Pennbrook Middle School
Monday, November 23, 2015
“F” Day, Cycle 9
9th Grade Common Homeroom
Penn Time: Student Council Full Reps. Meeting, Auditorium
There is a CHICK-FIL-A COURTYARD FUNDRAISER tonight from 5-8pm at the MONTGOMERY MALL CHICK-FIL-A. 10% of all sales go to the Pennbrook Courtyard. We hope to see you there!
Reminder: When reporting a student absent or late, please provide a reason on your note, email or fax. Thank you.
The German Club will meet Tuesday, November 24th, after school from 3:00 – 5:00pm in Room 84.
The North Penn Knights Basketball Program (Boys’ & Girls’) will be hosting our 2nd Annual “Knight Madness” on Wednesday, December 2nd @ 6:30pm at NPHS Boys’ Gym. Attractions will include a 3 Point Contest, Fan Shooting Challenge and the North Penn High School Dance Team! The snack stand will be open for food and apparel. Admission is $2.
Volunteer Corps:
On Saturday, December 12th and Sunday, December 20th, 2-4 volunteers are needed at Gap Kids in the Montgomery Mall to help with an arts and crafts table.
You would need to be there from 1:45pm-4pm.
The Volunteer Corps will be collecting Toys for Tots now through December.
Please bring new and unwrapped toys for children in need. Collection bins are outside Mr. Krall’s room in 7th grade hallway, at the entrance to the mods, and outside Mr. O’Brien’s room in the 9th grade hallway.
Let’s see which grade can bring in the most toys!
Thank you for your generosity.
Please see Mr. Clancy in Guidance if you are interested or have any questions.
7th and 8th graders only – If you are not involved in the play and would like to be a part of the yearbook club please see Mr. Wright, room 64 or Mrs. Beard, room 56.
The NPSD Family and Consumer Sciences Department has created a collection of favorite recipes! The sale of the cookbook will benefit the NPHS – FCS Scholarship Fund. A sample book is available on the main office table. Please contact one of the Pennbrook Family and Consumer Sciences teachers, Louann Moos () or Cheryl Doyle( ) to place your order.
Cookbooks are $15.00 CASH and are in stock NOW.
If you are in 8th or 9th grade and are interested in volunteering to be a soccer buddy to children with special needs, please stop by the Guidance Office and see Mr. Clancy. You’ll need to pick up a registration form.
The Top Soccer Program is a wonderful volunteer activity. Sessions occur on Saturday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30pm at Upper Dublin High School.
Student ID: Have you lost your student ID? Mrs. Lancia in Guidance can make a replacement ID for you for $3.00.
Stop in before Homeroom or Lunch Study.
School Store: Cool weather is coming! Navy blue hooded sweatshirts are available at the school store for $20.00. See Mrs. Beard with questions.
Date / Sport / Location / DismissHigh School:
Date / Sport / Location / Pick UpThe starting dates for Middle School Winter Sports are as follows:
7/8 Girls’ Basketball-Tuesday, October 27th
9 Boys’ and 9 Girls’ Basketball- Monday, November 23rd
7/8 Wrestling-Tuesday, December 1st
Winter Cheerleading-Tuesday December 8th
7/8 Boys’ Basketball- Wednesday, January 6th
For sports information/questions, please call 215-853-1603 or email Mrs.
McConaghy at
Need help writing your paper?
Need help editing a paper?
Need help revising a paper you already wrote?
Come see Miss Senderling in the
Where?? - Room 90
When?? - Penn Time any day of the week!
Pass?? – Get a purple pass from your teacher
Bring a paper or writing assignment from ANY SUBJECT AREA
that you would like help with. Miss Senderling will be happy to work with
you to perfect your paper!
Math Support is available all students every morning at 7:40AM in the IMC-7. Please bring your books and handouts!
The Math Center is open during Penn Time in room 89.
All students are welcome.
Please get a purple pass from your HR teacher.
Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. DiLuigi
Please be aware that you can obtain information regarding the Jr. ROTC Program from the High School by clicking on the JROTC/teacher site below:
Pennbrook Sports . . .Late Buses run onTuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00pm.
High School Sports . . .Late Buses from North Penn run Mondays, Wednesdays& Thursdays.
There is a 3:00 pm Sports shuttle (BUS #29) from Pennbrook to the High School
To schedule an appointment with Mr. Galante, please call 215-853-1600 or email Mrs. Garifalos at
Student Absences:
All absences should be made by a phone call, note, email or fax. If you have reported the absence to attendance by anyone of these means, you DO NOT have to notify the school in any other way. If your student arrives late, they must present an excuse for tardiness at the attendance office. If a phone call, email, note or fax is not received by the attendance office, the absence will be unexcused.
(please note that you must have the underscore _ before the PBAttendance when emailing)
Fax: 215-699-0151 Attn: Attendance Office
Call: Attendance at 215-853-1602 or the main office at 215-699-9287
Days Absent: When a student is absent for three or more days a request can be made for missed assignments through Mrs. Behrens or by emailing You can also check your student’s teacher’s web page on Pennbrook’s website. Most teachers post their assignments on a regular basis.
Vacation: If going on vacation during the school year please make sure to send a note at least one week in advance to the Attendance Office. If your absence will exceed ten school days, you will need to contact Mrs. Amy Keller, Registrar, at 215-368-0400 to make an appointment to re-register before returning to school.
Student Pickup: For questions or information on picking up your child during the school day, please call 215-853-1601 or email Mrs. Behrens at
Lunch Accounts: Remember to put money into your child’s lunch account. It is very easy with the new program: and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account. There is also a toll free number (1-866-821-0306) that families can call to make payments and check their student’s account, if they do not have access to the internet. There is a charge of 4.75% each time a deposit is made through MyPaymentsPlus. Please note these fees do not go to NPSD, but is the cost of online transactions with MyPaymentsPlus. Families can benefit by this system because it allows you to: make payments using a credit card, debit card or check; check account balances online and via a toll free phone number; auto-pay a student’s account when it reaches a low balance; receive notifications when a student’s account balance is low; view a student account balance 24/7; monitor student purchases to what they are purchasing; inform the cafeteria staff about your child’s food allergies which will enable a computerized reminder system to prompt cashiers to review the student’s purchase for possible reactions.
Visitors: All visitors to Pennbrook are required to show their NPSD staff ID or a driver’s license at our reception desk. If you are coming to an IEP, Team or Teacher meeting or to volunteer, you must show your license and register with our new security system.
Student Illness/Nurse: Students should not be using cell phones to call home when they are ill. Students need to visit the Nurse and the Nurse should contact the parents to come and pick up their student. Please remind your children regarding this rule.
Id Cards are available from Mrs. Lancia in the Guidance Office for $3.00.
Late Bus: North Penn School District runs a late bus every Tuesday and Thursday. Students are picked up from Pennbrook at 5:15PM.
Bus Pass Reminder: In order to ride home with a friend on a different bus, a student must get a bus pass from the main office. Each student must have a note from a parent authorizing the bus pass and must include the names of all students involved, the date and a parent’s signature. If a note is forgotten, only then, can an email be sent in its place by no later than 10:00AM of that day. The email address is . Verbals over the phone are not acceptable. Also, all requests must be made by the end of Lunch Study; which is 11:53. Bus Passes will not be given out after this time. NO bus passes on early dismissal days per Transportation Department.
INFORMATION CHANGES: If the home address, home/cell phone number or guardianship of your child changes, please contact the Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Lancia at or call 215-853-1610.
Parents Please Note: If you are withdrawing your student from Pennbrook due to a family move or changing to another school within the District or out of state – please email Mrs. Lancia, Guidance Secretary, l so records can be copied and sent. Mrs. Lancia will email you the forms necessary so she can withdraw your student.