PEG Reading Writing Workshop

PEG Reading Writing Workshop

Mrs. Suzie F. Mandell

AMS Room 307

For questions: G&T Office 732-596-4206 (T-F)

IMS 732-602-8450 (M)



Peg 4

A note about Writer’s Notebooks: I grade Writer’s Notebooks once at the end of the marking period. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have every entry completed. You are responsible to complete 3 sides of paper in order to get an A. This notebook is worth two test grades. Do not worry about this writing being completed ideas or essays; your thoughts should be pouring out of your heads and onto the paper. These are not completed pieces. Most of all have fun with it! Try to keep your hand moving for the entire 15 minutes…

Friday, April 8, 2016

MP4 #1

Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Write a paragraph about how you feel on the last day of school-but don’t use the words happy, excited, finally, end, or free. Think of original ways to express your feelings.

Exercise One

Work on your Final Draft

Find 5 quotes from the book and write an essay demonstrating how Maddie changed throughout the novel. Make sure the thesis is in your final introductory sentence. Make sure to fill in plot action to support the quotes you use.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Practice writing in a clear and concise manner by explaining the rules of your favorite game. Can you choose a sport, such as baseball or football; a game, such as chess or checkers; or even a video game. To force yourself to be clear, write as if your readers is someone who’s never even heard of the game.

Exercise One

Complete Final Draft!

Exercise Two

Read chapters 1-9 of The Voyage of the Frog

Exercise Three

Reading Strategy Visualization

Exercise Four

Free choice Literature Circle

Exercise Five

Utilizing RACE, answer 6 of the following questions!

Chapters 1-2

1.  Identify the setting of the novel.

2.  Keep a character response journal of David’s feelings.

3.  Pick five adjectives that describe David.

Chapters 3-6

4.  Continue to keep a character response journal of David’s feelings.

5.  Compare and contrast David to Uncle Owen.

6.  Decide whether it was intelligent for David to make this journey to deliver Uncle Owen’s ashes and discuss why or why not.

7.  Discuss Owen’s place now. How does being contained in a 1 ½ inch wooden box go against all that Owen believed in? Why?

8.  How did the piece of nylon from the sail, caught on the screw head, save David’s life?

Chapters 7-9

9. Complete a one-page entry of David’s feelings that should be supported by quotes, passages, or examples from the chapters. You can focus on one feeling throughout the chapters or various feelings.

10. How do you think it would feel to be a 14 years old boy, stranded on a 22 foot sailboat alone, hungry, thirsty, exhausted, and frightened to death due to a shark attempting to eat you alive? Discuss this in detail (6-8) sentences.

11.  Create a double entry journal of the book so far and include 10 examples from your own life.

12.  Considering David’s current situation, discuss how thankful we should be for what we have.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Write a paragraph on the topic “The Worst Pet Imaginable.” Be sure your paragraph includes a topic sentence and four supporting sentences.

Exercise One

Complete Final Draft!

Poetry Fun

Christina Georgina Rossetti wrote this poem entitled “A Birthday”:

My heart is like a singing bird

Whose nest is in a watered shoot;

My heart is like an apple-tree

Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;

My heart is like a rainbow shell

That paddles in a halcyon sea;

My heart is gladder than all these

Because my love is come to me.

Raise me a dais of silk and down;

Hang it with vair and purples dyes;

Carve it in doves and pomegranates,

And peacocks with a hundred eyes;

Work it in gold and silver grapes,

In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;

Because the birthday of my life

Is come, my love is come to me.

Write a poem about your birthday. Use the form of Rossetti’s poem-start with similes about how you feel (you can say “I am like…” instead of “My heart is like…” if it sounds better to you). Then give orders for a fabulous party with all sorts of decorations and food to celebrate.

Activity One

Respond to your Blog posting!

Activity Two

Read a Newsela article and write down a ½ page summary on the topic in your reader response journal.

Activity Three

Complete the Edmodo which I sent to you!

Grammatical Guessing

Please fix the following sentences. Don’t worry about rewriting them,

try to fix the few words that need correcting.

1.  To punish his young brother for telling on him and getting him in trouble on the Bus, Edward smeared Chunky Peanut Butter under his pillow dropped Happy Fish Tuna Surprise on the sheets and let in the Cat.

