Parent/guardian/baby rights
Parent/guardian responsibilities
- Receive care and treatment, as needed, which the Health System is able to provide without regard to race, creed, sex, where you were born or how you pay for your care.
a.Emergency care is provided without unnecessary delay
b.Good quality care and high professional standards are reviewed on a regular basis so they are maintained.
- Safe care with respect and freedom from abuse and harassment.
a.Care is provided in a setting that fits their age, size, and needs.
- Be informed of your rights before the baby is treated and before the baby’s treatment is stopped.
- Be involved in decision(s) about the care provided.
a.Parent/guardian may refuse care to the extent allowed by law
b.Parent/guardian may make choices about their baby’s care and have the right to include family members in those choices
c.Parent/guardian may discharge the baby from the facility; if mentally competent and the facility is not permitted or required by law to detain your baby.
- Be given complete and current information about the baby’s diagnosis (to the degree it is known), treatment, and any known outcomes of the treatment from the baby’s caregivers.
a.Other types of treatments, to include no treatment, are discussed with the parent/guardian
b.Be told by the baby’s doctor what you need to know in order to make informed choices about the baby’s care. This may not be possible in an emergency situation
c.Ask for and obtain help in receiving consultation (clinical opinion) with another physician. This consultation is charged to the insurance company like all other appropriate services
d.Have the baby transferred to another place after care and arrangements have been made and family/guardian have been told what the hospital has to do under law.
- Be told about the baby’s care in a way that you understand.
a.You have the right to an interpreter or translator, if needed, at no cost to you.
- Have treatments and care provided to the baby with privacy, to the extent we are able.
a.Be protected from medical or nursing procedures or tests performed on the baby that are not needed
b.Be protected from medical and nursing treatments that cause unnecessary physical and mental discomfort
c.The baby’s care and treatments are only discussed with the parent/guardian or others designated by the parent/guardian
d.Name someone to make decisions for the baby when the parent/guardian can no longer do so.
- Have the baby’s medical record kept private and read only by people with a need to know.
a.Look at and have explained all information in the baby’s medical record. Only the physician, for sound medical reasons, can limit the sharing of information in the record. This is written in the baby’s medical record as an order
b.Name someone (designee) to be given information in the baby’s medical record if the physician has limited information available to the parent/guardian for sound medical reasons
c.Portions of the baby’s medical record may be released with written consent from the parent/guardian
d.Be given a list of where and to whom your baby’s record was released.
e.Medical records may also be released if needed by law or as needed to advance the baby’s care
f.Have information in the medical record explained to you.
- Have the right to refuse the recording, photographing or filming of care and the right to request a recoding be stopped at anytime during the filming or recording process even if prior consent was given.
- Have the baby’s pain assessed and managed in a timely fashion.
a.Be told about pain relief measures.
- Practice your cultural and spiritual beliefs as long as these practices do not get in the way of the baby’s care or the well being of others.
a.See the chaplain and/or seek other spiritual services.
- Know the names and the jobs of those who give care to the baby.
- Have an opportunity to participate in the baby’s care and discharge plans.
- Contact the Health System’s Clinical Ethics Support Service (CESS) at 615-6703 to ask for help with ethical issues about the baby’s care.
- Be given full information about research studies and/or experimental procedures that may be used/given and have the option to participate.
a.Risks, benefits and alternatives are explained
b.Parent/guardian may refuse to have the baby participate without any affect on access to health care.
- Have access to people or agencies to act on the baby’s behalf or to protect the baby’s rights under law.
a.Have protective services contacted.
- Have your complaint or grievance resolved. We would like to have the opportunity to resolve your complaint or grievance. For comments, complaints or grievances at CapeFearValleyMedicalCenter you may contact:
a.The NICUs Patient Care Manager
b.Patient Relations at 615-6120.
- However, you have the right to contact:
a.The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Service Regulation, Licensure and Certification Section, 2712 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2712—or at—1-800-624-3004
b.The Joint Commission, One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois60181—or at—1-800-994-6610.
19.Persons with disabilities may contact the Governor’s Advocacy Council for Persons with Disabilities (GACPD) at 1-888-315-4064.
20.Receive a copy of the baby’s bill no matter the source of payment.
a.Receive information and advice about sources of assistance the Health System may know about to pay for health care.
b.Have the opportunity to receive an explanation of the hospital bill within thirty (30) days of requesting it, regardless of source of payment.
- Following the Health System rules and regulations affecting your conduct and the baby’s care.
- Providing a complete and accurate medical/pregnancy history to the extent that you know it.
- Reporting if you do not understand the planned treatment for the baby.
- Reporting any concerns regarding abuse, neglect or exploitation of your baby or harassment of yourself to:
a.An MD, NNP or RN
b.Corporate Risk Management
c.Patient Relations Department
d.CFVMCs Administration.
- Following the treatment plan agreed to include teaching from nurses and other health personnel.
- Treating others with respect.
a.Keeping appointments
b.Respecting the belongings and rights of others.
- Providing us with correct and timely information about your sources of payment and ability to pay.
- Assisting in the control of noise and number of visitors in the NICU and at the baby’s bedside.
- Asking the doctor or nurse what to expect regarding pain management for the baby, discussing pain relief options and giving input into the plan.
Reviewed/Revised: 2002…..08/11
Patient Rights 1