Penderlea School

The Penderlea Hornets

82 Penderlea School Road

Willard, North Carolina 28478

A Title I School

Diego Lehocky, Principal

910-285-2761 (Phone)

910-285-2990 (Fax)

School Improvement Plan

2014 - 2015

(Year 2)

October 28, 2014

School Improvement Team

From GS §115C-105.27: “The principal of each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot....Parents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that school and shall not be members of the building-level staff.”

Committee Position / Name / Committee Position / Name
Principal / Diego Lehocky / K-2 Representative / Kelly Giarrusso
Assistant Principal / Tiffany Smith / 3-5 Representative / Hope Wells
Teacher / Mara Biggs / 6-8 Representative / Elaine Linke
Instructional Support / Sue Roper / Elective Representatives / Robbie Anderson/Ben Pittman
Teacher Assistant / Kristin Farrior / Parent Representative / Kristy Jewell
Counselor / Lisa Burdette / Parent Representative / Jennifer Hansen
EC Representative / Melissa Miller / Parent Representative / Kim Robbins

Principal’s Signature: ______

School Board Chair Signature: ______

Penderlea School


We, the staff of Penderlea Elementary School, are committed to achieving and maintaining a clear and shared focus on student learning, with high levels of communication and collaboration within our learning community. It is the responsibility of our school to provide best practices and quality differentiated instructional programs that ensure student success in all curriculum subject areas, including art, music, physical education, technological proficiency, and character development. We will provide a learning environment where people feel safe, supported, and respected. We believe that parents, grandparents, guardians, and people in the community are essential to building the overall educational foundation of each child. Together, we can prepare our children to become 21st Century learners and leaders.


It is the mission of Penderlea Elementary School to educate each student to provide the knowledge and attitudes necessary to progress in the 21st Century and the challenges of the future. We will empower students to become inquisitive, be actively involved in risk taking, try new challenges and view learning as a lifelong process. This task will be accomplished with the attitude that each student will enjoy learning, will seek greater knowledge through mastery of thinking skills and intellectual development, will have a high degree of self-esteem through success and participation in the entire educational program as tailored for the individual needs and requirement of each student.

Penderlea School History:

The quiet agricultural community of Penderlea was the first of five “farm cities” established under the United States Department of the Interior’s Division of Subsistence Homesteads in 1934. The government designed such “resettlement” projects to provide jobs for thousands of out-of-work men during the Great Depression.

In August 1937 construction began at the center of Penderlea on a modern, single-story school complex, which would combine the enrollment of several smaller schools. Six hundred students started the year in temporary spaces like the workers barracks and potato house until the 26 classrooms were finished. Classrooms opened to the outside, connected by covered cement walkways. A community library separated the high school from the elementary area for grades 1–8. With more than 6,000 volumes, it was one of the largest rural school libraries in the state. The homesteaders took great pride in the school and library, which hosted many banquets and proms. The first graduation ceremony was held there in May 1938.

The original school building continues to be utilized today with some cosmetic modifications. Students from the Penderlea community and the surrounding area attend. Penderlea School currently serves a student population of 600 students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Approximately 6% of the student population is transfers from other school districts. Penderlea

has the only year round calendar in the district. Penderlea School is a Title I designated school.

Core Values

1.Integrity – Our customers and stakeholders can depend on us to be honest and fair.

2.Commitment – We are 100% committed to growing all students.

3.Respect – We treat all stakeholders as we want to be treated.

4.Excellence – We strive to deliver high quality education to all students and to achieve high performance results.

5.Creativity – We analyze educational issues and look for innovative and productive solutions.

6.Ethics – We recognize that we serve as role-models for our students, and therefore exhibit professional behavior at all times.

7.Results Orientation – We support decision-making for our school that is based upon data and research-based best practices.

