Appendix 1

People with Disabilities in Ireland (PwDI)

Annual General Meeting 2008

Motions and Amendments Carried, Referred and Rejected from 2008 Annual General Meeting

Note: The names attached to Motions / Amendments refer to delegates who formally proposed and seconded same i.e.

[Proposed by / seconded by]


  1. That PwDI call on the HSE to assess all children over 5years should be carried out on request without any delay as a requirement of Part 2 of the Disability Act.

[Mr Patrick Brasil (Clare) / Ms EdelCadden (Mayo)]

Amendment: That PwDI seek clarification as to when needs assessments for children over five and subsequently all people with disabilities, will be available on request, as per Part 2 of the Disability Act. And, that they (PwDI) make strong representation that this next stage is implemented without delay.

Amendment Carried

[Ms Mary Walsh (Kildare) / Mr Damien Mathew Wise (Clare)]

  1. That PwDI call on the HSE to introduce vital and alternative therapies such as after care, counselling memory enhancement training courses and cognetative measures suitable to the needs of individual’s .The Data Protection Law to be applied to the above.

Motion Carried

[Mr Patrick Brassil (Clare) / Ms Theresa Stroker (Roscommon)]

  1. That PWDI should call for the immediate re-introduction of the Special Dietary Allowance for disabled people with special dietary requirements such as those people with Diabetes, Coaelic disease, Crohn's disease, MS, Cancer, ME, IBS, Environmental illness, AIDS, Haemophilia, and many other serious illnesses.

Motion Carried

[Mr Pat McCann (Galway) / Mr JoeCreggan (Wexford)]

  1. PWDI campaign vigorously to ensure adequate funding is in place to protect vulnerable young people, families and support groups to combat depression and suicidal tendencies.

Motion Carried

[Ms Christina O’Boyle (Louth) / Ms EdelCadden (Mayo)]

  1. That PWDI contact the Minister for Health to add to the criteria regarding eligibility for a Primary Medical Certificate so that it allows for people with an Acquired Brain Injury who have a paralysis or weakness of a limb(s) to qualify.

Motion Carried

[Mr Patrick O’Gorman (Limerick) / Mr Michael Tracey (Roscommon)]


  1. That PWDI call on the Department of Education to provide funding for undergraduates with disabilities to enable the employment of personal assistants during the holidays.

Motion Carried

[Mr Thomas Conolle (Clare) / Ms Margaret Hyland (Leitrim)]

  1. That PwDI enter into negotiations with the Department of Education and Science with a view to securing a place on the Special Education Needs Council.

Motion Carried

[Ms Mary Smyth (Offaly) / Mr Pat Clarke (Cavan)]


  1. That PWDI call on the government to amend the Disability Act 2005 to incorporate a section guaranteeing the progressive realisation of rights to standardised county wide personal assistant service for people with disabilities

Motion Carried

[Mr Thomas Conolle (Clare) / Mr Ned Deering (Carlow)]

  1. That PWDI call on the Minister for Justice to enact an amendment to the Residential tenancies Act 2004, forcing the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB) to adopt a zero tolerance policy for anti-social behaviour directed against disabled people in rented accommodation. And that such be monitored by PWDI representation on the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB).

Motion Carried

[Mr Pat McCann (Galway) / Mr PatClarke (Cavan)]


  1. Call on PwDI to produce a report on the actions carried out by PwDI and the results of those actions on the motions passed at the previous years AGM be circulated to all Networks no later than 10 months following the relevant years AGM.

Motion Carried

[Ms Cath Waugh (Donegal)/ Ms Bernadeth Smith (Meath)]

Amendment: That PWDI Headquarters would provide a detailed Progress Report within 11 months of a national AGM. That such a Progress Report would contain a listing of all motions ever passed at national AGM's, the actions taken and the results of these actions.

Amendment Defeated

[Mr Pat McCann (Galway) / Ms Bernadeth Smyth (Meath)]

  1. That National PwDI website be updated on a regular basis.

Motion Carried

[Ms Cath Waugh (Donegal) / Ms Trish King (Sligo)]

  1. That PwDI National Office circulate communications to the appropriate Network committee officers, i.e. Chairperson, Secretary, PRO, Treasurer in a more timely manner.

Motion Carried

[Ms Cath Waugh (Donegal) / Ms Margaret Hyland (Leitrim)]


  1. That PWDI Ltd urgently request the Revenue Commissioners to update the limits of VAT and VRT repayable to disabled drivers and passengers so as to keep pace with inflation and reflect the recent changes in rates of VRT.

