EmoryUniversityWomen’s Tennis Honors

Updated May 2018

National Champion (NCAA)

2001Mary Ellen Gordondoubles

Anusha Natarajandoubles

2002Mary Ellen Gordondoubles

Anusha Natarajandoubles

2003Mary Ellen Gordonsingles

Mary Ellen Gordondoubles

Jolyn Taylordoubles

2004Mary Ellen Gordonsingles

Mary Ellen Gordondoubles

Jolyn Taylordoubles

2009Lorne McManiglesingles

2012Gabrielle Clarksingles

2014Gabrielle Clarksingles


1987Sandy Stein (s)junior

1992Debbie Frisk (s, d)senior

1992Jill Tobin (s)senior

1995Amy Smith (s)junior

1996Jessica Levy (s)senior

Amy Smith (d)senior

Megan Bern (d)junior

1998Julie Sterner (s)sophomore

Alexa Wilensky (s)sophomore

1999Alexa Wilensky (s)junior

Rebecca Loveman (s)junior

2000Julie Sterner (s, d)senior

Emily Warburg (d)freshman

2001Mary Ellen Gordon (s, d)freshman

Anusha Natarajan (d)junior

2002Mary Ellen Gordon (s, d)sophomore

Anusha Natarajan (d)senior

Margaret Moscato (s, d)sophomore

Emily Warburg (d)junior

2003Mary Ellen Gordon (s, d)junior

Jolyn Taylor (s, d)freshman

Margaret Moscato (d)junior

Emily Warburg (d)senior

2004Carina Alberelli (s, d)junior

Mary Ellen Gordon (s, d)senior

Jolyn Taylor (s, d)sophomore

Margaret Moscato (d)senior

2005Carina Alberelli (s, d)senior

Jamie Chan (d)junior

Serena Burkard (s)freshman

Linda Tien (d)freshman

2006Indu Anand (d)sophomore
Serena Burkard (s)sophomore
Jamie Chan (d)senior
Richelle Marasigan (s,d)junior

Linda Tien (s,d)sophomore

Samantha Shapiro (d)sophomore

2007Richelle Marasigan (s,d)senior

Tshema Nash (s)freshman

Sabra Rogers (d)freshman
2008Tshema Nash (s,d)sophomore
Sabra Rogers (s,d)sophomore
Sara Vrabec (d)sophomore
2009Zahra Dawson (s)freshman
Lorne McManigle (s,d)sophomore
Tshema Nash (d)junior
Sabra Rogers (d)junior

2010Zahra Dawson (s,d)sophomore

Lorne McManigle (s,d)junior

2011Gabrielle Clark (s,d)freshman

Zahra Dawson (s,d)junior

Lorne McManigle (d)senior

Jordan Wylie (s)sophomore

2012Gabrielle Clark (s,d)sophomore

Zahra Dawson (d)senior

Jordan Wylie (s)junior

2013Gabrielle Clark (s,d)junior

Beatrice Rosen (s)freshman

Annette Sullivan (d)freshman

Emma Taylor (d)freshman

2014Gabrielle Clark (s,d)senior

Michelle Satterfield (s,d)freshman

Rebecca Siegler (d)junior

2015Anna Fuhr (d)freshman

Beatrice Rosen (s,d)junior

Michelle Satterfield (s, d)sophomore

Katrina Su (d)sophomore

2016Taylor Cosme (s)freshman

Bridget Harding (s,d)sophomore

Katarina Su (d)junior

Michelle Satterfield (s)junior

2017Bridget Harding (s,d)junior

Katarina Su (d)senior

Michelle Satterfield (s)senior

2018Ysabel Gonzalez-Rico (s,d)freshman

Bridget Harding (s,d)senior

Daniela Lopez (s)junior

(s)—singles; (d)—doubles

Senior Player of the Year (national)

2004Mary Ellen Gordon

2014Gabrielle Clark

Senior Player of the Year (regional)

2004Mary Ellen Gordon

2007Richelle Marasigan

2011Lorne McManigle

2013Jordan Wylie

2014Gabrielle Clark

2018Bridget Harding

Player to Watch (national)

2004Carina Alberelli

Player to Watch (regional)

2004Carina Alberelli

2016Bridget Harding

2018Daniela Lopez

Arthur Ashe Sportsmanship Award (national)

1991Debbie Frisk

1996Jessica Levy

Arthur Ashe Sportsmanship Award (regional)

1991Debbie Frisk

1996Jessica Levy

2004Margaret Moscato

2005Carina Alberelli

2011Zahra Dawson

Rookie of the Year (National)

2001Mary Ellen Gordon

2003Jolyn Taylor

2011Gabrielle Clark

2018Ysabel Gonzalez-Rico

Rookie of Year (Regional)

1997Alexa Wilensky

2000Emily Warburg

2001Mary Ellen Gordon

2003Jolyn Taylor
2007Tshema Nash

2011Gabrielle Clark

2013Beatrice Rosen

2018Ysabel Gonzalez-Rco

Most Improved Senior Player (Regional)

2017Katarina Su

Coach of the Year (National)

