School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS)School Team Training Application-Cohort 6(Summer 2010-Spring 2012)
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and designated partners will be offering team trainingas part of Minnesota SW-PBIS cohort 6. If selected, schools will receive two years of training to support understanding and implementation of School-wide (or Program-wide) Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS). PBIS is a framework for organizing school-wide to create a positive school climate. It is used to build the capacity of school teams to identify clear behavior outcomes for all staff and students, utilize evidence-based practices to achieve those outcomes, and understand data/information use to support sustainable, safe and positive learning environments.
Selection for school teams to participate in cohort-6 is based on complete and accurate information required in this application. A strong emphasis will be placed onevidence of data system that informs behavioral practice, administrative support and participation and demonstration of staff buy-in.
All applications must be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education to be considered for participation. Please include parts I, II and III of the application (cover page and map not needed) and attach documentation. ormail the completed application (parts I, II, and III) to Ellen Nacik, MDE PBIS Team,1500 Hwy 36 West, Roseville, MN 55113,no later than 4:00 pm CST on March 15, 2010. Schools/programs will be notified by April 17, 2010, regarding selection.
The MDE, in partnership with the Regional Implementation Projects will:
- Provide team training with technical assistance from Dr. George Sugai, co-director of the National Technical Assistance Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. View PBIS Website Training occurs three times per school year, for two years.
- Provide access, if needed, for school teams to the online School Wide Information System (SWIS) to monitor and inform behavioral practices. View SWIS Website;
- Provide supplemental trainings (e.g., coaching support, SWIS readiness, tier II and tier III systems, School Evaluation Tool (SET) evaluator training and reliability check).
- Cover the cost of trainers, training materials, lunch and refreshments for all participants.
Participating Districts/Schools/Programs are expected to:
- Identify representative teams (including an administrator), to attend two years of team training (year one includes six days; year two includes three days).
- Cover the cost of travel, lodging, and substitutes, as needed.
- Participate in completing the School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) webinar conducted by MDE and Rainbow Research, our collaborative evaluation partner, to monitor implementation progress. At least one member of the school team must attend a future SET training and demonstrate reliability as a SET evaluator.
- Systematically collect discipline reports and complete other measures of implementation and report to the MN SW-PBIS evaluators.
SW-PBIS Training Calendar and Regional Map for the school year 2010-2011
Minnesota Region / Dates / CohortSummer Training 2010
Metro / August 17-18 / Cohort 6 Elementary
August 19-20 / Cohort 6 Secondary
North / August 2-3 / Cohort 6
South / August 26-27 / Cohort 6
Fall Training 2010
Metro / November 16-17 / Cohort 6 Elementary
November 18-19 / Cohort 6 Secondary
North / November 3-4 / Cohort 6
South / November 4-5 / Cohort 6
Spring Training 2011
Metro / March 1-2 / Cohort 6 Elementary
March 3-4 / Cohort 6 Secondary
North / March 1-2 / Cohort 6
South / March 24-25 / Cohort 6
Application Requirements for the Cohort 6 SW-PBIS Team Training
- General Information (part I of III)
- Official name of school: District Name/Number:
- Contact Person for your Team/District Application*: Title:
phone: email: fax:
* IMPORTANT! The person listed above will be the main contact with MDE and will be responsible for forwarding updates to team(s), registering team(s), having summer contact information for team members and forwarding notifications regarding SW-PBIS.
B. Administrator Name: Title:
C. Name of School/Program interested in Cohort 6 SW-PBIS Training Region: North Metro or South
School/Program and Grade Level / Principal/Administrator / Phone / Email / Name of Individual School Contact Person- Narrative (part II of III) Please answer the following (limit response to 2 pages):
A. Indicate the data system team will use to obtain the following information (IF YOU WILL BE USING SWIS, YOU MAY SKIP THIS ITEM). View information on SWIS.
MANDATORY: Please attach sample graphs/data to demonstrate the capacity of your schools data system to obtain the following behavioral data. Include a copy of your current office disciplinary referral form.
Average referrals per day/per monthLocation of referral
Time of referral
Name of infraction
Student committing infraction
B. Please describe the process your school/program used to generate staff buy–in for implementing SW-PBIS, and share what data your team used to determine 80 percent of staff was willing to commit to implementing SW-PBIS.