Motion Carried

[Ms Cath Waugh (Donegal) / Mr Peter Byrne (Meath]


  1. That the National Board of P.w.D.I. make the A.G.M. of 2009 a rules conference so that the Memorandum and Articles of Association can be discussed and changed by the membership.

Motion Carried

[Mr Mark Ahern (Westmeath) / Ms Anne Kelly (Kildare)


  1. That the National Board urgently apply to the revenue commissioners for charitable status for the organisation.

Motion Carried

[Mr Mark Ahern (Westmeath) / Mr Colin Livingstone (Wexford)]


  1. That rule 16 and 16(a) be changed to read as follows:-

Panel A be increased from 7 to 9 members and that all applicants must be registered with P.w.D.I. and that their registration numbers must be checked by their network.

Panel B should read as follows:- Groups 1. Parents & Guardians 3, again providing that they are registered as members of P.w.D.I.

Panel C should read as follows:- 2 members of Local Branches of National Organisations, 2 Members of Local Groups of People with Disabilities, again providing that they are registered as members of P.w.D.I.

This would give an increase in the Network Committee Membership from 15 to 17.

Motion Defeated

[Mr Mark Ahern (Westmeath) / Ms Theresa Stroker (Roscommon)]

  1. That rule 8 and 8 (b) be changed as follows:-

A member shall cease to be a member of the company forthwith upon

(b)receipt by the company of resignation in writing, e-mail or indication of

same by telephone conversation. Such resignation shall take effect from

time of receipt of resignation.

Motion Withdrawn and referred to the Board

[Mr Mark Ahern (Westmeath) / Mr Pat McCann (Galway)


  1. That the National Board of PWDI keep pressure on the Government not to cut any services for people with disabilities during this economic downturn.

Motion Carried

[Mr Mark Ahern (Westmeath) / Mr Patrick Brassil (Clare)]

  1. That PWDI contact the Minister for Health to ensure that there will not be any cutbacks in service provision for people with disability.

Motion Carried

[Mr Donal Ryan (Limerick) / Ms Mary Mulryan (Mayo)]

20.That PwDI call on Government for an increase in the fuel allowance: currently standing @ €18 per week.

Motion Carried

[Mr Michael Brown (Laois) / Mr Pat McCann (Galway)]

  1. That the Board of PwDI liaise with the appropriate department to look into extending the current fuel allowance, which is for the winter months, to 52 weeks a year as fuel is needed all year round not just in the winter.
    Motion Carried

[Ms Margaret Hyland (Leitrim) / Ms Christina O’Boyle (Louth)]

22.That PwDI call on the Government to increase the Mobility Allowance.

Motion Carried

[Mr Michael Brown (Laois) / Mr Tom Power (Waterford)]

  1. That PWDI contact the Minister for Health to provide the required increased psychological support for people with an acquired brain injury in the Mid-West Region.

Motion Carried

[Mr Liam Maher (Limerick) / Ms EdelCadden(Mayo)]


  1. That PwDI headquarters demand that the Department of Transport provide a detailed quarterly report to PWDI Headquarters and all PWDI networks itemising the progress achieved in implementing the Sectoral Plan for Accessible Transport. And that such a report would provide a county-by-county analysis and an assessment of whether the initial deadline 2016 will be met at the current rate of progress.

Motion Carried

[Mr Pat McCann (Galway) / Ms Bernadette Smith (Meath)]

  1. That PwDI contact the Minister of Social and Family Affairs to ensure that people with disability have equal access to public transport services. This should include appropriate flight boarding facilities by all airline carriers.

Motion Carried

[Mr Liam Maher (Limerick) / Mr Pat Clark (Cavan)]


  1. In light of the Disability Acts 1960 - 2005, the government's Sectoral plans, The Barcelona agreement, we call on the PWDI to engage the services of a reputable law firm and barristers to establish the following:

what exactly are the legal duties and obligations of city and county councils in relation to the rovision of services to people with disabilities. This includes accessibility issues and transport issues. What enforcement options are available ?

what are the legal duties and obligations of state bodies and government departments in relation to the provision of services to people with disabilities ? What enforcement options are available ?

what are the legal duties and obligations of employers in relation to the provision of jobs and employment to people with disabilities ? What enforcement options are available ?

And that on establishing these facts, PWDI would inform all the PWDI networks of these facts.

