School Improvement Plan
3School Improvement Plan for 2014-2015
9School Improvement and Modernization Council
9Paxton Center School Mission, Vision Statement and Core Values
11Status Report on 2013-2014 School Improvement Plan
18 Parent Survey Results, Spring 2014
30 Student Survey Results, Spring 2014
42 Crisis Intervention Plan
57 Class Size/Student-Teacher Ratio
58 Projected Class Size/Student Teacher Ratio for 2014-2015
59 Extra Curricular Activities
60 Student Time on Learning
61 Parent/Teacher Organizations
62 PCS MCAS Review
85 Projected Facility Needs
87 Dissemination of School Improvement Plan
Goal #1: Curriculum and InstructionLeverage instructional coaching, collaborative grade and subject teams, and data management tools to successfully implement the common core, 21st century themes, and college/career readiness skills. / Action Steps / Responsible Parties / Progress
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to use data to track student progress in order to inform full class instruction and individual or small group intervention. / A1. Identify and use common assessments for reading comprehension and fluency.
A2. Identify tools/target areas, plan regularly scheduled data collection for formative and summative assessment.
A3. Develop opportunities for students to track and reflect upon their own progress.
A4 Implement data collection process.
A5 Conduct data meetings (approx. every 6 weeks). to review student data in ELA and Math.
A6. Develop and implement shared action plans for students in need and whole class remediation.
A7. Celebrate meeting data milestones. / A1. Admin, Sp.Ed, K-8 tchrs
A2.Admin, Sp.Ed, K-8 tchrs
A3. K-8 tchrs
A4. Admin.
A5.Admin, Sp.Ed, K-8 tchrs
A6.K-8 tchrs
A7..Admin, Sp.Ed, K-8 tchrs, students, parents / A1. F ’14-Sp ’15
A2 F ’14-Sp ’15
A3. F ’14-Sp ’16
A4. F ‘14
A5. F ’14-Sp ’15
A6. F ’14-Sp ’16
A7. F ’14-Sp ’15
B. Continue to develop grades K-8 RTI. (Response to Intervention) / B1. Identify tools to use for interventions, K-8. Interventions occur during class and set aside RTI blocks.
B2. Share ‘Best Practices’ amongst teachers.
B3. Implement interventions, collect and analyze data based results.
B4. Explore how Related Arts teachers can support student growth in reading, writing and math.
B5. Maximize para-educators - ie. smart scheduling, monthly training, etc. / B1..Admin, Sp.Ed, K-8 tchrs B2. K-8 tchrs
B3. K-8 tchrs
B4. Related Arts
B5. Admin, para-educators, sp. Ed. / B1. F ‘14
B2. F ’14-Sp ’15
B3. F ’14-Sp ’15
B4. F ’14-Sp ’16
C. Use technology as a tool to engage students in order to help them achieve academic and social growth. / C1. Give students opportunities to create dynamic, visual and powerful presentations based on teacher identified ‘must haves’. Students use a range of tools to develop end products.
C2. Begin to develop electronic portfolios in grades 5-8. / C1. 5-8 tchrs, tech tchr
C2. 5-8 tchrs, tech tchr / C1. F ’14-Sp ’16
C2. F ’14-Sp ’15
D. Improve differentiation in instruction, interests, learning style and/or products / D1 Collect data via administrator observations to use of differentiation in instruction.
D2. Plan and implement professional development opportunities for teachers to develop an understanding of differentiation.
D3. Continued collection of data during observations to identify increase in use of differentiated instruction and further professional discussions around the topic. / D1. Admin
D2. Admin, SIT
D3. Admin, SIT, all teachers / D1. Sp ‘14
D2. F ‘14
D3. Sp ‘15-Sp ‘16
E. Adoption of K-8 Math program / E1. Identification of materials available in building and materials that need to be purchased.
E2. Support WRSD professional development on use of new math program through grade level and cross grade discussions, sharing best practices, peer observations, etc. / E1. K-8 Math tchrs, admin.
E2. K-8 Math tchrs, admin. / E1. Sp ‘14- F ‘14
E2. F ’14-Sp ’16
Goal #2: School Climate
Unify the school community around a clearly articulated vision for core values that (a) promote 21st century goals and; (b) ensure a safe and secure learning environment and; (c) promote proper support systems for all students and staff. / Action Steps / Responsible Parties / Progress
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. Increased involvement of gr. 6-8 students in grades K-5 classrooms to support instruction, / A1. ie: gr. 6 during RTI/Learning Communities; gr. 8 for Community Service Hours.
A2. Gr. 6-8 to role play/model core values of school community to gr. K-5
A3. Re-visit ‘Study Buddies’ tutorial program-gr. 6-8 to tutor students in gr. 1-6, after school, rotate teacher supervision.
