Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

With version 14.x we have seen an increase in the number of connectivity related problems reported by customers. In an effort to find the root cause of this we’d appreciate it if you could take a moment to collect some information on your system. This may require access to the server (the machine that has your sql server on it). If you could fill out the following information and return it to us it would be helpful.


What is Happening?

Does this problem happen

A)Only on one or a few workstations?

B)On all workstations?

C)On all workstations and the server

D)Other (Explain)

Are you connective via a plugged in cable or over a Wi-fi network?

Does it happen at specific times of the day (morning, after 5, at lunch etc)

Please provide the following information. The pages below give detailed instructions on how to collect each piece of information if you are not familiar with it.

Workstation Info

Workstation Operating System______Workstation Service Pack______

Workstation 32 bit or 64 bit______Workstation RAM______

Workstation MDAC Componenets______

Server Info

Server Operating System______Server Service Pack______

Server 32 bit or 64 bit______Server RAM______

Server MDAC Components______

SQL Info

SQL Version Number______SQL 32 or 64 Bit______

Information on your Workstation

Operating System of your WORKSTATION along with the Service Pack, 23/64 Bit and RAM.

To fine out Click on your Start Menu, look for My Computer or Computer and then RIGHT click and choose properties.

Or you can go to your desktop, look for my computer, RIGHT click and choose properties.

This should bring up the window that shows you your computer information.

Operating System______

Service Pack______

How Much Ram/Memory______

Is it 32 bit or 64 Bit______

Information on your Workstation

What version of .Net do you have?

.Net is a component of the Windows Operating system that the program uses to run.

What Version of .net Frameworks is installed on the Workstation?

To find out click Start>Control Panel and Programs and Features (W7) or Add/Remove Programs (XP).

Click on the icon and choose to Uninstall or Change a program. Scroll down the list and look for

Microsoft .net Framework

Write down all the components and versions installed.




Information on your Server

The server is the Machine that has the MIP server software and SQL server installed on it. It may or may not be the same as your network server. It may even be the same machine as your workstation.

How to find out what machine is the server.

Click Start and in the search field type “regedit”

Drill down to the following key


Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Wow6432Node\MIP\NT NonProfit Series\FundAccounting\Database


Hkey_Local_Machine\Software \MIP\NT NonProfit Series\FundAccounting\Database

Look for the SysDBSvr. The first part of that key is the name of the server machine.

Information on your Server

Operating System of your Server along with the Service Pack, 23/64 Bit and RAM.

To fine out Click on your Start Menu, look for My Computer or Computer and then RIGHT click and choose properties.

Or you can go to your desktop, look for my computer, RIGHT click and choose properties.

This should bring up the window that shows you your computer information.

Operating System______

Service Pack______

How Much Ram/Memory______

Is it 32 bit or 64 Bit______

Information on your Server

What version of .Net do you have?

What Version of .net Frameworks is installed on the SERVER

To find out click Start>Control Panel and Programs and Features (W7) or Add/Remove Programs (XP).

Click on the icon and choose to Uninstall or Change a program. Scroll down the list and look for

Microsoft .net Framework

Write down all the components and versions installed.




Information on SQL Server

SQL server is the database that MIP runs on top of. The installation of your SQL server is on the machine that is your server. We need to know the

If you are unsure of the name of your server

Click Start and in the search field type “regedit”

Drill down to the following key


Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Wow6432Node\MIP\NT NonProfit Series\FundAccounting\Database


Hkey_Local_Machine\Software \MIP\NT NonProfit Series\FundAccounting\Database

Look for the SysDBSvr. The first part of that key is the name of the server machine. The second part is the name of the SQL Server (the SQL Instance).

In this example the name of the SQL Instance is “SQL2012FULL”.

Once you know the name of your SQL server and Instance go to the Server Machine and click Start>Programs>Microsoft SQL Server>SQL Server Management Studio

Look for the SQL server Icon.

Next to is the SQL server Version. Please Record that

SQL Server Version______

SQL Server Information

To find out if you are on a 32 or 64 bit SQL server Right Click on the SQL Server Icon above and choose properties.

On the General Tab look at the Product. Record what version you are using.

SQL Version ______