Tuesday, February 7, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall
170 North 3rd Street
(A copy of the Nebraska Open Meeting Laws
is posted in the entry to the meeting room.)
· Announcement on Open Meetings Act
· Roll call
· Pledge of Allegiance
1. Consider a nomination from Mayor Dill to fill the City Council seat vacancy which term expires December 2012 – applications were received from Robert Roseland, 215 North 7th Street
2. Swear in approved nominee, if applicable, as a City Council Member
3. Approve Minutes of the January 17, 2012 Council Meeting
4. Approve Treasurer’s Report
5. Approve Claims and Payroll
6. Department Reports
7. Lt. Mark Trapp with the Sarpy County Sheriff’s Department will provide a monthly service report
8. Consider approval of an application for a Special Designated Liquor License from the Springfield Youth Athletic Association (SYAA) for the Spring Fling event to be held on April 28, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight, in the Sarpy County 4H Building
9. Maureen Larsen, NDORFNZ Running Club - Request South Railroad Avenue street closing for a race to be held on April 21, 2012
10. Approve Invoice No. 168317 from Olsson Associates in the amount of $1,031.02 for professional services rendered from December 4, 2011 through December 31, 2011, for work completed on Springfield Trail Phase 3
11. Conduct a Public Hearing for an expansion of extraterritorial jurisdiction to include land recently ceded to the City of Springfield by Sarpy County located in Sections 11 and 12, Township 13 North, Range 11 East of the 6th P.M., and designation of ceded jurisdiction to Agricultural land use and zoning of said land to AR-Agriculture Residential
12. Conduct a Public Hearing for a preliminary and final plat application and requested waivers of Lots 1 and 2 Gruhn Acres, Replat 1, being a replat of Lot 1 Gruhn Acres, together with the East ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 12, Township 13 N, Range 11 E of the 6th P.M., Sarpy County, Nebraska
13. Conduct a Public Hearing for an amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Article 5, Section 5.15, to allow Auction Houses that warehouse sale items and sell items within the auction facility and/or outside of the auction facility, but on the premises as a conditional use
14. Motion to Adjourn
A regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Springfield, Nebraska was held at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at City Hall on February 7, 2012. Present were Mayor Mike Dill; Council Members: Randy Fleming, Dan Craney, Chad Nolte. Absent: None. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places, one of the designated methods of giving notice. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to the Mayor and all Council Members and a copy of their receipt of notice is attached to these Minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public. The Mayor publicly stated to all in attendance that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was available for review and indicated the location of such copy posted in the room where the meeting was being held.
Agenda Item 1. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to approve Mayor Dill’s nomination of Robert Roseland, 215 North 7th Street, to fill the City Council seat vacancy which term expires December 2012. AYES: Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 2. Bill Seidler, City Attorney, swore in Robert Roseland as a City Council member.
Agenda Item 3. Motion by Fleming, seconded by Nolte, to approve the Minutes of the January 17, 2012, regular Council Meeting. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 4. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
The City Clerk reported a balance on hand of $583,986.11 in cash assets; Prestige Treasury - $203,419.27; Prestige Keno Lottery - $143,170.67; Prestige Keno Progressive Jackpot - $50,000.00; Water Deposit Savings - $4,172.96; Refundable Deposits Savings - $1,218.36; Water Tower Savings - $101,907.64; Prestige Bond - $338,893.15; Sewer Restricted - $66,079.72; Money Market Library Bricks - $7,252.05; Government Securities – $195,087.81; Time Certificates as follows: Bond - $75,871.10; Tower - $56,801.18; Water - $123,447.10; Park - $11,848.97; Library Bricks - $21,041.62; Cash Receipts - $93,344.06; Cash Disbursements - $53,496.95; Refunding W/S 10 Bond Payment - $2,442.50 interest.