C. What district level support is in place for implementing SW-PBIS and how is this framework linked to your school and district goals and plans?
- SW-PBIS Readiness Checklist (part III of III)
Minnesota School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS) Readiness Checklist
District: School/Program: Date: Region: North Metro or South (Please check one, see attached map for details)
Documents/EvidenceComplete? / Items to Complete Prior to School-wide PBIS Training
YES NO / 1. The district superintendent has endorsed the SW-PBIS team training and supports the expectation that the applying school administrator WILL ATTEND TRAINING. Attach letter for documentation.
YES NO / 2. District is committed to provide: a)staff development time (first year for six days, second year for three days, and three half days for identified internal coach); and,b) resources to support school teams and has allocated/secured funding to support the school-wide initiatives in their respective schools (e.g., School Improvement, Safe and Drug Free Schools, other school/community resources).
YES NO / 3. Improving school-wide behavioral outcomes (i.e., discipline, school climate, safety, behavior, etc.) is identified as one of the top threeschool or district goals. Attach a copy of school or district goals or a letter of support from Superintendent’s office as documentation.
YES NO / 4. District Administrators have participated in an awareness presentation summarizing Minnesota’s PBIS Initiative and the School-wide PBIS process(view presentation on PBIS website) and is aware that SW-PBIS is a 3-5 year process that may require ongoing training and district supports.Administrator/Principal signature acknowledging these expectations.
YES NO / 5. If more than one school from a district is applying, a district-level PBIS leadership team is REQUIRED. It is suggested that the team includes broad representation of the district (e.g., general, special and exceptional student education, student support services, personnel development, curriculum and instruction, management information systems, safe and drug free schools, family involvement/representative, school improvement, transportation); and commits to attend a portion of the school-wide training and participate in annual or bi-annual update meetings to discuss progress to date. Please attach a list DISTRICT team members, roles and signatures. Include when you meet or plan to meet (days, location, and time) throughout the school year.
YES NO / 6. A district representative has been identified as the PBIS District Coordinator (i.e., lead contact for all PBIS initiatives within your district). List district contact and provide contact information in section I-A
YES NO / 7. Participating principal has secured 80 percent of staff and administration documenting a commitment to implement “School wide PBIS.”Attach documentation and/or description and results:
YES NO / 8. A school wide and/or district-wide plan exists that includes school wide behavioral outcomes (i.e., discipline, school climate, safety, behavior) as one of the top three goals. Attach a recent copy of the portion of the plan that addresses behavior, discipline safety and/or climate.
YES NO / 9. A PBIS coach candidate has been identified by the school/program or district to receive additional training (i.e., three half days). List PBIS coach candidate and school/program(s) candidate will support.
YES NO / 10. Principal or assistant principal who is responsible for making discipline decisions will be an active participant on the PBIS Team and agrees to attend the School/Program-wide Training. Principal or assistant principal will attend a MANDATORY REGIONAL ADMINISTATOR ORIENTATION ON April 7, 2010.
List participating Administrator(s) here:
YES NO / 11. Your school may use the School-wide Information System (SWIS), a school-based discipline data system that is available for participating schools to use at MDE expense for two years. Preview system on SWIS Website.
If your school/program will not be using SWIS, additional documentation is required in the narrative portion of this application. The data system is integral for implementing and sustaining PBIS.
PLEASE NOTE: Applications will not be considered without this additional data documentation.
YES NO / 12. Our school agrees (or plans) to use SWIS.
Please designate a team member to work with a SWIS facilitator prior to team training to prepare the school/program to implement SWIS?
Team member name/contact information:
YES NO / 13. The district agrees to allow Minnesota’s school wide PBIS to utilize information from schools and district for future training, technical assistance activities, professional conference presentations, or submission to scholarly publications.
YES NO / 14. The district agrees to allow the participating schools to revise/utilize a discipline referral form, problem behavior definitions, and develop or refine the discipline referral process in order to enhance data-based decision making. The district and school agree to submit data as outlined and requested within SW-PBIS.
YES NO / 15. The district/school agrees to send a participant for School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) training and to conduct, in collaboration with other SW-PBIS schools, SETs at least annually (twice in the initial year of training, and once annually thereafter).