We believe in working together for excellence for all. Our school motto is:-
To achieve this we all – school staff, children, governors and parents – need to be working together towards the same goals. Your children have a right to learn and the teachers have a right to teach.
We believe it is vitally important to reward positive behaviour encouraging all our pupils to behave well. Where pupils do not respond to positive rewards then sanctions will be imposed.
It is the aim and philosophy of the policy to:-
- Encourage everyone to learn, co-operate and play in an atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy
- Have a high level of personal self-esteem and well being
- Show respect for other people’s property and the environment
- Have respect for other races, cultures, religions, abilities, beliefs and gender
- Be aware of their responsibilities as members of a class and the school community
- Be able to understand and accept the consequences of their actions
- To reinforce positive behaviour and give children responsibility
- To encourage children to take a pride in themselves, their uniform and the school
- To prepare children for a life in modern Britain through teaching the British Values
We follow the principles of Restorative Justice which are to:
- Build a sense of connection and belonging for all members of the school community
- Develop understanding and appreciation of differences and difficulties
- Participate actively in promoting social responsibility and building a school climate of mutual respect
We also follow the six Golden Rules:
- Be kind and helpful
- Be gentle
- Look after property
- Listen to people and show respect
- Work hard
- Be honest
By following these principles and rules we believe the children will develop skills that promote good citizenship both within school and in the wider community.
Responsibilities of the Children:
- attend school regularly, be on time and in correct school uniform.
- obey our school and class rules.
- be polite, kind and helpful to others.
- behave in a safe way at all times.
- work hard at all times.
- complete and hand in homework on time.
- tell an adult of any problems or worries.
- follow the Internet Code.
Responsibilities of the Staff:
- show care for your child’s safety and happiness as a valued member of our school community understanding the individual needs of your child
- provide programmes of study suitable for your child’s age and ability in line with National Curriculum requirements.
- contact you if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality.
- maintain the school’s behaviour policy to ensure a friendly, safe and caring environment.
- let you know of any concerns or problems that affect your child’s work or behaviour as soon as they arise.
- work in partnership with you and your child and arrange parents’ evenings during which the progress and well-being of your child will be discussed.
- provide homework in accordance with the school’s homework policy.
- keep you informed about school activities through regular letters home, newsletters and notices about special events.
Responsibilities of Parents/Carers:
- see that my child attends school regularly, on time and in school uniform.
- inform the school as soon as possible of the reason for my child’s absence.
- communicate my compliments, comments and concerns by talking to the class teacher in the first instance.
- fully support the school in matters of discipline.
- support and encourage my child’s homework and other opportunities for home learning.
- support my child by attending parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s life at school.
- go through proper channels of communication if I have a concern, grievance or complaint.
- behave politely and appropriately while on school premises and within the locality of the school.
- let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect our child’s work or behaviour.
Golden Time
Golden Time is a weekly celebration for all the children from Reception who have kept the Golden and school Rules.
This is a time of special choice where children are allowed to choose from a variety of activities including ICT, sports, craft activities and construction.When the opportunity arises children who have reached the treasure chest may be able to visit other units to join in their Golden Time.
All children have an opportunity to earn 40 minutes Golden Time in a week if they keep to the Golden Rules. All children start the week with 20 minutes and they can earn or lose minutes throughout the week moving up and down the chart according to their behaviour. Golden time can always be earned back. Every class has a behaviour chart.
Children missing Goldentime will be supervised by their class teachers in the classrooms while the remainder of the class have Golden time.
Team Points
There are 4 teams: Almond, Beech, Maple and Poplar - All children are placed in a house when they start in Nursery. Year 6 children take on responsibility for leading our teams as Captains and vice-captains.
Team Points are awarded by all staff for good work, effort, citizenship, positive behaviour and good attitudes to learning and others.
Team Point Totals are announced weekly in Showcase Assembly. The house with the most team points over a term is rewarded with a non-uniform day.
Teacher’s CertificateExcellence Certificate
These are awarded to children who have made a particular effort in the week with regard to good work, effort, citizenship, behaviour or attitude or to children who have produced an excellent piece of work or shown exemplary, citizenship, behaviour or attitude during the week.
Showcase Assembly
This is an open assembly for parents where we celebrate the achievements of the children across the school. The Teacher’s Awards and Excellence Awards are handed out during this assembly. Children receiving awards sit on the Praise Bench at the front of the assembly. Team Points for the week are also shared in showcase assembly.
Any out of school achievements are also recognised during this assembly.
Visiting the Headteacher or another teacher to receive praise
Children are sent to receive special praise from other members of staff or the Headteacher when they have produced good work, effort, citizenship, behaviour or attitude.
Class Awards
In addition, teachers use their own class rewards to encourage and praise children in line with our philosophy regarding a positive approach to learning. These may include stickers, certificates or awards such as ‘Star of the Week’.
Headteacher Awards – Pins
Each year the children will have the opportunity to win their Year pin. These have been decided upon by the children and their teachers. The children will have to receive 3 special Headteacher certificates for excellence in order to receive their pin. If they are unable to achieve their pin within the year they may continue to work towards it in the first term of the next year. Pins are awarded in special assemblies and families are invited to join us for a celebration. [e.g. breakfast, tea, etc.]
By the time a child leaves in Year 6 they could have earned 7 pins creating a rainbow of achievement.