2.  Jared use to be a good student and a great soccer player, however now he is only a great soccer player.


Mrs. Suzie. F. Mandell

AMS Room 307

For questions: G&T Office 732-596-4206 (W-F)

IMS 732-602-8450 (M-Tues.)





A note about Writer’s Notebooks: I grade Writer’s Notebooks once at the end of the marking period. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have every entry completed. You are responsible to complete 4 sides of paper in order to get an A. This notebook is worth two test grades. Do not worry about this writing being completed ideas or essays; your thoughts should be pouring out of your heads and onto the paper. These are not completed pieces. Most of all have fun with it!

Friday, April 8, 2016

MP4 #1

Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

The best writers are skilled at character development. They know how to create characters who seem like real people, not products of a writer’s imagination. Some writers come up with detailed descriptions of their characters’ childhoods, likes and dislikes, possessions, and romantic histories-even if most of these details never make it into the story.

Practice your own character development skills by creating a character you’d like to use in a novel or short story. Write a three-paragraph mini-biography of your character. Include background, a physical description, and a few quirky details.

Activity One

Read The Giver 1-6

Activity Two


Activity Three

Free Choice for Literature Circle Role

Activity Four


The Giver chapters 1-6

The spaceship landed on what appeared to be a deserted stretch of sand. In the distance, however, unusual creatures poked their heads from around trees. One creature spoke to someone on a tiny talking device. Then the creature said something to the other creatures who shook their heads up and down, pulled weapons from their pockets, looked at the space ship, and then hid themselves again behind the trees.

The previous example is one of foreshadowing. The events foreshadow an attack by aliens. Similarly, there are hints or clues in The GIVER that foreshadow upcoming events.

Activity 4 *required numbers pick 8 other questions to answer

1.  * Look for examples of foreshadowing throughout the novel and list them.

2.  *Identify the main characters, setting, and conflicts in the novel so far. List the inner and outer qualities of each character.

3.  What do you think is going on when Jonas sees the apple change but Asher does not see the change?

4.  Throughout the chapters, we see that Jonas tries out many different kinds of jobs. What do you think he will be assigned to do in the community as an adult?

5.  If you wanted to control a group of people as successfully as this community controls its members, what is one thing you would have to constantly do?

6.  What do you think release means?

7.  How does the community make conformity appealing?

8.  Make a list showing how this society is controlling and orderly.

9.  Make a list of the items students receive and at what age. Why are these rituals/rites of passage important to the community?

10.  List every way Jonas is different from his peers.

11.  Compare and contrast Jonas’s community with the community in which this class exists.

12.  Imagine if you were a member of the Committee of Elders and they must write a recommendation to the committee about Jonas’s assignment. Write the recommendation based on what you know about Jonas and the community. You may invent an occupation for Jonas but you must support your suggestions with details from the chapters.

Monday, April 11, 2016

MP4 #2

Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

Writers use similes like scratchy as a cat’s tongue to make comparisons between two objects or things. Using the following objects as the second half of ten similes. Try not to resort to clichés.



Rubber ball








Activity One

Finish Friday’s work!

Activity Two

For those who need to, complete final draft!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MP4 #3

Write for 15 minutes about the following topic or whatever you would like in your writer’s notebook.

List the first ten nouns you think of when you hear the word circus. Use those ten words in a paragraph explaining what a circus is. Imagine that your reader is someone who has never seen a circus before.

Activity One:

Finish Monday’s work!

Writing Fun

Pop Artist Andy Warhol once said that in the future, every person will experience fifteen minutes of fame in his or her lifetime. The advent of reality TV, among other phenomena, has certainly made many average people briefly famous. What do you think would make you famous for fifteen minutes? Consider your own skills, ambition, and geographic location.

Activity Two:

Complete your BLOG posting!

Activity Three:

Read a Newsela article and write down a ½ page summary on the topic.

Activity Four:

Complete your Edmodo snapshot!

Grammatical Guessing

1.  To punish his young brother for telling on him and getting him in trouble on the Bus, Edward smeared Chunky Peanut Butter under his pillow dropped Happy Fish Tuna Surprise on the sheets and let in the Cat.

2.  Jared use to be a good student and a great soccer player, however now he is only a great soccer player.