Arable Farming QuestionsName:

1.The graph shows the effect of different conditions on the rate of photosynthesis.

(a)(i)Name the factor which is limiting photosynthesis at A.



(ii)Give a reason for your answer.




(b)Carbon dioxide is limiting the rate of photosynthesis at B. How does the graph show this?




(c)A commercial grower is considering increasing the temperature in a glasshouse during the winter to 25 °C. What would the grower need to consider before deciding to do this?










(Total 6 marks)

2.The diagram shows the growth of wheat crops on a British farm.

(a)Explain why it is necessary to add fertiliser if an area is used to grow wheat for a number of years.





(b)In Britain, the rainfall during the autumn is usually high while temperatures are low.

(i)Explain the advantage to a farmer of not adding fertiliser in the autumn.





(ii)Describe how adding fertiliser during the autumn could damage the environment.







(Total 7 marks)

3.(a)Many varieties of rice are planted in soil which is flooded with water.

(i)Suggest why plants of most other species would die if they were planted in these conditions.







(ii)Ethanol is poisonous. Rice is extremely tolerant and can survive with amounts of ethanol in its tissues which would kill other plants. Explain how this tolerance is an adaptation to growing in swampy conditions.








(b)The diagram shows a section through the stem of a rice plant.

Give two ways in which the air spaces in the stem help the rice plant to survive in swampy conditions.

1 ......


2 ......

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(Total 7 marks)

4.The environment of crop plants can be altered to increase their growth rates and productivity.

(a)Fields which are regularly used to grow crops must have fertilisers added to them. Explain why




(b)The table shows a comparison of some features of organic and inorganic fertilisers.

Feature / Organic Fertilisers / Inorganic Fertilisers
Nutrient concentration / Low / High
Solubility / Low / High
Rate of nutrient release into soil / Slow / Rapid

Using information from the table explain one disadvantage of adding inorganic rather than organic fertiliser to farmland






(c)The graph shows the rate of photosynthesis of wheat plants in different conditions inside a glasshouse.

Which factor is limiting the rate of photosynthesis at point A?
Explain your answer.

Factor ......

Explanation ......


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(d)The diagram shows sections through a typical leaf of three cereal plants.

Leaf of cereal ALeaf of cereal BLeaf of cereal C

Explain which of these cereals is most likely to be able to grow in hot, dry conditions.

Cereal most likely to grow ......

Explanation ......





(Total 7 marks)

5.(a)Sorghum and maize are plants which are adapted to grow in tropical areas. Describe and explain the adaptations which enable them to grow in these conditions.

(i)Sorghum ......









(ii)Maize ......








(b)The transpiration ratio of a plant =
The table shows the transpiration ratios of sorghum and wheat. Both were grown in fertile soil.

Crop / Transpiration ratio
Sorghum / 324
Wheat / 510

In tropical areas sorghum may be grown in preference to wheat. Use the information in the table to explain one reason for this.






(c)The graph shows the effect of applying different amounts of nitrogen fertiliser on the yield of wheat.

(i)Calculate the percentage increase in yield obtained when the amount of nitrogen fertiliser is increased from 50 to 100 kg ha–1. Show your working.


(ii)It would not be advisable for the farmer to apply more than 160 kg ha–1 of fertiliser to this wheat crop. Use the graph to explain why.






(iii)Give two advantages of using an inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, rather than an organic fertiliser.




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(Total 15 marks)

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