Patient Representation Group Meeting (PRG)
Monday 11thAugust 2014
College Lane Surgery
Patient Representatives: 10 Patients Attended. Pat Jennings: Don Cawthra: Carol Dorking: Jean Molloy: Richard Molloy: David Hammond: Sandy Gillan: Barrie Slinger: Paul Vose: Linda Cole.
Apologies: 1
Practice Representative: Dr Liz Moulton, GP & Mrs Claire Broome Practice Manager
Introductions:Dr Moulton and Claire Broome welcomed the patient volunteers who joined the meeting and thanked all for their time and support.
Dr Moulton presented an update on the following range of areas for the PRG. See attached document.
An overview of the PRG 2013/14 patient Survey results was presented by Dr Moulton. The outcome action plan was discussed. The PRG were unsure at this time whether or not another survey would be of any benefit as there was little to improve.
Telephone Queuingsystem:
Claire Broome will look into any further operational options with our telephone system to offer a “Call queuing option” and a “call back message service”
Practice Contract Budget:
The practice has been notified that all Wakefield practices will be changed from a Personal Medical Services contract (provides extra services over and above) to a General Medical Services contract over the next 3 years. The aim is to level down all practices to the same funding model, rather than raising it up to the model now in place. The practice will loose a considerable % of their annual budget and are now looking at the implications to services as a result of this decision.
We will ensure we update you on the practice plans as they become clear.
Practice Update:
Dr Moulton and Claire Broome updated the patients on the latest information:
Dr Hanney retiring from the practice in May 2014.
Dr Gordon, Salaried GP retired from the practice in March 2014.
Dr Gillian Deeley joined the practice as Salaried GP’s
Dr Jordache Myerscough, recently here as a GP Registrar has joined the team as a Salaried GP with view to partnership, as Dr Hanney has left the practice.
Nurses: Melanie Glover and Tracey Chapman joined the team.
Services at College Lane Surgery:
Audiology – Over 55’shearing aid service weekly. Replacement batteries can be provided at reception.
Ultrasound Service –2 weeks wait for appointments, versus 8 week wait at the hospital.
Primary Care First - Advanced Training Hub: The practice goes from strength to strength with 7 practices working in Wakefield to support Student Nurses placed in Surgeries for experience with Mentors guiding them 6-12 weeks.
The practice will recruit other surgeries in Wakefield as “Spoke Practices” to take students through the year in an effort to look to the future recruitment and development of a workforce in the surgeries in Wakefield.
Patient Feedback – NHS Choices
A discussion around positive feedback and comments as they felt that the surgery deserves more than 3 stars on NHS choices. The group would like to encourage patient feedback with a link form the practice website to NHS Choices with instructions.
- They asked the practice to trial a 2 week handout to all patients attending to add their feedback via this route.
- Add the Practice website details and NHS choices website details to the prescription counterfoil order slip. To encourage patients to use and comment.
Annual Open Day / Promoting the Practice The group would like the practice to consider having a presence at the next annual Ackworth Gala which will be held in July 2015. They feel the practice could raise their profile and the services etc at such a local event. The following options could be explored.
Social media – Facebook page
Local Radio – Feature or announcements
Parish Council Newsletter
Local newspaper – Article
To consider these at our next meeting and if opportunity arises use sooner.
Referral Follow Up A discussion regarding multi organisation referrals coordination and who is responsible for coordinating all this. It was felt that the patient would be best placed where possible to let their GP know if they had any concerns about appointments or lack of information for any outstanding issues. The secretaries monitor any outstanding choose and book referrals that have not been booked by patients, with a central office sending reminder letters for referrals generated by the practice.
IT Medical Records. The surgery will be releasing a number of “Telephone Consultations” for all doctors to book on line in September and will be adding general appointments, limited numbers as soon as possible after this trial.
Discussions around access to results, medical record consultations etc, it is felt that this will be coming in the near future but at the moment it is not available. The practice is fully supportive of patients having access to their medical record.
PPG Meeting Agenda It was agreed that the group would like to establish an agenda for their meetings and have been asked to give their views on the content for testing in the next meeting.
Meeting Minutes All participants consented to have their full names listed on the minutes which will be published on the practice website.
Next Meeting: Monday 8 December 2014 1:30pm – 3.30 pm (Diary - KF)