Paul Lindsey Eligibility Form and Essay: DUE: March 10, 2015

You are eligible to apply to receive a Lindsey Internship Scholarship Award of $1000.00. You have been deemed qualified to apply by fulfilling the following initial requirements: a GPA higher than 3.0, full-time registration this semester, and your current internship assignment.

This merit-based award is given to interns who exhibit care, dedication and initiative.The College of Education namesPaul Lindsey Interns in recognition of their community service. In addition to the monetary award, this recognition carries weight on your resume.Those awarded will be expected to attend a reception in April with your internship host. You’ll meet Mr. Lindsey, and will give a short 2 minute presentation. You will also be asked to write a thank you reflection that we will present to Mr. Lindsey.

Additional criteria to be submitted and reviewed in the selection process:In order to apply for this award, please fill out this form, write a one-page, single spaced essay on the second page, and get a strong letter of recommendation from your internship host. The essay can exceed 1 page but must not be shorter than 1 page. Margins are 1 inch all around. Please make certain your essay is well edited (checked for spelling, grammar and content).See separate attached document to send to your internship host for your letter of recommendation. Those letters are to be returned to me directly by the host. All application materials are due by March 10th, 2015 by 5 PM. You will be notified of award decisions by March 13th, 2015.

Thank you,

Mary Werner, Program Coordinator Education Outreach

INTERN Name: / Today’s Date:
How many internship hours have you completed to date: / Year in your studies (Fresh., Soph., Junior, Senior, 5th year):
Host Institution:
Host Supervisor name and email:
In this space, please provide a brief description of the organization, who it serves and what services it provides its target audience.

Essay Topic:

Please talk about what this internship has done for you by addressing: a) a description of your intern responsibilities, b) what you are learning from this internship, c) why you chose to work with this organization, d) what skills you have gained from the internship, e) what future you see for yourself in terms of career and education.

Tip: A strong applicant will have a well edited essay, checked for spelling grammar and content!

Paul Lindsey Internship Awards: 1 page Essay Form1