Directions: The inventory consists of 75 items. Review each item and circle the response that best applies to you. Then calculate your scores, place them on the Peak Performance Profile, and connect the dots with a line. Finally, read the Interpretation section and complete the Performance Improvement Worksheet.
Almost Almost
1.ÊI resist giving my best effort.43210
2.Ê1 dwell on past failures.43210
3.ÊI expect too much of myself.43210
4.ÊPeople I work with are unreliable.43210
5.ÊI have conflicts with coworkers.43210
6.ÊI disagree with organizational goals or methods.43210
7.ÊIÕm unsure of myself.43210
8.ÊI feel that IÕd be better at a different job.43210
9.ÊI feel that I need more training.43210
10.ÊI lack adequate supervision.43210
11.ÊI find my work unfulfilling.43210
12.ÊI feel intimidated by others.43210
13.ÊI have trouble staying on top of the job.43210
14.ÊI lack adequate space.43210
15.ÊI mistrust people I work with.43210
16.ÊI disagree with coworkers about priorities.43210
17.ÊI become easily discouraged.43210
18.ÊI lack the necessary knowledge or understanding.43210
19.ÊWork deadlines are unrealistic.43210
20.ÊCoworkers show a lack of respect toward me.43210
21.ÊI feel what IÕm doing is unimportant.43210
22.ÊI feel less capable than others.43210
23.ÊI struggle to keep up with changes.43210
24.ÊThe standards for output keep changing.43210
25.ÊI feel left out when decisions are being made.43210
26.ÊI dread going to work.43210
27.ÊIÕm concerned about losing my job.43210
28.ÊI put things off until the last minute.43210
29.ÊMistakes made by others disrupt my work.43210
30.ÊWork expectations are unclear.43210
31.ÊI dream about doing a different type of work.43210
32.ÊI worry about being criticized.43210
33.ÊI lack the required skill or ability.43210
34.ÊIÕm given work that isnÕt in my job description.43210
35.ÊI feel treated like a number, not a person.43210
36.ÊI feel restless at work.43210
37.ÊI avoid taking risks. 43210
38.ÊI feel burned out.43210
39.ÊI have inadequate ventilation or lighting.43210
40.ÊI feel my work goes unappreciated.43210
41.ÊI do only the minimum to get by.43210
42.ÊI feel self-conscious at work.43210
43.ÊI take too much time to complete tasks.43210
44.ÊThe expectations to produce are too high.43210
45.ÊComplaining by coworkers disturbs my work.43210
46.ÊI only do the work because I have to.43210
47.ÊI question whether I could ever improve.43210
48.ÊI have trouble staying within my budget.43210
49.ÊI lack the necessary materials or supplies.43210
50.ÊLack of information impairs my work.43210
51.ÊI rush through, just to get done.43210
52.ÊI worry about making mistakes.43210
53.ÊSome of the tasks are too difficult.43210
54.ÊMy budget is too small to do the job right.43210
55.ÊMy work is hindered by interruptions.43210
56.ÊI feel out of place in the job or organization.43210
57.ÊI expect to do poorly.43210
58.ÊI have problems with the quality of my work.43210
59.ÊI feel underpaid for what I do.43210
60.ÊCooperation between people is lacking.43210
61.ÊI have trouble deciding what I want to do.43210
62.ÊI worry about what others think of me.43210
63.ÊI make too many mistakes.43210
64.ÊI have fewer staff than necessary.43210
65.ÊI feel that IÕm treated unfairly.43210
66.ÊI lack enthusiasm for my work.43210
67.ÊI tell myself I canÕt do the work.43210
68.ÊI have trouble getting enough work done.43210
69.ÊI lack the necessary authority.43210
70.ÊI lack constructive feedback from others.43210
71.ÊI have trouble balancing my priorities.43210
72.ÊI worry about being embarrassed or humiliated.43210
73.ÊEven my best effort seems inadequate.43210
74.ÊI lack the necessary equipment.43210
75.ÊI lack encouragement or support from others.43210
Calculating Scores
Add up the scores you gave yourself for the items pertaining to each of the four performance factors: Commitment, Confidence, Competence, and Contingencies. Contingencies are subdivided into Working Conditions and Communication.
Peak Performance Profile
Place a dot next to your scores on the Profile, and connect the dots with a line.
Very PoorPoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent
ÊWorking Conditions
MEAN SCORES:051015202530354045505560