[Mr Pat McCann (Galway) / Mr Patrick Brassil (Clare)]

Amendment: In light of the Disability Act2005, the government's Sectoral plans, The Barcelona agreement, we call on the PWDI to establish the following and circulate this information to all Networks:

what exactly are the legal duties and obligations of city and county councils in relation to the Provision of services to people with disabilities. This includes accessibility issues and transport issues. What enforcement optionsare available?

what are the legal duties and obligations of state bodies and government departments in relation to the provision of services to people with disabilities ? What enforcement options are available ?

what are the legal duties and obligations of employers in relation to the provision of jobs and employment to people with disabilities ? What enforcement options are available?

Amendment Carried

[Ms Cindy Moore (Louth) / Mr Patrick Collins (Tipperary)]


  1. That PWDI call on the Taoiseach to re-state the Government's intention to honour its commitments under the National Disability Strategy.

Motion Carried

[Mr Patrick McCann (Galway) / Ms Mary Mulryan (Mayo)]


28.That the Management of PWDI implement training for the key officers of Networks to the standard of the Horizon Training programme a number of years ago.

Motion Withdrawn and referred to the Board

[Mr Michael Browne (Laois) / Mr Jo Creggan (Waterford)]

  1. Congratulations to PWDI in the roll out of Dublin based computer training in conjunction with Dublin Institute of Technology and now seek for PWDI to work to commence to bring on board all Institutes of Technology to roll out the training countrywide.

Motion Carried

[Ms Maureen Madden (Louth) / Mr Hugh McGuire (Westmeath)]

  1. That PwDI enter into negotiations with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to provide much needed funding towards the setting up of a “Transition to Work” training programme for young men and women with moderate learning disabilities. The present training programme that is available and funded by FAS is an excellent programme, but it does not meet the needs of the participants. The proposed programme is urgently required to enable the participants to further develop their skills and talent to enable moving into employment a reality.

Motion Carried

[Ms Mary Smyth (Offaly) / Ms Anne Tully (Cavan)]

  1. That PWDI contact the Minister of Health to increase the trainee allowance for those attending rehabilitative training programmes.

Motion Carried

[Ms Pat O’Gorman (Limerick) / Ms Bernadette Smith (Meath)]


32.That the Board of PWDI allow Development Officer (NSO )to be invited to give report on their work/on Network at AGM of PWDI.

Motion withdrawn and referred to the Board

[Mr Michael Browne (Laois) / Mr Pat McCann (Galway)]


  1. That PwDI increase the mileage rate from seventy cent to at least one Euro due to the high cost of fuel.

Motion withdrawn by Sligo Network


  1. PWDI seek the extension of the Free Travel Pass Companion Pass to be extended to Second Level Student age group.

Motion Carried

[Mr pat Kelly (Louth) / Ms Margaret Hyland (Leitrim)]

  1. PWDI call for Free Toll Pass to be extended to all people with disabilities on the basis that they are Free Blue Parking Badge Holders.

Motion Carried

[Mr Pat Kelly (Louth) / Mr Hugh McGuire (Westmeath)]

  1. That PWDI contact the Ministerof Social and Family Affairs to allow for people with disabilities to obtain a free travel pass irrespective of household income.

Motion Carried

[Ms Cathy Cooper (Limerick) / Ms Bernadette Smith (Meath)]


  1. That PWDI put in place regular consultation sessions with Irish MEP,s who are members of the European Disability InterGroup to ensure PWDI has regular feedback and feed into the disability issues being raised and discussed by the InterGroup.

Motion Carried

[Ms Cyndy Moore (Louth) / Mr Tom Power (Waterford)]


  1. PWDI should ensure that the ratification and roll out of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities is high priority for 2009.

Motion Carried

[Ms Christina O’Boyle (Louth) / Mr Michael Tracey (Roscommon)]


  1. That the board of PwDIliaise with the appropriate departments to increase the Disability Allowance as fuel and the cost of living areincreasing but the allowance is not and people with disabilities are finding it harder all the time to cope with this increase.

Motion Carried

[Ms Margaret Hyland (Leitrim) / Mr Pat McCann (Galway)


  1. That the Board of PwDI clarify the EU parking disc situation as it appears that Northern Ireland have different laws and therefore an EU disc obtained in the Republic can not be used in the North. If it is an EU disc why can it not be used all over Europe?

Motion withdrawn and referred to the Board

[Ms Margaret Hyland (Leitrim) / Ms Bernadette Smith (Meath)]


  1. That PWDI contact the Minister for Trade and Enterprise to maintain the 3% mandatory disability representation within public sector employers. And for this to also apply within the private sector.

Motion Withdrawn and referred to the Baord

[Ms Cathy Cooper (Limerick) / Mr Michael Tracey (Roscommon)]