2002Amy Smith

CaptainU NCAA D-III Women’s Tennis Coach of the Year

2014Amy Bryant

CoSIDA Academic All-District

2015Beatrice Rosen

2016Beatrice Rosen

Coach of the Year (regional)

2003Amy Smith

2004Amy Smith

2011Amy Bryant (Smith)

2016Amy Bryant

Assistant Coach of the Year(regional)

2009Meredith Vincent

2010Meredith Vincent

2016Jordan Wylie


1987Karen Kirschbom

(no MVP selected from 1989-93)

1994Jessica Levy

1995Jessica Levy

1996Amy Smith

1998Alexa Wilensky

2000Julie Sterner

2001Mary Ellen Gordon

2002 Mary Ellen Gordon

2003 Mary Ellen Gordon

2004 Mary Ellen Gordon

2005 Carina Alberelli
2008 Tshema Nash
2011 Gabrielle Clark
2013 Gabrielle Clark
2014 Gabrielle Clark
2017 Bridget Harding

2018 Bridget Harding

UAA Tournament MVP

(Beginning in 2016-17, UAA began announcing UAA All-Association and UAA Tournament MVPs; i.e. separate awards)

2017 Bridget Harding

2018 Ysabel Gonzalez-Rico

UAA Rookie of the Year
2001 Mary Ellen Gordon
2003 Jolyn Taylor
2011 Gabrielle Clark
2013 Beatrice Rosen
2014 Michelle Satterfield

2015 Bridget Harding

2016 Taylor Cosme

2018 Ysabel Gonzalez-Rico


2017Bridget HardingFirst TeamNo. 1 Singles

Bridget HardingFirst TeamNo. 1 Doubles

Daniela LopezFirst TeamNo. 3 Singles

Daniela LopezSecond TeamNo. 2 Doubles

Katarina SuFirst TeamNo. 1 Doubles

Katarina SuSecond TeamNo. 4 Singles

Melissa GoodmanSecond TeamNo. 5 Singles

Michelle SatterfieldSecond TeamNo. 2 Doubles

2018Ysabel Gonzalez-Rico First TeamNo. 1 Singles

Ysabel Gonzalez-Rico First TeamNo. 1 Doubles

Bridget HardingFirst TeamNo. 1 Singles

Bridget HardingFirst TeamNo. 1 Doubles

Daniela LopezSecond TeamNo. 3 Singles

Stephanie TaylorSecond TeamNo. 2 Doubles

Anna FuhrSecond TeamNo. 2 Doubles

Anna FuhrHon. MentionNo. 4 Singles

UAA Coaching Staff of the Year

1988Linda Lipson

1989Kelly Morrison & John Stebbins

1992Kelly Morrison, Mark Braitman & Peter Martin

1993Kelly Morrison

1994Kelly Morrison

1995Cathy Benton

1996Cathy Benton

1997Cathy Benton & Sarah McShane

1998Cathy Benton & Sarah McShane

1999Cathy Benton

2000Amy Smith

2001Amy Smith & Jayson Tobias

2002Amy Smith & Jayson Tobias

2003Amy Smith, Julie Mavity, Christie Schweer & Jayson Tobias
2004Amy Smith, Julie Mavity, Glen Hill & Marc Lehman

2007Amy Bryant & Meredith Vincent
2008Amy Bryant & Meredith Vincent
2011Amy Bryant, Meredith Vincent & Scott Briggs

2013Amy Bryant & Meredith Vincent

2014Amy Bryant & Christy Striplin Lynch

2016Amy Bryant, Jordan Wylie, Barbora Krtickova & Ian Wagner

2017Amy Bryant & Barbora Krtickova

2018Amy Bryant, Barbora Krtickova & Kevin Ye

ITA "Super Bowl" / Oracle Cup Participants

Fall 2000Mary Ellen GordonSingles2nd

Fall 2002Mary Ellen GordonSingles2nd

Fall 2002Mary Ellen Gordon/Jolyn TaylorDoubles3rd (tie)

Fall 2003Jolyn TaylorSingles3rd (tie)

Fall 2011Gabrielle Clark/Zahra DawsonDoubles3rd (tie)

Fall 2012Gabrielle ClarkSingles3rd (tie)

Fall 2012Gabrielle Clark/Emma TaylorDoubles3rd (tie)

Fall 2013Michelle SatterfieldSingles3rd (tie)

Fall 2016Bridget HardingSingles3rd (tie)

Fall 2016Bridget Harding/Katarina SuDoubles2nd

ITA National Participant

Fall 1997Alexa WilenskySingles5th

Fall 1997Alexa Wilensky/Stephanie LeshawDoubles7th

Fall 1998Rebecca Lovemansingles7th

Fall 1999Julie Sterner/Emily Warburgdoubles8th

Fall 2000Mary Ellen GordonSingles1st

Fall 2001Mary Ellen Gordon *Singles2nd

Fall 2001Emily Warburg/Margaret Moscato *Doubles4th

Fall 2002Mary Ellen GordonSingles1st

Fall 2002Mary Ellen Gordon/Jolyn TaylorDoubles1st

Fall 2003Jolyn TaylorSingles1st

Fall 2003Margaret Moscato/Carina AlberelliDoubles3rd

Fall 2004Serena BurkardSingles4th

Fall 2004Jamie Chan/Linda TienDoubles6th
Fall 2005Serena BurkardSingles
Fall 2005Samantha Shapiro/Linda TienDoubles
Fall 2006Richelle MarasiganSingles4th
Fall 2007Sabra RogersSingles8th
Fall 2007Sabra Rogers/Sara VrabecDoubles8th
Fall 2008Lorne McManigleSingles6th
Fall 2008Lorne McManigle/Sabra RogersDoubles7th

