Intel Retiree Organization Board Board MeetingMinutes18 March 2009

(Incorporating AR updates from meeting on 15 April 2009)

Roll Call Barb 5 mins

Caspar, Cheryl, Judy, Sharon (got the time right, well done!), Elyce, Ben (from Covington, Louisiana; flying back late April 1st; left town 11th; done taxes for Mom - well done Ben!), Barb, Jim Hoffman (joined later), Suzanne (joined later)

Review & Approve February Minutes Caspar 5 mins

Minutes had been sent out for comment and good feedback was received but unfortunately, Caspar didn’t manage to get the feedback incorporated in revised draft minutes for approval at this meeting.

AR Caspar to send out revised minutesDONE

AR ReviewBarb 10 mins

Due to absence of minutes, this was tabled for next meeting.

Charter & Bylaws Review & Motion to approveBarb 10 mins

Barb sent updated version of Charter and Bylaws around to the board members. She also sent a noteto Ken & Roz about getting rid of charter document;and their involvement on bylaw revisions buthas not received an answer. Barb's recommendation is to vote on the changes so we can post updated and approved documents on the web. Jim moved a motion to approve the revised charter and bylaws; Cheryl seconded the motion; no-objections.

AR Sharon to convert documents into PDF and send to JudyDONE

AR Judy topost new Charter and Bylawson the web-siteDONE

Committee Updates:

CommunicationsElyce 10 mins

The Retiree Brochure has gone throughmultiple reviews at the communications C’tee.

AR Elyce to check whethershe can get funding for printing the brochure.DONE

AR Judy to send out brochure to the board for commentsDONE, received minor comments from Diana (correction on her area) and Ken Epps (shouldn’t commit to 24h response time) – we’ll get back with an acknowledgement)

Intel Oregon sends out a site newsletter by email. Judy and Sharon sent out an emailto retirees to see is there was interest in receiving this: 71 people wanted to be included on this mailing. The objective is to work withIntel to get this mailed out. The newsletter is put together by a Bill McKenzie in Intel Public Affairs. Other sites do something similar on an ad-hoc basis resources permitting.

AR Site Coordinators to send an email to their local Public Affairs to find out.Update:

-Bay Area, Barb send email to Rita Holiday and are connecting

-Not Sharon

We need to do an evaluation to see whether the local retirees are interested in receiving this. David Spencer puts out a publication called"shot circuit" - but this is of no interest as it is about existing employees and it links back to behind the Intel firewall.

Q1 Site Coordinator reviews - ongoing: good feedback; some sites making good progress others are still struggling with finding people and organizing events.

Q2 the IRO newsletter is to go electronic only. Biggest issue is our opt-in rate: out of 2900 retirees only between 850 - 900 (it fluctuates) have actually opted-in.Rather than sending out Q2 newsletter; we plan to send out a letter instead pointing back to our web-site; if a retiree doesn't have a computer, they'll need to let us know.It will save Intel quite some money if they just need to send out a letter in Q2 and Q3. Then evaluate feedback from survey to see whether we can go electronic for the newsletter.

We'll still need Ken's support, maybe not for the Newsletter but for other things like Brochure.

Intel has not given us a deadline to go electronic but they are working on changing their communication to electronic means.]. We're being pro-actively. Ben likes Judy’s suggestion.

We are also working with Intel to update the pre-retirement information and communication. This may increase our opt-in rate. Maybe Intel will be willing to mail to all retirees once or twice a year -

Intel mails benefits information annually anyway so we may want to include an insert then.

Ben, continues, we are not thinking about continuing with sending a hard-copy. Depending on the numbers, we may be able to handle small numbers of requests for hard-copy.

AR ALL:email Elyce any thoughts, suggestions and comments about the newsletter going electronic only by Wednesday 25 MarchThis is on the agenda

We are waiting to hear whenwe're going to meet with Richard Taylor again.

AR Barb to chase up Richard Taylor and his admin for the next meeting; DONE, phone meeting on May 1st; primary agenda item is to follow up on the open ARs; Cheryl, Barb and Elyce. Barb will put a few foils together for the meeting and them out ahead of time.

We will need both hardcopy and electronic versions of the brochure. We have approval for the use of the pictures used in the brochure.

Elyce asked Debbie if we could do a mailing

New AR Elyce to give us an update; Comms C’tee next Monday; another re-org and Debbie apologies, she’s buried

Website Judy 10 mins

Judy: Barbwants to getcopies of minutes from all committee meetings. Judy has sent proposal slides presented to the Communications C'tee. There are not 7-8 on the team; 3-4are technical; 2-3at next level making changes and enhancements; 2 people document and are process oriented; making clean technical decisions. There is a good committee and we can see changes going in the rightdirection.

Two meetings, Feb & Mar and reviewed current web-site; looked at input from OR dinner,luncheon and board input; also reviewed technical documentation about requested features; reviewed decisions and will be working through this some more. One of the biggest issues came up from a comment by Mike Healy is regarding security of our web-pages. Security is extremely important and we have none. Anyone can today hack our web-site. We may have to move to a different back-end e.g. JOOMLA (sp?) - Mike will be evaluating this for a port. We have been very fortunate that we have not had any technical or security issues.