NC/Pender/Penderlea Alignment

State Board of Education Goals / Pender County Schools’ Strategic Directives / Penderlea School Strategic Directives
I / North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students. / Student Learning / Directive 1 – Student Learning and Growth
II / North Carolina public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals. / Personnel Development / Directive 2 –
Personnel/Professional Development
III / North Carolina Public School students will be healthy and responsible. / Community Connectedness / Directive 3 –
IV / Leadership will guide innovation in North Carolina public schools. / Culture / Directive 4 – Culture
V / North Carolina public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems. / Resource Management / Directive 5 – Resource
Management/Home Base

Penderlea School

School Improvement Plan

Directive I

Student Learning & Growth

Strategic Directive I: Student Learning & Growth

Goal 1: Increase the percentage of all students meeting growth by 10% as measured by State End of Grade Reading (EOG) and Math tests, grades 3-8, and Science tests, grades 5 & 8, and Reading 3D/mClass K-3

Manager: Principal, Diego Lehocky

Item / Initiative / Action Steps / Person Responsible
A / Assess current programs and practices within the school to ensure they align with
Common Core and Essential Standards and are providing growth oriented results / •Identify current programs and practices used in classrooms (ALEKS, Scholastic 21, SpringBoard, Guided Reading,
Fundations, Math & Reading Interventionist, Daily 5, SRA
Corrective Reading, Letterland, SRA Specific Skills,Ten Marks, Use of Chromebooks (one to one), Discovery Education, Number World, NC Ready practice books)
•Review current programs and practices for alignment
•Implement the district benchmark protocol to provide growth data
•Analyze benchmark data to differentiate
•Conduct walkthrough observations using district created instrument to drive instruction
•Analyze data obtained from the walkthrough instrument to guide professional development and improve instruction
•Provide teachers with PD on how to use EVAAS data to group, differentiate for, and instruct students, in order to ensure growth / •Assistant Principal
•Principal / •10.24.14
B / Provide Teachers with
Research Based Strategies (Best Practices) to use when delivering instruction / •Curriculum Coaches will field-test research based strategies and coach teachers and administrators on how to use these strategies to best meet the needs of all students
•Curriculum Coaches will coach teachers and administrators on how to integrate research based strategies into all content areas
•Curriculum Coaches will focus on literacy strategies, differentiation strategies, and strategies on how to integrate technology into instruction
•Teachers will be involved in on-going PD in the areas of Reading 3D, Writing, Math, K-2 Letterland, Balanced Literacy, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Computers / Curriculum Coach / •10.24.14
C / Principal Data-Logs /
  • The principal will create data-logs to report progress in meeting the needs of all students and supporting teachers
  • The Principal will use information gained in the data-logs to reflect and guide school improvement to support student learning and growth
  • The Principal will analyze the data that is collected in the logs and use this data to guide the support that is offered at Penderlea
/ Principal / •10.24.14
D / Utilize the digital district walkthrough instrument and guiding rubric to inform instruction / •Analyze district digital data obtained from the walkthrough instrument to guide professional development and improve instruction / Principal / •10.24.14
E / Grading Practices and Procedures / •Ensure that grading percentages in Power School are correct
•Analyze grade distribution reports after all interim and reporting periods
•Assistant Principal will check teachers’ grade books on Power School to ensure grades are being kept up as needed. / Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
F / Provide Teachers with
Research Based Strategies (Best Practices) to use when integrating technology into instruction /
  • Instructional Technology Coordinator will work with teachers to field-test research based strategies and then coach teachers and administrators on how to use these strategies to best meet the needs of all students
  • Subscribed to Study Island for the school
  • Subscribed to ALEX for the school
  • Subscribed to Reading Eggs for (k-2 grades)
  • Increase technology so that we are one to one Chromebooks in 5th through 8th grade as well as Chromebook stations in Kindergarten through 4th grade through the use of Title 1 funds.
/ Instructional Technology
Coordinator / •10.24.14
G / Provide activities and programs to ensure that students having difficulty mastering proficient and advanced levels of the academic achievement are provided with effective, timely additional assistance / •Certified Math Interventionist
•Certified Reading Interventionist
• Non-certified Reading Interventionist
•Two part time tutors
•SRA Corrective Reading
•Read Naturally
•SRA Specific Skills
•Number World
•Guided Reading/ Guided Reading Bookroom
•Small group/individual tutoring
•Student Support Team
•One-on-one chromebooks in 5th – 8th grade Chromebook stations in grades Kindergarten through 4th. / Principal / •10.24.14
H / Plans for assisting students transitioning from Preschool to
Elementary Grades,
Elementary to Middle School, and Middle School to High School. /
  • Pre K programs visit Kindergarten classes
  • Preschool assessments
  • Penderlea Kindergarten registration
  • Kindergarten and Your Child Brochure
  • Moving on up Night (Meet next year’s teacher and learn about curriculum and expectations)
  • Middle School Orientation
  • Parent Conferences
  • Individual conferences are held with all eighth grade students
  • Pender High School and Early College principals, teachers, coaches and students meet with eighth grade students and parents
  • Eighth grade visits Pender High School
/ Principal / •10.24.14