A4. Use of 7th/8th graders during their lunch/recess to support students in gr. K-2 / A1.K-8 tchers
A2.K-8 tchers
A3.K-8 tchers
A4. K-2, 7/8 tchers / A1.F ‘14- Sp ‘15
A2.F ‘14- Sp ‘15
A3.F ‘14- Sp ‘15
A4. F ‘14- Sp ‘15
B. Increase opportunities for students to engage in the school community. / B1. Identify one issue each year and have 7th/8th grade students spearhead a multi-pronged “campaign” e.g. hallway etiquette, annual student survey; student council led school wide events, character trait recognition, etc.
B2. Implement event - student brainstorm, planning, advertising, carry-out. / B1.Student Council, ⅞ tchrs, admin
B2. Student Council, ⅞ tchrs, admin / B1.F ‘14-Sp ‘16
B2. F ‘14-Sp ‘16
C. Improved implementation of monthly character trait instruction and acknowledgement. / C1. Gr. 6-8 improved focus on character traits during advisory/community time.
C2. Develop a means for greater awareness of traits, such as poster contests, written artifacts demonstrating the trait, etc.
C3. Develop a better way to acknowledge students that demonstrate specific character traits. / C1. 6-8 tchrs, Rel Arts
C2.Student Council, K-8 tchrs, Rel Arts,, Admin
C3.K-8 tchrs, Rel Arts, Admin / C1. F ‘14-Sp ‘16
C2. F ‘14-Sp ‘16
C3. F ‘14-Sp ‘16
D. Building wide focus on positive behavior, creating a more comprehensive approach to preventing and responding to negative/destructive behavior. / D1. Positive Behavior Group - continue staff discussion/planning to implement, increasing classroom motivation and behavior during interventions
D2. Sharing best practices amongst teachers and peer observations. / D1.SIT, Tchrs, Admin
D2.SIT, Tchrs, Admin / D1.Sp ‘14-Sp ‘15
D2. F ‘14-Sp ‘15
Goal #3: Community Relationships
Strengthen relationships among staff, students, parents, and community members that promote leadership, responsibility, productivity, access to resources, and accountability in all educational and community contexts. / Action Steps / Responsible Parties / Progress
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. Educate parents on grade level curricular expectations. / ●A1. Revise traditional curriculum nights in fall to be more focused on curriculum expectations.
●A2. Maintain clearer teacher/school websites that post curriculum expectations for content by grade. / A1. Tchrs, Admin
A2. Tchrs, Admin / A1. F ‘14
A2. F ‘14-Sp ‘15
B. Provide opportunities for the larger community to be involved in student growth and education. / B1. Career day in sy15 for grades 7, 8
B2. Community Reading Day for K-7
B3. Develop a tool, such as sign up genius that teachers can list topics/events and parents can sign up to help out and/or share expertise. / B1. SIMCO B2. Parent volunteers B3. PTO / B1. F ‘14-Sp ‘15 B2. Sp ‘15
B3. F ‘14-Sp ‘15
C. Support Paxton 250th committee efforts for sy15 and sy16 - parade, time capsule, chorus, etc. / C1. Invite town historians to speak with students C2. post 250th events of PCS website, alert 250th committee of our events so a fuller representation of events in Paxton is recognized. C3. Identify town events that students may participate in and do so. / C1. SIMCO
C2. Admin
C3. SIMCO / C1. W ‘15
C2. W ‘15-F ‘15
C3. W ‘15-F ‘15
D. Design and implement a means for sharing review of data results with parents / D1. Identify key representational data. D2. Identify and implement means of sharing data results with parents - such as on website, school messenger, or posters. / D1. SIT, Admin
D2. SIT, Admin / D1. F’14-Sp’15
D2. F’14-Sp’15
Goal #4: Professional Learning
Promote professional learning communities and other opportunities that promote 21st century teaching and learning. / Action Steps / Responsible Parties / Progress
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. Promote continuous growth and development for all educators. / A1. Plan and implement building based grade level meetings, staff meetings and pd days with intertwined purpose and direction
A2. Implement opportunities for ‘best practices’ sharing at staff meetings.
A3. Plan opportunities for teachers to discuss subject specific issues across grade levels.
A4. Plan opportunities for teachers to discuss/implement cross-curricular learning opportunities for students. / A1. SIT, Admin
A2. SIT, Admin
A3. SIT, Admin
A4. SIT, Admin / A1. F’14-Sp ‘15
A2. F’14-Sp ‘15
A3. F’14-Sp ‘15
A4. F’14-Sp ‘15
B. Improved use of para-professionals as resources for academic, social and behavioral growth. / B1. Schedule monthly training meetings.
