(Construction of Nuno – Modogashe Road (C81) in Kenya)
The Government of the Republic of Kenya (GOK) has received loans from Kuwait Fund for International Development (KFAED), Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), and Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) toward the cost of the Construction of Nuno-Modogashe Road (C81), which is located in the northern-east region. The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MoTI) through its implementing agency, the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms for construction of a 135 km bituminized, two-lane single carriageway rural road including a 105-metres span bridge. The works globally comprises of: (a) Clearing and grubbing sections of the road (162 hectares); (b) Construction of storm water culverts, 900 mm diameter culverts (3,800 m); (c) Construction of reinforced concrete box culverts (10,200 m3); (d) Earthworks : i) Cut to spoil in soft material (135,000 m3), ii) Excavation in hard material (144,000 m3), iii) Fill in soft material (1,500,000 m3), iv) Fill in hard material (67,500 m3); e) Cement improved sub-base (303,000 m3); f) Cement improved base (225,000 m3); g) Asphaltic concrete surfacing (68,000 m3); h) Bus bays, road marking, road signs, guard rails, landscaping and fencing; i) Construction of underpasses for cattle crossing; j) Construction of a reinforced concrete bridge (105 m in span).
Prequalification will be conducted through the procedures specified in the prequalification document, and is open to all contractors or firms and voluntary joint ventures from any country except where: i) commercial relations between the bidding firm’s country of origin and the borrower’s country (Kenya) are prohibited by law, and ii) in compliance with a United Nations Security Council resolution prohibiting importation of goods or payments to persons or entities in the bidding firm’s country of origin. Bidding firms affected by any of these conditions will not be eligible to participate in the bidding.
Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the Prequalification Document from the Procurement office at Kenya National Highways Authority, from 0800 Hr to 1700 Hr (East Africa Time), at: Kenya National Highways Authority (KenHA), General Manager (Supply Chain and Support Services), Blue Shield Towers, 1st Floor, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O. Box 49712 – 00100, Nairobi - Kenya, Telephone: +254 20 8013842
Prospective applicants may submit written requests for clarifications regarding the information contained in the prequalification documents to the address indicated below at least 14 days before the deadline for submission of the Application for Prequalification i.e. 29th January 2014, at the same above address.
A complete set of the Prequalification Document in English may be purchased by interested applicants through the submission of a written application to the address below, and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kenya shillings one thousand (KSh. 1,000). The method of payment will be a banker’s cheque drawn in favour of the Kenya National Highways Authority (KenHA).
Completed prequalification documents (an original and one copy) should be submitted in sealed envelopes, either delivered by hand, courier or by registered mail to the address below, by Wednesday 15th January 2014, and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Construction of Nuno - Modogashe Road (C81) in Kenya”, at: Secretary/Tender Committee, Kenya National Highways Authority (KenHA), General Manager (Supply Chain and Support Services), Blue Shield Towers, 1st Floor, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P.O. Box 49712 – 00100, Nairobi - Kenya, Telephone: +254 20 8013842
The applications may also be placed in the Tender Box on the mezzanine Floor, Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper hill so as to be received at 12.00 noon on Wednesday 12th February 2014. Late applications for prequalification will be rejected.
Opening of the bids will take place immediately thereafter at: the Board Room, 3rd Floor, Blue Shield Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi - Kenya in the presence of Tenderers/Representatives who wish to attend.
The Client reserves the right to reject or accept any bid in whole or in part and is not bound to give reasons for the decisions.