Fall 2009Lorne McManigleSingles7th

Fall 2009Zahra Dawson/Lorne McManigleDoubles6th

Fall 2010Zahra DawsonSingles6th

Fall 2010Zahra Dawson/Lorne McManigleDoubles4th

Fall 2011Gabrielle ClarkSingles2nd

Fall 2011Gabrielle Clark/Zahra DawsonDoubles1st

Fall 2012Gabrielle ClarkSingles1st

Fall 2012Gabrielle Clark/Emma TaylorDoubles1st

Fall 2013Melissa Goodman*Singles7th

Fall 2013Michelle SatterfieldSingles1st

Fall 2013Michelle SatterfieldDoubles3rd

Fall 2013Rebecca SieglerDoubles3rd

Fall 2014Anna FuhrDoubles6th

Fall 2014Beatrice RosenSingles3rd

Fall 2014Katrina SuDoubles6th

Fall 2015Taylor CosmeSingles3rd

Fall 2015Bridget HardingDoubles2nd

Fall 2015Katarina SuDoubles2nd

Fall 2016Bridget HardingSingles1st

Fall 2016Bridget HardingDoubles1st

Fall 2016Katarina SuDoubles1st

Fall 2017Ysabel Gonzalez-RicoSingles2nd

Fall 2017Ysabel Gonzalez-RicoDoubles2nd

Fall 2017Bridget HardingDoubles2nd

* wild-card selection

ITA Regional Champion

Fall 1997Alexa Wilenskysinglessophomore

Fall 1997Alexa Wilenskydoublessophomore

Fall 1997Stefanie Leshawdoublesjunior

Fall 1998Rebecca Lovemansinglesjunior

Fall 1999Julie Sternerdoublessenior

Fall 1999Emily Warburgdoublesfreshman

Fall 2000Mary Ellen Gordonsinglesfreshman

Fall 2002Mary Ellen Gordonsinglesjunior

Fall 2002Mary Ellen Gordondoublesjunior

Fall 2002Jolyn Taylordoublesfreshman

Fall 2003Jolyn Taylorsinglessophomore

Fall 2003Margaret Moscatodoublessenior

Fall 2003Carina Alberellidoublesjunior

Fall 2004Serena Burkardsinglesfreshman

Fall 2004Jamie Chandoublesjunior

Fall 2004Linda Tiendoublesfreshman

Fall 2005Serena Burkardsinglessophomore

Fall 2005Linda Tiendoublessophomore

Fall 2005Samantha Shapirodoublessophomore

Fall 2006Richelle Marasigansinglessenior

Fall 2007Sabra Rogerssinglessophomore

Fall 2007Sabra Rogersdoublessophomore

Fall 2007Sara Vrabecdoublessophomore

Fall 2008Lorne McManiglesinglessophomore

Fall 2008Lorne McManigledoublessophomore

Fall 2008Sabra Rogersdoublesjunior

Fall 2009Lorne McManiglesinglesjunior

Fall 2009Zahra Dawsondoublessophomore

Fall 2009Lorne McManigledoublesjunior

Fall 2010Zahra Dawsonsinglesjunior

Fall 2010Zahra Dawsondoublesjunior

Fall 2010Lorne McManigledoublessenior

Fall 2011Gabrielle Clarksinglessophomore

Fall 2011Gabrielle Clarkdoublessophomore

Fall 2011Zahra Dawsondoublessenior

Fall 2012Gabrielle Clarksinglesjunior

Fall 2012Gabrielle Clarkdoublesjunior

Fall 2012Emma Taylordoublesfreshman

Fall 2013Michelle Satterfieldsinglesfreshman

Fall 2013Michelle Satterfielddoublesfreshman

Fall 2013Rebecca Sieglerdoublesjunior

Fall 2014Anna Fuhrdoublesfreshman

Fall 2014Beatrice Rosensinglesjunior

Fall 2014Katrina Sudoublessophomore

Fall 2015Taylor Cosmesinglesfreshman

Fall 2015Bridget Hardingdoublessophomore

Fall 2015Katarina Sudoublesjunior

Fall 2016Bridget Hardingsinglesjunior

Fall 2016Bridget Hardingdoublessenior

Fall 2016Katarina Sudoublessenior

Fall 2017Ysabel Gonzalez-Ricosinglesfreshman

Fall 2017Ysabel Gonzalez-Ricodoublesfreshman

Fall 2017Bridget Hardingdoublessenior