B2. Identify training topics and ‘trainers’ (ie. dealing with students on behavior plans, effective inclusion support, etc.). Implement trainings / B1. Special Ed staff, admin
B2. Special Ed staff, admin / B1. Summer ‘14
B2. F ‘14-Sp ‘15
Goal #5: Facilities and Resources
Ensure that facilities, resources, and tools are maximized for learning, health, and well-being on behalf of all students and staff.
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. Update technology tools across school building. / A1. Draw up a three year plan for replacing current technology devices - lab, library, classroom desktop computers.
A2. Pursue grant and other funding to replace all computers in lab. Use igels to replace old and non working computers in classrooms
A3. Pursue grant and other funding to replace library computers. / A1.WRSD Tech, Admin, Tchrs
A2. SIMCO, Tchrs, Admin
A3. SIMCO, Tchrs, Admin / A1. f ‘14
A2. F ‘14-Sp ‘16
A3. F ‘14-Sp ‘16
B. Continue ‘Adopt-a-Garden’ project that began in sy13….classrooms take care of their adopted plot throughout the year / B1. Identify a schedule of activity for gardens - signage, weeding, planting, mulching.
B2. Impement schedule. / B1,2. H. Custodian, teachers / B1. F ‘14
B2. F’14-Sp 15
C. Continue project based work with Sci-Tech gr. 7 (flag pole area, field erosion, gardens, etc.) / C1. Identify projects that students can research solutions to.
C2. Meet with students periodically, guide directions, encourage them to reach out to community members that might assist, find funding sources.
C3. Select and follow through on 1-3 projects each year. / C1. H. Custodian, Admin, Sci-Tech Tchr C2. H. Custodian, Admin, Sci-Tech Tchr C3. H. Custodian, Admin, Sci-Tech / C1.F ‘14
C2. Sp ‘15
C3.Sp ,15
D. Overall maintenance/cleaning-continue systematic needs query from staff prior to each school vacation to develop repair/clean lists for custodial projects / D1. Set up digital charts two weeks ahead of each vacation for staff to identify areas of maintenance/cleaning needs / D1. H. Custodian / D1. F ‘14-Sp ‘15
E. Implementation of crisis plan that was developed in sy13-shared with all stakeholders internally and externally / E1. Complete crisis plan - such as grief protocols, plan review dates, etc. E2. Publish plan - copies to staff members, classroom signage as needed, community stakeholders, etc. / E1. SIMCO, Admin
E2. SIMCO, Admin / E1. F’14
E2 F’14
F. Curriculum Storage areas organized in more usable manner / F1. Science closet materials organized by science strand (Earth, Life, etc.), inventory published, borrowing protocol in place.
F2. Book Room for K-5 and middle school - organized, inventory published digitally, etc. / F1. Teachers
F2. Teachers / F1. F’14-F’15
F1. F’14-F’15
Paxton Center School 2013-2014 SIMCO (School Improvement and Modernization Council)
School Members: / Parent/Community Members: / Student Members:Marybeth Gallivan / Lisa Reece / Shona McMorrow
Bethany Killeen / Melissa Hart / Katherine Mitchell
Kathi McCollumn
Theresa Goulet
The mission of the Paxton Center School is to provide students in Kindergarten through Eighth grade the opportunity to achieve to their highest potential and to be instructed by highly qualified and dedicated staff members.
Our Vision is for every PCS student to graduate eighth grade with the skills and knowledge needed to attend high school without remediation and have the opportunity to pursue a path of their choice.
To achieve this vision, the school will make strive to meet the following goals:
●All students receive standards-based instruction in all subject areas by highly qualified teachers
●All teachers focus their instruction on high quality student work that meets standards and provides differentiated opportunities
●Each student, regardless of their academic level when they entered the school, will leave eighth grade:
○having met or exceeded state standards in all subject areas;
○as a proficient reader and writer;
○completing a service learning project
●All students are provided with a just, fair and caring learning environment that fosters confidence and a sense of belonging
●Every student will study a challenging curriculum that applies their learning to everyday situations, thereby enhancing students’ social, emotional, and ethical development and deepening their commitment to values and good citizenship
The members of the Paxton Center School community will:
…Work in partnership in a supportive environment to develop a high level of proficiency in the core curriculum areas of our school. Teachers, students, support staff, administrators, parents and community members are accountable for their actions and will be responsive to the needs of others.
…Work in partnership to provide individualized opportunities for all in an academically challenging environment to support life long learning. All students deserve the opportunity to reach their potential.
…Work in partnership to respect, accept and value diversity in ourselves and others, support the efforts of all and recognize the resulting accomplishments. In order to learn, students need to feel valued, safe, and secure. Respect, tolerance, and equal opportunity shall be promoted for all students and staff. Inappropriate and dangerous activities will not be tolerated.