Another issue that we came across is to better publicize the website and make information easier to find. John C will be coming back soon and will jump into this.

Ben supportive of JOOMLA, has seen it before. He sent some information on volunteer C’tee, 2-3 weeks ago; just a list of opportunities to give an idea of what we want to post there. How fast can we get information posted?JOOMLA will help the by allowing C’tee chairs to keep information up to date. Is there anything needs to get the contents posted on the site?

AR Ben to resend the information he wants to have posted; DONE

Has anyone looked at Facebook? One conclusion is that our website isfor Intel and IRO information;but not blogging or a social networking site. Our site would need to link to other Intel sites, e.g. Alumni and Facebook for additional capabilities and services. Both Facebook and JOOMLA

Would we expect to have any password protected information on our web-site? If retirees would want to share their emails with retirees. Some responses are that people will pull their email. Caspar: the Facebook closed group could be used for retiree's to share their email to just the retirees!

NewsletterSharon 10 mins

Sharon reported thatthe next deadline is April 15th. She's laving on the 23rd to getthe Newsletter toDebbie by the 22nd. Anyearly submissions?

- Medicare Atical by Laura and Elyce; we don't need to ask Judy

- Part 2 of Jim Hoffman’s Italian

- Circuit Focus Group on retirees

Not yet:

- One of our own articles - Ben agreed to do one on Volunteering,

And a few announcements

Barb to push for a RT meeting between 8 & 15

- A blurb on revised Charter and Bylaws

- Announcement: of AMT article by Judy re taxes (already one mentioned on web-site) - surprised that Intel didn't send this information to all retirees. Why not? Should we have a contact with Employee Services?

There have been some changes through lobbying by some companies including Intel about Alternative Minimum Tax on ISO Stock Options. Intel was very careful in its information and announcement.

Ben suggests that we may want to mention that we're moving to electronic Newsletters

... back, is there someone in ES who should know that this info should go to retirees Ellen Powers (woks for Ken Epps!);is this retroactive and how far back Intel started granting since 1993. She's interested in being the key link person and has been emailing about thoughts and opportunities (used to work for Barb).

Benefits Ben/Cheryl 10 mins

Cheryl reported that they had a meeting on 5th withgood attendance. [Sorrydidn't catch all the names]. Thanked Ben for his contributions; 20-35 years at Intel; insurance broker; HR person; quite a few senior people; a lot of motivation re IRMP issues and SERMA money usage other than CIGNA plan. Also passion about fixing communication problems; brief update on IRO, RT meeting; value proposition; focus areas; and where this C’tee fits in; RT's commitment on getting an Intel partner assigned; reviewed 2009 objective; anything missing or concerns. Biggest concern was with Objective re counseling and giving advice and our liability. We already have a disclaimer in the Newsletter;

AR Cheryl to publish disclaimer on the web-site; ? Is there a disclaimer? Judy: “use these as a resource only; always consult with your doctor”; this will need to be updated; AR Cheryl to draft disclaimer; e.g. back of Newsletter.

There was a handover issue in setting up next meeting with Intel to talk about issues for Intel to follow up on. Next meeting in a month to take 2009 objectives and flush them out.

Ben mentioned that this was an organizational meeting and there is a list of items like web-site update that members are to select for themselves which to work on; Keith Thompson has been very active and is willing to help out in an advisory role to see whether Intel's plan is really competitive. His first report was that Intel was competitive after speaking on an HR mgr and another company.

How much to publish in the Newsletter? Maybe just that there is an active Healthcare C’tee - maybe include re-announcement that Cheryl is now the chair.

We are getting a lot moreparticipation in C'tees(Bay Area Social, Website, and this Benefits/Health) maybe just let folks know that we're growing; maybe add a small C’tee section in addition to the calendar section. Maybe just a blurb on each C’tee and a contact. Possibly names of folks on the C’tee.

Volunteer Ben 10 mins

Ben reported that he had a brief conversation with Laura Good; when it started is was know as the Intel VolunteerAlumni Group; Ben wanted to learn. What was not working were volunteer 'events' where retirees would come together to pickup new opportunities. Ben wants to C’tee to be more of a clearing house of volunteering retirees; e.g. cancer volunteer; food; housing needs; and getactive volunteers to become a contact point for others who may be interested. Thiswasvalidated by Laura. There are two folkswho came forward; maybe not enough for a C’tee meeting. It’s now organized with an intro page: basic volunteering, encorecareer etc. and pointerto other areas; e.g. global AARP Tax Preparation; Intel sponsored (e.g. Craig Barrett’s small things); site sponsored volunteering opportunities tofacilitate those.

There was a good Wall Street Journal which published some clearing house organizations - most retirees will get engaged themselves and through friends who they want to work with. If there are any board members?