Agenda Item 5. Motion by Craney, seconded by Nolte, to approve claims due and payable as presented, pending review of the annual audit by the City Treasurer. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Check # / Account ID / Line Description / Debit Amount / NameGeneral
32310 / 6084-10-10 / Aflac / 49.80 / Aflac
32331 / 6080-10-10 / Health Insurance / 657.07 / Assurant Health
32265 / 7270-10-10 / Insurance / 350.00 / CNA Surety
32273 / 8200-10-10 / Misc / 32.00 / Dan Hoins
32238 / 6080-10-10 / Health Insurance / 49.20 / Delta Dental
32272 / 7230-10-10 / Postage / 30.90 / First National Bank
32272 / 8200-10-10 / Misc / 42.80 / First National Bank
32276 / 8200-10-10 / Misc / 53.50 / Jean Latham
32274 / 7010-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Engineer / 2,242.00 / JEO Consulting Group
32275 / 8140-10-10 / R&M Equip / 340.93 / Konica Minolta Business Solutions
32279 / 7270-10-10 / Insurance / 1,740.09 / Marcotte Insurance
32282 / 8130-10-10 / R&M Bldg / 5.47 / Menards
32269 / 7240-10-10 / Mileage / 144.86 / Mike Dill
32285 / 7320-10-10 / Natural Gas / 69.87 / MUD
32290 / 7045-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Tech Support / 300.00 / Nebraska Community Websites
32313 / 7330-10-10 / Telephone / 100.30 / NT&T
32294 / 8010-10-10 / Office Supplies / 43.60 / Office Depot
32295 / 7250-10-10 / Publications / 281.17 / Omaha World Herald
32296 / 7310-10-10 / Electricity / 339.32 / OPPD
32297 / 7025-10-10 / Prof Svcs-CPA / 12,100.00 / Ric Ortmeier
32257 / 8010-10-10 / Office Supplies / 199.94 / Sage Software
32303 / 7060-10-10 / Animal Control / 337.65 / Sarpy County Fiscal Administrator
32302 / 7050-10-10 / Law Contract / 7,004.00 / Sarpy County Treasurer
32305 / 7020-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Legal / 2,575.34 / Seidler & Seidler
32307 / 8140-10-10 / R&M Equip / 248.53 / US Bank
32308 / 7280-10-10 / Laundry / 59.36 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 29,397.70
32331 / 6080-20-10 / Health Insurance / 588.67 / Assurant Health
32263 / 7455-20-10 / IP Address / 9.99 / Charter Communications
32238 / 6080-20-10 / Health Insurance / 24.10 / Delta Dental
32304 / 7480-20-10 / Janitorial / 105.00 / Marcie Schmieder
32279 / 7270-20-10 / Insurance / 366.69 / Marcotte Insurance
32285 / 7320-20-10 / Natural Gas / 178.96 / MUD
32313 / 7330-20-10 / Telephone / 31.06 / NT&T
32296 / 7310-20-10 / Electricity / 281.24 / OPPD
Total / 1,585.71
Library Restricted
32258 / 8060-21-10 / Books/Video / 324.40 / Amazon
32259 / 9140-21-10 / Furnishings / 2,900.00 / AWE
32264 / 8060-21-10 / Books/Videos / 30.46 / Children's BOMC
32267 / 8060-21-10 / Books/Videos / 397.60 / Davidsons Title
32278 / 8130-21-10 / R & M Building / 115.00 / M.S. Chemdry
32282 / 8130-21-10 / R&M Bldg / 11.44 / Menards
32284 / 7260-21-10 / Printing / 150.00 / Miller Press
32288 / 8060-21-10 / Books/videos / 15.99 / Mystery Guild
32291 / 7200-21-10 / Dues / 45.00 / Nebraska Library Association
32299 / 7230-21-10 / Postage / 222.00 / Postmaster
32300 / 7205-21-10 / Subscriptions / 19.97 / QuickQuilts
32306 / 8060-21-10 / Books/Video / 45.74 / Thomson Gale
Total / 4,277.60
32279 / 7270-30-10 / Insurance / 326.68 / Marcotte Insurance
32282 / 8130-30-10 / R&M Bldg / 11.99 / Menards
32282 / 8140-30-10 / R&M Equip / 175.53 / Menards
32296 / 7310-30-10 / Electricity / 141.75 / OPPD
32298 / 8140-30-10 / R&M Equip / 39.61 / Pankonin's
Total / 695.56
Community Building
32279 / 7270-40-10 / Insurance / 380.02 / Marcotte Insurance
32282 / 8130-40-10 / R&M Bldg / 22.11 / Menards
32285 / 7320-40-10 / Natural Gas / 317.52 / MUD
32296 / 7310-40-10 / Electricity / 110.08 / OPPD
32308 / 7280-40-10 / Laundry / 63.46 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 893.19
32310 / 6084-50-20 / Aflac / 14.18 / Aflac
32331 / 6080-50-20 / Health Insurance / 1,023.64 / Assurant Health
32261 / 8120-50-20 / Fuel / 222.04 / B&B Pit Stop
32238 / 6080-50-20 / Health Insurance / 73.80 / Delta Dental
32268 / 7430-50-20 / Diggers Hotline / 14.35 / Great Plains One-Call Service
32277 / 7180-50-20 / Education / 70.00 / League of Nebraska Municipalities
32279 / 7270-50-20 / Insurance / 1,320.07 / Marcotte Insurance
32283 / 7420-50-30 / Testing / 84.19 / Midwest Laboratories
32287 / 9042-50-20 / Meter Upgrades / 8,339.40 / Municipal Supply
32311 / 7420-50-20 / Testing / 33.00 / NE Public Health Environmental Lab
32313 / 7330-50-20 / Telephone / 143.26 / NT&T
32294 / 8010-50-20 / Office Supplies / 28.73 / Office Depot
32294 / 8130-50-20 / R&M Bldg / 165.53 / Office Depot
32296 / 7310-50-20 / Electricity / 1,074.00 / OPPD
32319 / 7230-50-20 / Postage / 100.00 / US Postal Service
32308 / 7290-50-20 / Uniforms / 46.36 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 12,752.55
