PBIS Kick-off Schedule and information

School will begin at 8:15 and all students will report to their Advocacy class. During the first 5-10 minutes of class, teachers will go through brief introductions and classroom arrangements as they welcome their Advocacy class. Make sure students are in the correct place. Beginning at 8:25, students will view a special TJ-TV presentation introducing the logistics of the day and specific behavior expectations. At the conclusion of TJ-TV, students will participate in ice breaker/get-to-know-you activities in the classroom prior to heading to stations/assembly.

PBIS Kick-off Schedule (Assembly+Station Rotations)
Thursday, August 11th and Friday, August 12th
7th Grade Schedule / 8th Grade Schedule
Period / Begin / End / Period / Begin / End
Advocacy / 8:15
TJ-TV 8:25-8:45 / 9:25 / Advocacy / 8:15
TJ-TV 8:25-8:45 / 9:25
Station Rotations / 9:30 / 10:25 / Assembly / 9:30 / 10:20
Assembly / 10:30 / 11:15 / Station Rotations / 10:30 / 11:15
Advocacy / 11:25
12:00-12:15 / 12:20 / Lunch / 11:20 / 11:55
Lunch / 12:20 / 12:55 / Advocacy / 12:00
12:15-12:30 / 12:55
PBIS Kick-off Schedule (Regular Classes)
Thursday, August 11th and
Friday, August 12th
7th and 8th Grade Schedule
Period / Begin / End
1 / 1:00 / 1:20
2 / 1:25 / 1:45
3 or 4 / 1:50 / 2:10
5 / 2:15 / 2:35
TJ-TV / 2:35 / 2:47

Thursday, August 11thand Friday, August 12th – Points to Remember

  • You will have time in the morning to welcome your Advocacy students, take role, and make sure everyone is in the right place. Due to our unique schedule, you will not be able to take roll on SISWEB. Please use the roster and have a student run the attendance to your team office. TJ-TV will broadcast during the first part of the period and then you will facilitate an ice-breaker activity with your Advocacy students.
  • 8th grade students will head to the assembly and 7th grade students will head to their first station.
  • Please remember to carry your sign with you throughout the station rotation process. Also, please post your rotation schedule on your classroom window or in a place students will be able to see in case they get lost.
  • There is a corresponding Advocacy PowerPoint for each day during the Kick-off. You’ll find what you need in the public folder in the Advocacy 2016-17 folder. Make sure you preview and download the PowerPoints for each day.
  • Please pass out tickets to those students who are exhibiting the expected behaviors of safe, responsible, respectful, and kind. Remind them that they must turn in their tickets to their team boxes in the cafeteria. The more tickets you pass out, the better!
  • Tickets special for the assembly will be purple. Please cut out set and be ready to hand out.
  • Tickets to be passed out in general throughout the school day are white.

Station / Time / Location
Station / Time / Location

7th Grade Rotation Schedule

Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday
Large Group Activity #1 / Lunch Activities - H. Kincaid / Library – Bayles / Offices - Lawson / Large Group Activity #2 / Cafeteria - Wallace / Student Store - Lee/Runyon / Campus/Security - Moore
Field / Quad / Grass/MJ pod / Student Srvcs / Field / Cafeteria / S.S. Window / Between MK/Gym
7th / 9:35-9:50 / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment
7th / 9:50-10:05 / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels
7th / 10:05-10:20 / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu
7th / 12:00-12:15 / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado
Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday
Large Group Activity #1 / Lunch Activities / Library / Offices / Large Group Activity #2 / Cafeteria / Student Store / Campus/Security
7th / 9:35-9:50 / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis
7th / 9:50-10:05 / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert
7th / 10:05-10:20 / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston / Gorman, Peterson, Emison
7th / 12:00-12:15 / Villedas, Loomis, Zhu / Roberts, Tomlinson, Welch-Daniels / Richey, Wagner, Fiddyment / Keyport, Mayberry, Furtado / Gorman, Peterson, Emison / Curtis, Lopez, Calvert / Bradley, Trieu, Eun-Sapsis / Agosta, Brozek, North, Preston

8th grade Rotation Schedule

Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday / Thursday
Large Group Activity #1 / Lunch Activities - H. Kincaid / Library – Bayles / Offices - Lawson / Large Group Activity #2 / Cafeteria - Wallace / Student Store - Lee/Runyon / Campus/Security - Moore
Field / Quad / Grass/MJ pod / Student Srvcs / Field / Cafeteria / S.S. Window / Between MK/Gym
8th / 10:30-10:45 / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann
8th / 10:45-11:00 / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski
8th / 11:00-11:15 / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom
8th / 12:15-12:30 / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora
Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday / Friday
Large Group Activity #1 / Lunch Activities / Library / Offices / Large Group Activity #2 / Cafeteria / Student Store / Campus/Security
8th / 10:30-10:45 / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie
8th / 10:45-11:00 / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci
8th / 11:00-11:15 / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin
8th / 12:15-12:30 / Bastian, Wollbrinck, Wisdom / Hill, Funk, Wroblewski / Siever, Rashid, Wildemann / La Chapelle, Lewis, Shilen, Mora / Groves, T. Jones, Rojas, Clarin / B. Kincaid, Gutierrez, Pesci / Spinelli, Bauer, Lebsock, Mabie / Baren, Unassigned, Albiani, C. Jones