Review of : Paxton Center School Improvement Plan for 2013-2014
Goal #1: Curriculum and InstructionLeverage instructional coaching, collaborative grade and subject teams, and data management tools to successfully implement the common core, 21st century themes, and college/career readiness skills. / Progress Notes
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. Grade level teams will work collaboratively to ensure the integration of the March 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in ELA and Math.
B. Grade level teams will work collaboratively to integrate global awareness (understanding nations and cultures; understanding global issues)
C. Grade level teams will work collaboratively to strategically integrate technology into curriculum development. Students will access information efficiently and effectively.
D. Students in grades K-8 will develop health literacy skills (obtain, interpret and understand basic health information including preventative physical and mental health measures) through the PE and integration into classroom instruction.
E. Students in the Related Arts classes will experience learning that is connected to Content Area Curriculum. / A1. Teachers will implement ELA and Math Frameworks, regularly utilizing essential questions to guide units of study.
A2. Teachers in grades K-5 will begin to develop benchmark tests for ELA and Math
A3. Teachers in grades K-8 will work to integrate the use of student data to drive instruction.
B. Each grade level integrates global awareness (domestic and international) into at least two units of study per year.
C1. Teachers will increase effective use of secure digital technology (and allow use of individual student devices) as tools to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information.
C2. Teachers will begin to utilize media and digital technology to access local, state, national and global current events as they relate to the science and social studies curriculum instruction.
D1. PE instruction will continue to develop health and nutrition initiative begun in 2011-2012.
D2. Grades 7/8 will continue development of Advisory program to address adolescent mental/physical health issues.
E. Related Arts classes develop skills and understandings in the areas of mathematical thinking, empathy, literary connections, science and social studies subjects. / A1. K-5 teachers
A2 K-5 teachers
A3. K-8 teachers, Related Arts, Special Education Teachers
B. All Regular Education Teachers
C1. All Teachers
C2. All Regular Education Teachers
D1. PE & Middle School Science
D3. Grade 7/8 teachers
E. Related Arts / A1Teachers worked to implement Core Standards
A2. Not school based.
A3. Starting, will expand next year.
B. Not Done
C. Grades 6-8 increased use of technology - research, written work, internet conn
D1 continuation of curriculum with middle school in PE.
D2. Advisory program continued but not well organized, will identify common topics and schedule more consistently for next year.
E. Very minimal connections between related arts and common core.
Goal #2: School Climate
Unify the school community around a clearly articulated vision for core values that (a) promote 21st century goals and; (b) ensure a safe and secure learning environment and; (c) promote proper support systems for all students and staff.
Action Steps / Success Measures / Responsible Parties / Status
A. The members of the Paxton Center School community will work in partnership in a supportive environment to develop a high level of proficiency in the core curriculum areas of our school. Teachers, students, support staff, administrators, parents and community members are accountable for their actions and will be responsive to the needs of others. All must measure their success according to established criteria.
B. The members of the Paxton Center School community will work in partnership to provide individualized opportunities for all in an academically challenging environment to support life long learning. All students deserve the opportunity to reach their potential.
C. The members of the Paxton Center School community will work in partnership to respect, accept and value diversity in ourselves and others, support the efforts of all and recognize the resulting accomplishments. In order to learn, students need to feel valued, safe, and secure. Respect, tolerance, and equal opportunity shall be promoted for all students and staff. Inappropriate and dangerous activities will not be tolerated. / A1. Professional development times(pd days, job alike and staff meetings) are used for cross grade and cross curricular work.
A2. School Improvement Team functions as an advisory group for school change. Explore the use of peer observations and feedback for continued growth.
B1. Continuation of grade 1-5 RTI (Response to Intervention) model which began in 2012-2013. Implementation of RTI)
B2. Further explore scientifically proven interventions for implementation during Grade K-5 RTI.
B3. Expand on Grade 7-8 RTI begun in 2012-2013; add RTI intervention time to grade 6.
C1. Teachers will incorporate ELA guiding principles ‘nurture a students’ sense of common ground as present or future American citizens...prepares them to participate responsibly in our schools and civic life.
C2. Primary grade teachers implement elements of Responsive Classroom and/or Second Step on a daily basis. Grade 6-8 set aside time on a regular basis to work with students on issues they face., Gr. 6: Team Time; Gr7/8 Advisory
C3. Successful collaboration of Related Arts teachers in a celebration of student work.
C4. School wide instruction in character education, regularly acknowledge students exhibiting positive character traits, grade levels build murals.
C5. Continue to review building wide practices relative to behavioral standards and student accountability. / A. Administration, Teachers, SIT