Nursery = Happy [silver face]
Reception = Friendship [pink]
Year 1 = Determination [purple]
Year 2 = Cooperation [blue]
Year 3 = Responsibility [green]
Year 4 = Independence [yellow]
Year 5 = Perseverance [orange]
Year 6 = Successful achiever [red]
Children of any age who make an outstanding contribution to the school will be awarded a Dream…Believe…Succeed school pin [gold]. This may be shown through:
consistent exemplary behaviour
continuous good representation of the school [e.g. at sports events, community events]
exceptional work and progress
constant demonstration of the school values
understanding of the British Values
There will be times where children do not follow the Golden rules. Teachers have the right to teach and children have the right to learn. Children who break our school rules stop teachers from teaching and stop themselves and others from learning. Children will be given the chance to put this right immediately. For serious offences there will be sanctions.
Stage 1
A child will be given a verbal warning to correct deviation from the Golden or school Rules and to put things right but if they choose to ignore this warning they will be told to move themselves down the Golden Time chart. Their name may be written on the board as a reminder.
Stage 2
If a child continues to break one of the rules or a child is involved in more persistent behaviour then they will be asked to sit and have time out. This may be in class, in a shared learning area away from the other children. They will be spoken to by an adult about their behaviour and how to put it right.
Stage 3
If, after rejoining their classmates, there is still no improvement or a child acts in a way which shows disregard for others in terms of respect or safety then they will be sent to the Key Stage leader or next available senior teacher for part of or the rest of that session. They will complete a thinking time page for 10-15 minutes during their time out and may complete the work they were sent with which they should have been doing in their own class.
Any child who reaches -15 minutes [the thundercloud] on their Golden Time chart will be sent to the Headteacher to discuss their behaviour and to find solutions to putting things right. A slip will be sent home to inform parents that time was spent with the Headteacher [or the Deputy in the Head’s absence].
Stage 4
Children may also be sent to the Headteacher for a gross breach of school rules e.g. fighting, swearing, persistent rudeness, violence or aggressive behaviour. A phone call is made home or a letter is sent home to parents informing them that their child has behaved unacceptably and it will clarify the nature of the behaviour. The letter requests that parents discuss the behaviour with their child and also discuss ways in which the behaviour can be improved. There is a tear-off slip for parents to return. In extreme cases of persistently poor behaviour a behaviour contract will be drawn up between school, child and parents.
Stage 4 is considered to be very serious and if a child has to be dealt with at this level three times in half a term, an automatic one-day exclusion will follow. Once a child receives stage 4 a second time parents will be asked to attend a further meeting with the Headteacher to discuss their child’s behaviour and the consequences of a further stage 4. A third stage 4 will only be issued by the Headteacher.
In extreme circumstances a serious incident may lead to immediate exclusion.
The following are examples of unacceptable behaviouronly. These examples are to be used as a guide to dealing with unacceptable behaviour.
Stage 1 - inappropriate behaviour which stops other children learning or the teacher teaching including the following examples
- calling out
- giving a defiant/insolent look
- inappropriate chatter
- fidgeting
- lack of attention
Stage 2 – More persistent behaviour which stops other children learning or the teacher teaching (or continuation of level 1 behaviour) including the following examples
- continuing to argue and waste time
- interrupting
- rudeness
- ignoring a rule, request or instruction
- persistent chatting during a teaching/working session or assembly
- deliberate disruption
- spoiling property
Stage 3 – Acts which show disregard for others in terms of respect or safety (or continuation of level 2 behaviour) including the following examples
- making a personal insult
- leaving a room or area without permission
- blatant disobedience
- swearing
- spitting
- dishonesty
- insulting gestures
Stage 4 – Activities which cause harm or could cause harm to others. Seriously inappropriate behaviour (or a continuation of behaviour at level 3) including the following
- racist/abusive/threatening remarks
- causing a deliberate injury
- an act of violence/ or threatening
- fighting
- irreparable damage to property
- stealing
Whilst every effort is made to treat each child individually, there may be occasions when the majority of the class are not following the Golden Rules and consequently sanctions will be applied to the whole class.
Following our Golden Rules, we expect all our children to behave well at all times — both in the building and at playtimes. Children need to understand that playtime behaviour also plays a part in our behaviour policy.
Children who are helpful and kind in the playground will have stickers given to them by the staff on duty and may be moved up their Golden Time charts.When unacceptable behaviour occurs the same steps are taken as during class time.
All lunchtime staff will apply the principles of restorative justice when minor incidents occur and will sort these out on the playground. If the behaviour is more serious the child is sent to the Senior Midday Supervisor inside where the incident is fully investigated until justice is restored.
In the case of more serious behaviour, the child is sent to the Senior Teacher on duty that day, a behaviour incident form is completed and the child may then miss the remainder of lunchtime to think about their behaviour and how it needs to change to be trusted outside again. At morning and afternoon playtimes the child is dealt with by the teacher on duty who deals with the incident unless it is a serious incident when the procedures for lunchtimes are followed. In all cases the children are expected to put things right; this might be through apology, lost golden time, thinking time, time out of class.
Children for whom the standard procedures are ineffective: In exceptional circumstances the teacher, INCOs, parent and child will agree how the procedures will be modified and have a clear set of rewards and sanctions as well as clearly identifiable steps leading to each level. Where necessary these will then be shared with appropriate staff and displayed in the staff room. They will also make up part of a behaviour contract or in an agreed plan with parents. External agencies may be involved in supporting and advising the school, pupil and family at this time.
Agreed by: The StaffSeptember 2015
This policy is reviewed annually.