32310 / 6084-60-30 / Aflac / 123.38 / Aflac
32331 / 6080-60-30 / Health Insurnace / 537.98 / Assurant Health
32262 / 8120-60-30 / Fuel / 147.45 / Casey's General Store
32238 / 6080-60-30 / Health Insurnace / 73.80 / Delta Dental
32270 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 11.97 / DXP Enterprises
32271 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 395.82 / Echo
32279 / 7270-60-30 / Insurance / 953.38 / Marcotte Insurance
32282 / 8030-60-30 / Supplies / 58.66 / Menards
32283 / 7420-60-30 / Testing / 60.19 / Midwest Laboratories
32289 / 9040-60-30 / Tools / 1.77 / Mill Creek Auto Parts
32286 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 801.04 / Municipal Service & Supply
32293 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 58.33 / Nebraska-Iowa Industrial Fasteners Corp
32313 / 7330-60-30 / Telephone / 50.76 / NT&T
32296 / 7310-60-30 / Electricity / 2,173.31 / OPPD
32319 / 7230-60-30 / Postage / 100.00 / US Postal Service
32308 / 7290-60-30 / Uniforms / 39.96 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 5,587.80
32331 / 6080-70-40 / Health Insurance / 1,004.78 / Assurant Health
32261 / 8120-70-40 / Fuel / 84.06 / B&B Pit Stop
32262 / 8120-70-40 / Fuel / 153.08 / Casey's General Store
32266 / 8140-70-40 / R&M Equip / 152.00 / D&D Communications
32238 / 6080-70-40 / Health Insurance / 71.15 / Delta Dental
32280 / 8140-70-40 / R&M Equip / 41.76 / Mark Hydraulic
32281 / 9040-70-40 / Tools & Misc Equip / 1,984.75 / Matheson Tri-Gas
32282 / 8130-70-40 / R&M Bldg / 138.72 / Menards
32289 / 9040-70-40 / Tools / 19.27 / Mill Creek Auto Parts
32285 / 7320-70-40 / Natural Gas / 558.84 / MUD
32293 / 8030-70-40 / Supplies / 43.73 / Nebraska-Iowa Industrial Fasteners Corp
32313 / 7330-70-40 / Telephone / 46.32 / NT&T
32294 / 8010-70-40 / Office Supplies / 29.05 / Office Depot
32296 / 7310-70-40 / Electricity / 3,497.87 / OPPD
32301 / 9015-70-40 / Equipment Rental / 731.85 / Sarpy County Ag Society
32308 / 7290-70-40 / Iniforms / 79.32 / Walkers Uniform Rental
32309 / 8030-70-40 / Supplies / 151.60 / Winnelson
32279 / 7270-70-40 / Insurance / 1,580.07 / Marcotte Insurance
Total / 10,368.22
Payroll / 25,487.91
Agenda Item 6. There were no department reports.
Agenda Item 7. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Fleming, to move Agenda Item 7 to the last item on the agenda pending the arrival of Lt. Mark Trapp. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 8. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Fleming, to approve an application for a Special Designated Liquor License from the Springfield Youth Athletic Association (SYAA) for the Spring Fling event to be held on April 28, 2012 from 5:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight, in the Sarpy County 4H Building. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 9. Motion by Craney, seconded by Nolte, to approve a request from Maureen Larsen, NDORFNZ Running Club, to close South Railroad Avenue from Main Street south to Spruce Street from 9:00 to noon, for a race to be held on April 21, 2012. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 10. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to approve Invoice No. 168317 from Olsson Associates in the amount of $1,031.02 for professional services rendered from December 4, 2011 through December 31, 2011, for work completed on Springfield Trail Phase 3. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 11. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to open a Public Hearing. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. A Public Hearing of the Springfield City Council was opened at 7:19 p.m. to consider an expansion of extraterritorial jurisdiction to include land recently ceded to the City of Springfield by Sarpy County located in Sections 11 and 12, Township 13 North, Range 11 East of the 6th P.M., and designation of ceded jurisdiction to Agricultural land use and zoning of said land to AR-Agriculture Residential. Council reviewed the staff report prepared by David Potter with JEO Consulting Group. Clarence Keyes, 16709 So. 120th Street, asked if there were permanent zoning restrictions on this property. Mayor Dill explained the zone change request process. Jeff Tesch, 13208 So. 144th, asked if there were benefits to the expansion. Potter explained that now the property is not divided, landowners would be working with only one government agency for any future changes. No one from the public spoke in opposition to or in favor of the expansion. Motion by Craney, seconded by Roseland, to close the Public Hearing. AYES: Roseland, Fleming, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None. Public Hearing closed at 7:27 p.m.