The folks one from OR (Ben, one from Bay area and one from FM - United Way campaign). There are some alumni doing good work there.

Site Updates:

AZSharon 5 mins

Sharon not much to update; one lunch per q; next in May; email from Alumni who has someone in CAto organize something in AZ. they hare having great difficulty getting something going in AZ; Sharon is willing to provide input but not actively become involved.

Folsom Carl 5 mins

Carl is not present ... Elyce: he was a no show yesterday

Oregon Judy 5 mins

Luncheon last week with lowest turn out (only 14 people); maybe due to Mexican food(one guy was allergic); two new OR volunteers on Web C’tee; next luncheon at a different restaurant

New Mexico Jim 5 mins

Jim doing a consumer surveyabout a q'lyoff-site meeting - maybe economic situation 80% respondents want to meet at Intel; others including Jim want

Next meeting April 6th: C'tee presentation; Intel pres'n; and what's someone is up to pres'n

42 emails sent out; 3 bounces;17 receipts;11 responses just below 30%

AR Jim to send information to Judy to post on calendar

AR Jim to send Judy 'bounces' so Intel can send a follow up letter to the bouncees

MA Suzanne 5 mins

Suzanne reports that Hudson site continues to grow; first retiree from Dialogic joined. Intel did sell it off in the last year or so. Retirement arrangements are customized per acquisition - some taking on prior retirees some only new; and then again when sold arrangements could be different. Did Intel forward email (Bob Flansberg); Judy sent this to.

We validate anyone who optson the web-site.There is

Suzanne always follows up asking whether and how they retired and whether they have a S... a/c or haveIRMP

Santa Clara Barb 5 mins

Barb reports; still doing mo event 14-25 attendees; last item cancelled; on day of board meeting 45 people had signed up; regrouping and finding another venue. Have an active Social C'tee run by Terry JALCHEMOfor an annual events; may want to use the same venues that Intel uses.

GER Caspar 5 mins

Caspar GER site has grown 100% by getting the second GER opt-in. Sharon reportedone new opt-in via IRO mailbox; also have 100% success rate on referring Facebook Friends!

Opens All 5 mins

Intel Vault - retiree doesn't have a vault card(officially called the Passport Card) - can we get some extras for retirees? Response it that we are getting 7 spare vault cards. Checked the org's mail box; newsletters come to. Went through Janand Feb emails - there is awhole different process. According to Ken Epps; use the Intel card until the new ones come out in May. Thesepeople didn't have an Intel Vault card. Send these 15 people email; new ones are coming out in May/June - do they still need one?How to validate that they are 'real' retirees? We don't really validate them;

Ken is very specific that we are not getting extra cards. A lot of them from New Mexico? Was there a hole in New Mexico? JimH?

ARAll: Forward these emails to Debbie Sylva - she has the home addresses and can validate the retirees. Regina ... Caspar doesn't have a vault card - this is a USprograms only. Obviouslypeople read the Newsletter as we did get responses especially on discounts!DONE

Check mailbox for March - there is a ton of stuff in delete etc files and everything has been moved to the appropriate folders - what's left is pending stuff ...

In all the folders are all sorts of stuff.

People should file things when done into the appropriate folders. Are there space limitations? Yes but we're not even near. We want to capture the amount of activity; e.g. 5 touches should leave 5 emails. Also good for new people on how. Delete Folder can be emptied...

AR Elyceand Judy to analyze 2008 emails and see how we can classify and use the dataOPEN

Is there a format for the contact list/ some alphabetical by first name; is there a way to organize that? Yahoo puts all email names into the contact list. That's why it is mishmash ... can probably remove the senders and just leave the board members..

Ben asked whether this email process is documented. Yes, go to Yahoo group and look under files...

Elyce to resend schedule Debbie Watson is doing April.

Elyce sent a note when done with February. This is nice reminder that the next person is on in March. So, S

Ben open on meeting with RT: he did reply to the background materials Ben had sent him. There is not need to correspond with him further. Will try to invite same attendees as last meeting; will try to get everyone. His admin will set this up Barb will forward to everyone. Doesn't have to be f2f. What are the key agenda items? Follow-up on resource and how we are to partner with Intel; there is nothing new. We do want to bring up the international angle. CIGNA may go away for regular employees? This may have implications of IRMP. This may give some urgency to get this position filled.

Sharon: still meeting with Judy; should she still ask her to contribute to the Newsletter? Yes,another good reason to keep her engaged.

Cheryl: talked about and received information on an Intel update from Intel Will Swoop. We were going to pursue this. But in the communications update is sounded like this was going to be doneon a site-by-site basis. Barb recalls thatDiana had agreed to work on this Intel update at the last RT meeting - she report to the new Will Swoop, Shelly Esque. There is nothing in the AR section of the minutes in her name, but under Richard's ARs to get us any non-confidential information. Diana is working on that - she had a conflict today - this may happen more frequently. Diana may become very busy...

Approved 15 April 2009; AR updates are in italic
