwhere bothsides presentevidence.Pleasebe aware ofyour rights andresponsibilities.

LHC must begiven theopportunityto examineanydocumentsyou intend to utilize/present for the informal review and review a list of witnesses (if any),beforethescheduled review. Thisprocessisknownas“discovery”. These documents and the list of witnesses (if any)must besubmitted to the office of the community that denied you at leastthree(3) workdaysbeforethedateof the scheduled review.LHC must be allowed to copyanysuch document(s). If youdonot makethedocuments you intend to utilize/present at the review availablefor examination,thefamilymaynotpresent thedocuments at thereview.

LHCshallpresentthefactssupporting theactionproposedinthenoticeofintended action. LHC bears theoverall burdenofprovingtheallegations byapreponderance ofevidence. LHCmustestablishthattheparticipantviolatedoneormorePublic Housingprogram rules,regulations,orpolicies.



  1. Yourtestimony:Whatyouhavetosayaboutyoursideofthecase.
  1. Documents: Youmay presentletter(s),doctors'reports,receipts, officialnotices,etc. provided you submitted these documents to LHC (as described above) at least 3 business days before the review.
  1. Witnesses: Youmaybringwitnesseswhohavepersonalknowledge ofthefactsofthecasetogivetheirtestimony.Alistofwitnessesmust besubmittedtothe office of the community that denied youatleastthree(3)workdays beforethedateofthereview.
  1. Representation: Youhave the right to be represented byanattorneyorotherappropriateperson(s) at areview. Ifyouobtainrepresentation, youmust notify themanagementstaffat the community that denied youatleast five(5) workdayspriortothereview.
  1. PHAfile: Youmay reviewyourfileandLHC will makecopiesofanythingpertinent toyourcase at your (the grievant’s) expense ($1.25 per page)atleastfive (5)workdaysbeforethedateofthereview.
  1. Reasonable Continuance: Theopportunity toreceiveareasonablecontinuancefor“good cause” isdefinedasanunavoidableconflictwhichseriouslyaffectsthehealth, safetyor welfareofthefamily.
  1. Tapedproceedings:Thereviewwillnotbe recorded.
  1. Questions: Youmayaskquestionsofanywitnesseswhotestifyagainst you.
  1. ReasonableAccommodation:Asyouhavealreadybeennotified,ifyou havea disabilitythatcould affectyour abilityto participateatthe Informal review,you havetherighttorequestareasonable accommodation.Youmustspecifywhat accommodation you are requesting beforethereview by contactingyour sitemanager.
  1. Withdrawal: Youmay withdrawyour reviewrequestat anytimeby informingLHC,in writing,ofyourrequest.
  1. Judicialreview: Reviewdecisionsshallbefinalandbindinguponall partiesunlesseitherpartyseeks timelyjudicial review.Wherethereviewdecisionisunfavorabletotheresident,you may obtainjudicial reviewofthedecisionunderMCL600.5738.


Youhavethelegaldutytotellthetruthatallstagesoftheproceedings justasifyouwerein a court room.

Youhavetheobligationtoprepareyourcaseandbeready onthedateof thereview.

If the family fails to appear for their informal review, (fails to appear means the family is not present within 15 minutes after the hearing time assigned) the denial of admission will stand and the family will not receive any further notifications from LHC. LHC may offer an additional review if the applicant contacts LHC prior to the review due to a conflict. The applicant may request one new review; however, this request must be made prior to the original review.

Youmay request,in advance,LHCprovide an interpreter or mechanicalfacility toovercomelanguageorothercommunication disabilities.

Applicant Signature / Date

For Office Staff Only

Informal Review Date:
Date Letter Sent to Tenant:

Revised 9-3-14Applicant Informal Review RequestPage 1 of 3