Strategic Directive I: Student Learning & Growth

Goal 2: Reduce gaps and disparities in performance between targeted subgroups on identified measures. Exceptional Children subgroup will improve by 15% in Reading (2% to 17%) and Math (2% to 17%) scores as evidenced by End of Grade tests (2013-2014 data).

Manager: Principal, Diego Lehocky

Item / Initiative / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Process Check
A / Develop a plan to close the achievement gap among
students / •Identify research based strategies and professional development to address targeted learning objectives
•Train identified instructional staff to implement research based strategies with fidelity (Utilize Math and Reading Interventionist)
•Implement instructional coaching for implementation support, problem solving, and walkthrough feedback
•Conduct ongoing professional development (booster sessions) for continuous skill building
•K-8 teachers create/update PEP’s for students at risk of failing in academic areas
•The school SST team meets regularly on Wednesdays with teachers, administrators, and parents to review data and insure appropriate strategies/interventions are used to close the achievement gap. / Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
B / Implement effective personalized education plans (PEPs) for all students at risk
of failure / •Conduct professional development on the multi-tiered system of support (RtI/PBIS)
•Ensure differentiation for whole group (Tier 1)
•Using grade-level or department teams, identify students at risk of failure and determine instructional strategies to increase skills (SST)
•Conduct parent conferences for involvement in strategy development/implementation (PEP creation)
•Progress monitor targeted skills
•Refer to Student Support Team upon no progress toward aim line K-8 teachers create/update PEP’s for students at risk of failing in academic areas
•The SST Team meets with grade levels to discuss and update PEPs /  Guidance Counselor
 Principal
 Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
C / Provide Teachers with
Research Based Strategies (Best Practices) to use when delivering instruction / •Curriculum Coaches will field-test research based strategies and coach teachers and administrators on how to use these strategies to best meet the needs of all students
•Curriculum Coaches will coach teachers and administrators on how to integrate research based strategies into all content areas
•Curriculum Coaches will focus on literacy strategies, differentiation strategies, and strategies on how to integrate technology into instruction
•Teachers will be involved in on-going PD in Reading 3D, Writing, Math, K-2 Letterland, and Balanced Literacy / Curriculum Coach / •10.24.14
D / Assess current programs and practices within the school to ensure they align with
Common Core and Essential Standards and are providing growth oriented results / •Provide one to one Chromebooks for grades 5 through 8 utilizing Title 1 Funds as well as Chromebook stations for K-4.
•Identify current programs and practices used in classrooms
•Review current programs and practices for alignment
•Implement the district benchmark protocol to provide growth data
•Analyze benchmark data
•Conduct walkthrough observations to drive instruction
•Provide teachers with PD on how to use EVAAS data and Reading 3D data to group, differentiate for, and instruct students, in order to ensure growth / Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
E / Principal Data-Logs / •The principal will create data-logs to report progress in meeting the needs of all students and supporting teachers
•The Principal will use information gained in the data-logs to reflect and guide school improvement to support student learning and growth
•The Principal will analyze the data that is collected in the logs and use this data to guide the support that is offered at Penderlea / Principal / •10.24.14
F / Utilize the digital district walkthrough instrument and guiding rubric to inform instruction / •Provide professional development to teachers on how to improve instruction using the walkthrough rubric feedback and instrument
•Analyze district digital data obtained from the walkthrough instrument to guide professional development and improve instruction / Principal / •10.24.14
G / Grading Practices and Procedures / •Ensure that grading percentages in Power School are correct
•Analyze grade distribution reports after all interim and reporting periods
•Assistant Principal will check teachers’ grade books on Power School to ensure grades are being kept up as needed. / Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
H / Provide Teachers with
Research Based Strategies (Best Practices) to use when integrating technology into instruction /
  • Subscribed to Study Island for the school
  • Subscribed to ALEX for the school
  • Subscribed to Reading Eggs for (k-2 grades)
  • Increase technology so that we are one to one chromebooks in 5th through 8th grade as well as Chromebook stations for grades K-4.
/ Media Technology Coordinator / •10.24.14
Strategic Directive I: Student Learning& Growth
Goal 3: Increase the percentage of students who perform at proficient levels on Reading 3D from 64% to 75% and End-of-Grade (EOG) English
Language Arts from 43% to 70%
Manager: Principal, Diego Lehocky
Item / Initiative / Action Steps / Person Responsible / Process Check
A / Assess current programs and practices within the school to ensure they align with
Common Core and Essential Standards and are providing growth oriented results / •Identify current programs and practices used in classrooms
•Review current programs and practices for alignment
•Implement the district benchmark protocol to provide growth data
•Analyze benchmark data
•Conduct walkthrough observations to drive instruction
•Analyze data obtained from the walkthrough instrument to guide professional development and improve instruction
•Provide teachers with PD on how to use EVAAS data and Reading 3D data to group, differentiate for, and instruct students, in order to ensure growth / Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
B / Grading Practices and Procedures / •Ensure that grading percentages in Power School are correct
•Analyze grade distribution reports after all interim and reporting periods
•Assistant Principal will check teachers’ grade books on Power School to ensure grades are being kept up as needed. / Assistant Principal / •10.24.14
C / Utilize the digital district walkthrough instrument and guiding rubric to inform instruction / •Analyze district digital data obtained from the walkthrough instrument to guide professional development and improve instruction / Principal / •10.24.14
D / Provide Teachers with
Research Based Strategies (Best Practices) to use when delivering instruction / •Curriculum Coaches will field-test research based strategies and coach teachers and administrators on how to use these strategies to best meet the needs of all students
•Curriculum Coaches will coach teachers and administrators on how to integrate research based strategies into all content areas
•Curriculum Coaches will focus on literacy strategies, differentiation strategies, and strategies on how to integrate technology into instruction
•Teachers will be involved in on-going PD in Reading 3D, Writing, Math, K-2 Letterland, and Balanced Literacy / Curriculum Coach / •10.24.14
E / Provide Teachers with
Research Based Strategies (Best Practices) to use when integrating technology into instruction /
  • Subscribed to Study Island for the school
  • Subscribed to ALEX for the school
  • Subscribed to Reading Eggs for (k-2 grades)
  • Increase technology so that we are one to one chromebooks in 5ththrough 8th grade as well as provide Chromebook stations to grades K-4 through the use of Title 1 funds.
/ Media Technology Coordinator / •10.24.14
F / Principal Data-Logs / •The principal will create data-logs to report progress in meeting the needs of all students and supporting teachers
•The Principal will use information gained in the data-logs to reflect and guide school improvement to support student learning and growth
•The Principal will analyze the data that is collected in the logs and use this data to guide the support that is offered at Penderlea / Principal / •10.24.14

Penderlea School